Why Does The Biggest Money Back The Biggest Bald Faced Liars In Politics????


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
OK I get it... Dumb question. They obviously want to have those with the lowest moral threshold working for them.

BUT as a follow up question why do some of you back the biggest liars?

It appears to me that as a citizen you have a neighbor on one side that has failed to fix his fence and cut his lawn like he promised and you find it so irritaing that you won't even talk to him...In fact you hate him and wish he would keel over and die.

On the opposite side of your property ....THAT neighbor ... told you to invest in a certain stock and you gave him $10,000 and the stock immediately went belly up. Of course your neigbor shorted the stock and made a bundle. You applauded him for his keen investment savey. Then he asked to borrow another $5,000 because he told you his mother was sick. You eagerly lent him the cash and lo and behold the scumbag buys an ounce of blow and takes a hooker to Hawaii. You find out. No big deal. His lawn is kept spotless by a Mexican he hasn't paid in months so for that you are happy. You and him are still BFF. The other neighbor you still won't talk to because he never got around to fixing his yard like he told you he would. To you HE is the LIAR...not the guy that has taken all your money and now has designs on your 14 year old daughter.

This odd association with real scumbags astonishes me. Can anyone explain it?
I don't know.
You contribute to Obama because you're a pole smoking, non-serving dumb fuck would be my guess.
You'd have to ask George Soros why he backs the Democrats to get an answer to your question.
I don't know.
You contribute to Obama because you're a pole smoking, non-serving dumb fuck would be my guess.

Well good ...we got the manditory gay post by Whorier2 out of the way. Thanks for being prompt.

PS...I've contributed nary a nickle to Obama's campaigns..nor any other Dem.
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OK I get it... Dumb question. They obviously want to have those with the lowest moral threshold working for them.

BUT as a follow up question why do some of you back the biggest liars?

It appears to me that as a citizen you have a neighbor on one side that has failed to fix his fence and cut his lawn like he promised and you find it so irritaing that you won't even talk to him...In fact you hate him and wish he would keel over and die.

On the opposite side of your property ....THAT neighbor ... told you to invest in a certain stock and you gave him $10,000 and the stock immediately went belly up. Of course your neigbor shorted the stock and made a bundle. You applauded him for his keen investment savey. Then he asked to borrow another $5,000 because he told you his mother was sick. You eagerly lent him the cash and lo and behold the scumbag buys an ounce of blow and takes a hooker to Hawaii. You find out. No big deal. His lawn is kept spotless by a Mexican he hasn't paid in months so for that you are happy. You and him are still BFF. The other neighbor you still won't talk to because he never got around to fixing his yard like he told you he would. To you HE is the LIAR...not the guy that has taken all your money and now has designs on your 14 year old daughter.

This odd association with real scumbags astonishes me. Can anyone explain it?

The neighbor who failed to fix his fence and mow his yard decided that you were too successful, so he broke into your house, stole your money, stole your food, stole your credit cards (which he maxed out the next day), and set your SUV on fire because he felt it didn't get good enough gas mileage and it was causing global warming.

Then the neighbor across the street came to you, and offered you a "can't miss" ground-floor opportunity to invest in a "green energy company" that was going to create 2,000 new jobs and was being subsidized with hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars. So you invested your life savings into this "green energy company", and within two years the company filed for bankruptcy, layed off 2,000 employees, and you also had to file for bankruptcy.

What did your neighbor next door and your neighbor across the street have to say for their "deeds"? They both replied, "It was all Bush's fault". Then they both told you, "Look at the bright side. The guy we voted for killed Osama Bin Laden".
OK I get it... Dumb question. They obviously want to have those with the lowest moral threshold working for them.

BUT as a follow up question why do some of you back the biggest liars?

It appears to me that as a citizen you have a neighbor on one side that has failed to fix his fence and cut his lawn like he promised and you find it so irritaing that you won't even talk to him...In fact you hate him and wish he would keel over and die.

On the opposite side of your property ....THAT neighbor ... told you to invest in a certain stock and you gave him $10,000 and the stock immediately went belly up. Of course your neigbor shorted the stock and made a bundle. You applauded him for his keen investment savey. Then he asked to borrow another $5,000 because he told you his mother was sick. You eagerly lent him the cash and lo and behold the scumbag buys an ounce of blow and takes a hooker to Hawaii. You find out. No big deal. His lawn is kept spotless by a Mexican he hasn't paid in months so for that you are happy. You and him are still BFF. The other neighbor you still won't talk to because he never got around to fixing his yard like he told you he would. To you HE is the LIAR...not the guy that has taken all your money and now has designs on your 14 year old daughter.

This odd association with real scumbags astonishes me. Can anyone explain it?

did you cry when wall street backed obama?
I find it amusing that you ALL seem to have seen something in the OP that was not there at all. I'm just talking about neighbors ...and ficticious one at that. I made no mention of any politicians by name.

Seems as though you are rushing desperately to defend someone you believe is a bald faced liar though.

I find it amusing that you ALL seem to have seen something in the OP that was not there at all. I'm just talking about neighbors ...and ficticious one at that. I made no mention of any politicians by name.

Seems as though you are rushing desperately to defend someone you believe is a bald faced liar though.


Oh, I'm sorry... was I not supposed to comment on the thread title like I did?
Why Does The Biggest Money Back The Biggest Bald Faced Liars In Politics????

Dumb ass... go lick your dogs balls or something.
OK I get it... Dumb question. They obviously want to have those with the lowest moral threshold working for them.

BUT as a follow up question why do some of you back the biggest liars?

It appears to me that as a citizen you have a neighbor on one side that has failed to fix his fence and cut his lawn like he promised and you find it so irritaing that you won't even talk to him...In fact you hate him and wish he would keel over and die.

On the opposite side of your property ....THAT neighbor ... told you to invest in a certain stock and you gave him $10,000 and the stock immediately went belly up. Of course your neigbor shorted the stock and made a bundle. You applauded him for his keen investment savey. Then he asked to borrow another $5,000 because he told you his mother was sick. You eagerly lent him the cash and lo and behold the scumbag buys an ounce of blow and takes a hooker to Hawaii. You find out. No big deal. His lawn is kept spotless by a Mexican he hasn't paid in months so for that you are happy. You and him are still BFF. The other neighbor you still won't talk to because he never got around to fixing his yard like he told you he would. To you HE is the LIAR...not the guy that has taken all your money and now has designs on your 14 year old daughter.

This odd association with real scumbags astonishes me. Can anyone explain it?

So you premise is the Money all goes to Republicans and the Dems get only Contributions from well meaning unions?

I find it amusing that you ALL seem to have seen something in the OP that was not there at all. I'm just talking about neighbors ...and ficticious one at that. I made no mention of any politicians by name.

Seems as though you are rushing desperately to defend someone you believe is a bald faced liar though.


Funny did you even read your own Title? You are not talking about your Neighbors.
OK I get it... Dumb question. They obviously want to have those with the lowest moral threshold working for them.

BUT as a follow up question why do some of you back the biggest liars?

It appears to me that as a citizen you have a neighbor on one side that has failed to fix his fence and cut his lawn like he promised and you find it so irritaing that you won't even talk to him...In fact you hate him and wish he would keel over and die.

On the opposite side of your property ....THAT neighbor ... told you to invest in a certain stock and you gave him $10,000 and the stock immediately went belly up. Of course your neigbor shorted the stock and made a bundle. You applauded him for his keen investment savey. Then he asked to borrow another $5,000 because he told you his mother was sick. You eagerly lent him the cash and lo and behold the scumbag buys an ounce of blow and takes a hooker to Hawaii. You find out. No big deal. His lawn is kept spotless by a Mexican he hasn't paid in months so for that you are happy. You and him are still BFF. The other neighbor you still won't talk to because he never got around to fixing his yard like he told you he would. To you HE is the LIAR...not the guy that has taken all your money and now has designs on your 14 year old daughter.

This odd association with real scumbags astonishes me. Can anyone explain it?

The money does not back the biggest liars in politics. The money backs who the people will vote for and they will only vote for the biggest liars. How can I come to that conclusion? Look at what people vote based on:

Dogs being placed on a car
Flags on a yacht
Tax records not released
School records not released
Birth certificates
Gay marriage and abortion (neither of which has had any real legislation passed for a long time save DATT which is small fries)
Cain’s unsubstantiated sex history
Stupid gaffs from both sides

These are the things that dominate the news because they are the ones that people want to hear about. IOW, no one actually pays attention to the records or policies of the candidates. At least the majority of the population does not. They pay attention to the audio clip that is memorable, the campaign slogan or the juicy piece of gossip they heard last. If you give truthful and detailed answers to questions, you will not get votes. Simple as that. This is how voters really act, it is sad:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2xx9NqUT2c]Family guy debate - YouTube[/ame]
I find it amusing that you ALL seem to have seen something in the OP that was not there at all. I'm just talking about neighbors ...and ficticious one at that. I made no mention of any politicians by name.

Seems as though you are rushing desperately to defend someone you believe is a bald faced liar though.


Personally, if you are stupid enough to pass that much money to anyone, you deserve to be taken to the cleaners. That you'd give the guy another 5 grand speaks more to your abject stupidity than to his evil nature.
Well, now you understand why I live on my 200 acre patch, the neighbor north of me has his 100 acres, and the guy north of him has his 100 acres. Everything else surrounding us is publically-owned and there are no neighbors. And I still have 200 acres and a backhoe.
(PS, Did you know, it only takes a year to compost a large animal carcass, 2 years for all the largest bones to become good, black dirt.)
I find it amusing that you ALL seem to have seen something in the OP that was not there at all. I'm just talking about neighbors ...and ficticious one at that. I made no mention of any politicians by name.

Seems as though you are rushing desperately to defend someone you believe is a bald faced liar though.


Personally, if you are stupid enough to pass that much money to anyone, you deserve to be taken to the cleaners. That you'd give the guy another 5 grand speaks more to your abject stupidity than to his evil nature.
Well, now you understand why I live on my 200 acre patch, the neighbor north of me has his 100 acres, and the guy north of him has his 100 acres. Everything else surrounding us is publically-owned and there are no neighbors. And I still have 200 acres and a backhoe.
(PS, Did you know, it only takes a year to compost a large animal carcass, 2 years for all the largest bones to become good, black dirt.)

(If you have hogs and a wood chipper it can go much faster)
I find it amusing that you ALL seem to have seen something in the OP that was not there at all. I'm just talking about neighbors ...and ficticious one at that. I made no mention of any politicians by name.

Seems as though you are rushing desperately to defend someone you believe is a bald faced liar though.


isnt George Clooney and Sarah something parker bringing in big bucks for obama? do you oppose that?
I find it amusing that you ALL seem to have seen something in the OP that was not there at all. I'm just talking about neighbors ...and ficticious one at that. I made no mention of any politicians by name.

Seems as though you are rushing desperately to defend someone you believe is a bald faced liar though.


we got it and understood it, we are just ignoring you and your agenda, because im tired of the dems and libs telling me the wealthy are bad and they need to pay more, yet you dont mind what Soros does or Hollywood because the dems are the recipients of that money.

dont take this the wrong way we always know waht u mean we just dont need you in the conversation. we want to have a conversation or show the hypcrosy of said thread and if u dont add to it as a grown up than we have no use for you.
I find it amusing that you ALL seem to have seen something in the OP that was not there at all. I'm just talking about neighbors ...and ficticious one at that. I made no mention of any politicians by name.

Seems as though you are rushing desperately to defend someone you believe is a bald faced liar though.


we got it and understood it, we are just ignoring you and your agenda, because im tired of the dems and libs telling me the wealthy are bad and they need to pay more, yet you dont mind what Soros does or Hollywood because the dems are the recipients of that money.

dont take this the wrong way we always know waht u mean we just dont need you in the conversation. we want to have a conversation or show the hypcrosy of said thread and if u dont add to it as a grown up than we have no use for you.

You speak for yourself ya twerp. Whatever THAT is.. or am I supposed to believe "Sinjorri" is a real name? More lies?
Well Bill Maher donated a MILLION bucks to Obama...

so that should tell all you need to know about ugly bald faced liars and why they support people like himself
Well Bill Maher donated a MILLION bucks to Obama...

so that should tell all you need to know about ugly bald faced liars and why they support people like himself

obama says treat women as equals, bill maher speaks down to women but pays Obama 1 million and obama is cool with it. and women still love the man so i guess what does that say about some women?
I find it amusing that you ALL seem to have seen something in the OP that was not there at all. I'm just talking about neighbors ...and ficticious one at that. I made no mention of any politicians by name.

Seems as though you are rushing desperately to defend someone you believe is a bald faced liar though.


we got it and understood it, we are just ignoring you and your agenda, because im tired of the dems and libs telling me the wealthy are bad and they need to pay more, yet you dont mind what Soros does or Hollywood because the dems are the recipients of that money.

dont take this the wrong way we always know waht u mean we just dont need you in the conversation. we want to have a conversation or show the hypcrosy of said thread and if u dont add to it as a grown up than we have no use for you.

You speak for yourself ya twerp. Whatever THAT is.. or am I supposed to believe "Sinjorri" is a real name? More lies?

doesnt say yah or nay about what i said but u go on with your bad self.

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