Why does Racist Earl Holt III give money only to Republicans?



When you give thousands of dollars to a political candidate, it's because they share your views. What else could it be?

Council of Conservative Citizens defends Dylann Roof - Business Insider
Allie Gross noted Sunday night that the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) defended what it called the "legitimate grievances" that fueled Roof's rage.
Among the positions Roof shared on behalf of white supremacists he so closely identified with:

  • black people "rape our women"
  • black people are "taking over the country"
  • black people are "the real racists"
  • [black people] have to go
On Sunday, The Guardian reported that the organization's leader, Earl Holt III, has "given $65,000 to Republican campaign funds in recent years," including donations to a PAC representing Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) and donations to Rick Santorum (R-Pennsylvania) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) — all of whom are seeking the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.


If you compare those statements to the anti blacks statements for many right wingers on the USMB, can you say racism is uncommon in the Republican Party?

And how will this behavior by the right impact the Presidential election?
The truth hurts!!!! You can't stand that someone would dare expose all the black on white murders that occur.

Blacks kill twice as many whites in raw numbers every year! 10 times per capita!!! God bless Earl as he is right.

Democrats have a lot of blood on their hands.
This guy gives money to the angry white people's party AKA the tea party. The why is no mystery, they have found a way to tap into the current of hatred, fear and suspicion that flows through working class conservatives without being overtly racist. They are not really fooling anyone but themselves.
I AM one of the three server mods that has asked to read EVERY PM every comment there. The Feds have locked and removed Roof's account.

The site is being over blown by the press from what I have read so far.
When you give thousands of dollars to a political candidate, it's because they share your views. What else could it be?

Council of Conservative Citizens defends Dylann Roof - Business Insider
Allie Gross noted Sunday night that the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) defended what it called the "legitimate grievances" that fueled Roof's rage.
Among the positions Roof shared on behalf of white supremacists he so closely identified with:

  • black people "rape our women"
  • black people are "taking over the country"
  • black people are "the real racists"
  • [black people] have to go
On Sunday, The Guardian reported that the organization's leader, Earl Holt III, has "given $65,000 to Republican campaign funds in recent years," including donations to a PAC representing Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) and donations to Rick Santorum (R-Pennsylvania) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) — all of whom are seeking the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.


If you compare those statements to the anti blacks statements for many right wingers on the USMB, can you say racism is uncommon in the Republican Party?

And how will this behavior by the right impact the Presidential election?

Why does Commie Nazi Soros give his money to moron's like you?
The old adage, "follow the money".

The Republican party, with the help of the propaganda outlets Faux News and conservative talk radio, feed these racists daily with how besieged and 'under attack' white people are. They inflame these people with the most vile racist rhetoric.

And now that one of their zits has popped they want to run for the hills and blame everything on someone else.
Modern conservatives don't take responbility for anything they do.

Republican politicians are backtracking faster than the confederate army when they saw Sherman coming.
The old adage, "follow the money".

The Republican party, with the help of the propaganda outlets Faux News and conservative talk radio, feed these racists daily with how besieged and 'under attack' white people are. They inflame these people with the most vile racist rhetoric.

And now that one of their zits has popped they want to run for the hills and blame everything on someone else.
Modern conservatives don't take responbility for anything they do.

Republican politicians are backtracking faster than the confederate army when they saw Sherman coming.

What a load of horseshit.

Last I heard its a free country and people can donate to any political party or organization they wish.

If you don't like it tough shit.

The truth hurts!!!! You can't stand that someone would dare expose all the black on white murders that occur.

Blacks kill twice as many whites in raw numbers every year! 10 times per capita!!! God bless Earl as he is right.

Democrats have a lot of blood on their hands.
84% of whites are killed by other whites.

No one is more dangerous to white people than other white people.
The old adage, "follow the money".

The Republican party, with the help of the propaganda outlets Faux News and conservative talk radio, feed these racists daily with how besieged and 'under attack' white people are. They inflame these people with the most vile racist rhetoric.

And now that one of their zits has popped they want to run for the hills and blame everything on someone else.
Modern conservatives don't take responbility for anything they do.

Republican politicians are backtracking faster than the confederate army when they saw Sherman coming.

What a load of horseshit.

Last I heard its a free country and people can donate to any political party or organization they wish.

If you don't like it tough shit.

Who give the money and who accepts it says a lot.
yep, and the Dems are commies. so the only Vote that makes sense is the Libertarian Party. Then at least, you won't be making things WORSE (in either direction, Nazi or commie).

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