Why Does the Left Say "Prophet" Mohammed?

It's a term of respect and it makes sense. The interesting problem for the Hollywood left is that they are free to promote reality shows about Christian values and even dishonest shows about alleged Amish life but in today's political environment there will never be a Hollywood sponsored show about American Muslem beliefs if Hollywood execs value their lives.
It's a term of respect. And subservient behavior.

It's a title, so yeah, it's a term of respect. Most titles are.

In this case, it also differentiates THE Mohammed from the gazillion OTHER Mohammeds running around out there, because my God, every third Muslim man on the planet seems to be named Mohammed.

One assumes because the religions themselves don't refer to Jesus or Moses that way, but Islam DOES refer to Mohammed as "the Prophet Mohammed" or just "the Prophet" all the time.

I should point out that the media regularly refers to Jesus as "Jesus Christ", even though "Christ" is a title, not a surname. I'd say that partially because Christianity refers to Him that way, and partially because they don't realize it's not a surname.
Jesus Son of God is very common. Find that in the NY Times. Maybe on their story of Jesus in a bowl of urine and calling it art.
Or just throw in The Lamb to shake things up a little?
It's a term of respect. And subservient behavior.

Nice photoshop.



Brown chicken, brown cow! lol

One assumes because the religions themselves don't refer to Jesus or Moses that way, but Islam DOES refer to Mohammed as "the Prophet Mohammed" or just "the Prophet" all the time.

I should point out that the media regularly refers to Jesus as "Jesus Christ", even though "Christ" is a title, not a surname. I'd say that partially because Christianity refers to Him that way, and partially because they don't realize it's not a surname.
Jesus Son of God is very common. Find that in the NY Times. Maybe on their story of Jesus in a bowl of urine and calling it art.

Christianity also says Jesus is the Messiah, but the point is that neither is the title that's routinely appended to His name in conversation, the way "Christ" is, or the way "Queen" is routinely appended to "Elizabeth the II", or "President" is to "Barack Obama". By your logic, the NY Times should also be referring to the President as "Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama", but it doesn't, because that's not the title he's most often addressed by. "President" is.

If the NY Times did a story specifically about WHY Jesus is important to Christians, then they would make reference to the fact that He's believed to be the Messiah and the Son of God, just as when it does a story on Obama sending troops somewhere or discussing military operations with Congress or something, it makes reference to the fact that he's Commander in Chief of the military.

Titles are appended to names in the media according to the way they're appended in the source material, in this case, the Muslim culture.
Nope. NY Times has never said Christ in a news story.
But dozens of times states Mo is a prophet.

NYTimes.com Search

One assumes because the religions themselves don't refer to Jesus or Moses that way, but Islam DOES refer to Mohammed as "the Prophet Mohammed" or just "the Prophet" all the time.

I should point out that the media regularly refers to Jesus as "Jesus Christ", even though "Christ" is a title, not a surname. I'd say that partially because Christianity refers to Him that way, and partially because they don't realize it's not a surname.
Jesus Son of God is very common. Find that in the NY Times. Maybe on their story of Jesus in a bowl of urine and calling it art.
Or just throw in The Lamb to shake things up a little?

They're not interested in "shaking things up a little", at least not in that regard. Media style books exist to provide continuity and clarity.

Noticeably, they also always refer to the head of the Roman Catholic Church as "Pope Francis". Pope is a title, and his birth name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio. "Francis" is his reign name, chosen when he became Pope, but I guarantee you that you'll never see a media article addressing him as Jorge Bergoglio.

Is the media now owned by Catholics, too?
The "left" doesn't say anything. The religion does that.
Religion -- politics.... know the difference.

"Messiah" by the way is Jewish.
The NY Times is controlled by Islamists? Interesting

Media outlets typically take religious and cultural forms from the actual religion or culture. They also refer to the head of state of Great Britain as "Prime Minister David Cameron", even though we have no such office here, because that's the correct form of address for that country and culture. As I pointed out earlier, they also frequently refer to Jesus as "Jesus Christ", even though "Christ" is a title, not His surname. This is because Christianity addresses Him that way.
It's a term of respect and it makes sense. The interesting problem for the Hollywood left is that they are free to promote reality shows about Christian values and even dishonest shows about alleged Amish life but in today's political environment there will never be a Hollywood sponsored show about American Muslem beliefs if Hollywood execs value their lives.
Nope. Not once has the NY Times said Christ in a news story since 1851.

NYTimes.com Search
That's what happens when you don't know how to search properly.

This is a political discussion? Mkay...
Yes, the lefts heads up the ass of Islam is a political discussion.

You do a search and show us the NY Times news story that says Jesus Christ then,

One assumes because the religions themselves don't refer to Jesus or Moses that way, but Islam DOES refer to Mohammed as "the Prophet Mohammed" or just "the Prophet" all the time.

I should point out that the media regularly refers to Jesus as "Jesus Christ", even though "Christ" is a title, not a surname. I'd say that partially because Christianity refers to Him that way, and partially because they don't realize it's not a surname.
Jesus Son of God is very common. Find that in the NY Times. Maybe on their story of Jesus in a bowl of urine and calling it art.
Or just throw in The Lamb to shake things up a little?

They're not interested in "shaking things up a little", at least not in that regard. Media style books exist to provide continuity and clarity.

Noticeably, they also always refer to the head of the Roman Catholic Church as "Pope Francis". Pope is a title, and his birth name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio. "Francis" is his reign name, chosen when he became Pope, but I guarantee you that you'll never see a media article addressing him as Jorge Bergoglio.

Is the media now owned by Catholics, too?
Learn what an office title is versus what a prophet is, geesh.
It's a term of respect and it makes sense. The interesting problem for the Hollywood left is that they are free to promote reality shows about Christian values and even dishonest shows about alleged Amish life but in today's political environment there will never be a Hollywood sponsored show about American Muslem beliefs if Hollywood execs value their lives.
It's a term of respect. And subservient behavior.

It's a title, so yeah, it's a term of respect. Most titles are.

In this case, it also differentiates THE Mohammed from the gazillion OTHER Mohammeds running around out there, because my God, every third Muslim man on the planet seems to be named Mohammed.
Prophet is not a title.

One assumes because the religions themselves don't refer to Jesus or Moses that way, but Islam DOES refer to Mohammed as "the Prophet Mohammed" or just "the Prophet" all the time.

I should point out that the media regularly refers to Jesus as "Jesus Christ", even though "Christ" is a title, not a surname. I'd say that partially because Christianity refers to Him that way, and partially because they don't realize it's not a surname.
Jesus Son of God is very common. Find that in the NY Times. Maybe on their story of Jesus in a bowl of urine and calling it art.
Or just throw in The Lamb to shake things up a little?

They're not interested in "shaking things up a little", at least not in that regard. Media style books exist to provide continuity and clarity.

Noticeably, they also always refer to the head of the Roman Catholic Church as "Pope Francis". Pope is a title, and his birth name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio. "Francis" is his reign name, chosen when he became Pope, but I guarantee you that you'll never see a media article addressing him as Jorge Bergoglio.

Is the media now owned by Catholics, too?
We'll know when our media's lost it when they add that disclaimer acronym whenever they refer to mohammed.
The "left" doesn't say anything. The religion does that.
Religion -- politics.... know the difference.

"Messiah" by the way is Jewish.
The NY Times is controlled by Islamists? Interesting

Media outlets typically take religious and cultural forms from the actual religion or culture. They also refer to the head of state of Great Britain as "Prime Minister David Cameron", even though we have no such office here, because that's the correct form of address for that country and culture. As I pointed out earlier, they also frequently refer to Jesus as "Jesus Christ", even though "Christ" is a title, not His surname. This is because Christianity addresses Him that way.
It's a term of respect and it makes sense. The interesting problem for the Hollywood left is that they are free to promote reality shows about Christian values and even dishonest shows about alleged Amish life but in today's political environment there will never be a Hollywood sponsored show about American Muslem beliefs if Hollywood execs value their lives.
Nope. Not once has the NY Times said Christ in a news story since 1851.

NYTimes.com Search
That's what happens when you don't know how to search properly.

This is a political discussion? Mkay...
Yes, the lefts heads up the ass of Islam is a political discussion.

You do a search and show us the NY Times news story that says Jesus Christ then,

"He's Jesus Christ"

Bonus - not only does the article contain fun learning terms like "doctor" and "pope" but the "He's Jesus Christ" appellation was given by a Muslim chief. Isn't learning fun?

Your turn. Show us the NYT reporting "Mohammed is the Prophet".
It's a term of respect and it makes sense. The interesting problem for the Hollywood left is that they are free to promote reality shows about Christian values and even dishonest shows about alleged Amish life but in today's political environment there will never be a Hollywood sponsored show about American Muslem beliefs if Hollywood execs value their lives.
It's a term of respect. And subservient behavior.

It's a title, so yeah, it's a term of respect. Most titles are.

In this case, it also differentiates THE Mohammed from the gazillion OTHER Mohammeds running around out there, because my God, every third Muslim man on the planet seems to be named Mohammed.
Prophet is not a title.
Jihadis be like, no, look at the flag, it clearly says that's his title.

The NY Times is controlled by Islamists? Interesting

Media outlets typically take religious and cultural forms from the actual religion or culture. They also refer to the head of state of Great Britain as "Prime Minister David Cameron", even though we have no such office here, because that's the correct form of address for that country and culture. As I pointed out earlier, they also frequently refer to Jesus as "Jesus Christ", even though "Christ" is a title, not His surname. This is because Christianity addresses Him that way.
It's a term of respect and it makes sense. The interesting problem for the Hollywood left is that they are free to promote reality shows about Christian values and even dishonest shows about alleged Amish life but in today's political environment there will never be a Hollywood sponsored show about American Muslem beliefs if Hollywood execs value their lives.
Nope. Not once has the NY Times said Christ in a news story since 1851.

NYTimes.com Search
That's what happens when you don't know how to search properly.

This is a political discussion? Mkay...
Yes, the lefts heads up the ass of Islam is a political discussion.

You do a search and show us the NY Times news story that says Jesus Christ then,

"He's Jesus Christ"

Your turn. Show us the NYT reporting "Mohammed is the Prophet".

Nice try. June 27, 1851. :lol:

One assumes because the religions themselves don't refer to Jesus or Moses that way, but Islam DOES refer to Mohammed as "the Prophet Mohammed" or just "the Prophet" all the time.

I should point out that the media regularly refers to Jesus as "Jesus Christ", even though "Christ" is a title, not a surname. I'd say that partially because Christianity refers to Him that way, and partially because they don't realize it's not a surname.
Jesus Son of God is very common. Find that in the NY Times. Maybe on their story of Jesus in a bowl of urine and calling it art.

Christianity also says Jesus is the Messiah, but the point is that neither is the title that's routinely appended to His name in conversation, the way "Christ" is, or the way "Queen" is routinely appended to "Elizabeth the II", or "President" is to "Barack Obama". By your logic, the NY Times should also be referring to the President as "Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama", but it doesn't, because that's not the title he's most often addressed by. "President" is.

If the NY Times did a story specifically about WHY Jesus is important to Christians, then they would make reference to the fact that He's believed to be the Messiah and the Son of God, just as when it does a story on Obama sending troops somewhere or discussing military operations with Congress or something, it makes reference to the fact that he's Commander in Chief of the military.

Titles are appended to names in the media according to the way they're appended in the source material, in this case, the Muslim culture.
Nope. NY Times has never said Christ in a news story.
But dozens of times states Mo is a prophet.

NYTimes.com Search

Mohammed IS a prophet. I mean, whether you think he was a false prophet or not, that's what he was. That was his job. And unlike Jesus, who is just as often referred to simply by His name as by His name and title by his followers, Muslims apparently NEVER refer to Mohammed simply by his name.

I should also point out that right-wing and even Christian media also frequently refer to Jesus simply as "Jesus". Once again, the referrents are taken from the source material.
Media outlets typically take religious and cultural forms from the actual religion or culture. They also refer to the head of state of Great Britain as "Prime Minister David Cameron", even though we have no such office here, because that's the correct form of address for that country and culture. As I pointed out earlier, they also frequently refer to Jesus as "Jesus Christ", even though "Christ" is a title, not His surname. This is because Christianity addresses Him that way.
It's a term of respect and it makes sense. The interesting problem for the Hollywood left is that they are free to promote reality shows about Christian values and even dishonest shows about alleged Amish life but in today's political environment there will never be a Hollywood sponsored show about American Muslem beliefs if Hollywood execs value their lives.
Nope. Not once has the NY Times said Christ in a news story since 1851.

NYTimes.com Search
That's what happens when you don't know how to search properly.

This is a political discussion? Mkay...
Yes, the lefts heads up the ass of Islam is a political discussion.

You do a search and show us the NY Times news story that says Jesus Christ then,

"He's Jesus Christ"

Your turn. Show us the NYT reporting "Mohammed is the Prophet".

Nice try. June 27, 1851. :lol:

My screen says "2015".


FTR, the only Prophet I believe in looks like this:

Nope. Not once has the NY Times said Christ in a news story since 1851.

NYTimes.com Search
That's what happens when you don't know how to search properly.

This is a political discussion? Mkay...
Yes, the lefts heads up the ass of Islam is a political discussion.

You do a search and show us the NY Times news story that says Jesus Christ then,

"He's Jesus Christ"

Your turn. Show us the NYT reporting "Mohammed is the Prophet".

Nice try. June 27, 1851. :lol:

My screen says "2015".


Whoosh! lol
The NY Times is controlled by Islamists? Interesting

Media outlets typically take religious and cultural forms from the actual religion or culture. They also refer to the head of state of Great Britain as "Prime Minister David Cameron", even though we have no such office here, because that's the correct form of address for that country and culture. As I pointed out earlier, they also frequently refer to Jesus as "Jesus Christ", even though "Christ" is a title, not His surname. This is because Christianity addresses Him that way.
It's a term of respect and it makes sense. The interesting problem for the Hollywood left is that they are free to promote reality shows about Christian values and even dishonest shows about alleged Amish life but in today's political environment there will never be a Hollywood sponsored show about American Muslem beliefs if Hollywood execs value their lives.
Nope. Not once has the NY Times said Christ in a news story since 1851.

NYTimes.com Search
That's what happens when you don't know how to search properly.

This is a political discussion? Mkay...
Yes, the lefts heads up the ass of Islam is a political discussion.

You do a search and show us the NY Times news story that says Jesus Christ then,

"He's Jesus Christ"

Bonus - not only does the article contain fun learning terms like "doctor" and "pope" but the "He's Jesus Christ" appellation was given by a Muslim chief. Isn't learning fun?

Your turn. Show us the NYT reporting "Mohammed is the Prophet".
Can't tell that an op-Ed is not a news story? No wonder you vote Democrat.
Media outlets typically take religious and cultural forms from the actual religion or culture. They also refer to the head of state of Great Britain as "Prime Minister David Cameron", even though we have no such office here, because that's the correct form of address for that country and culture. As I pointed out earlier, they also frequently refer to Jesus as "Jesus Christ", even though "Christ" is a title, not His surname. This is because Christianity addresses Him that way.
It's a term of respect and it makes sense. The interesting problem for the Hollywood left is that they are free to promote reality shows about Christian values and even dishonest shows about alleged Amish life but in today's political environment there will never be a Hollywood sponsored show about American Muslem beliefs if Hollywood execs value their lives.
Nope. Not once has the NY Times said Christ in a news story since 1851.

NYTimes.com Search
That's what happens when you don't know how to search properly.

This is a political discussion? Mkay...
Yes, the lefts heads up the ass of Islam is a political discussion.

You do a search and show us the NY Times news story that says Jesus Christ then,

"He's Jesus Christ"

Bonus - not only does the article contain fun learning terms like "doctor" and "pope" but the "He's Jesus Christ" appellation was given by a Muslim chief. Isn't learning fun?

Your turn. Show us the NYT reporting "Mohammed is the Prophet".
Can't tell that an op-Ed is not a news story? No wonder you vote Democrat.
Ohhh. Now it's an op-ed. So it doesn't count. The Times must have been ahead of the curve if they didn't use those words in the 19th century. Isn't that their new slogan: Islam friendly since 1851. Too funny guy.

One assumes because the religions themselves don't refer to Jesus or Moses that way, but Islam DOES refer to Mohammed as "the Prophet Mohammed" or just "the Prophet" all the time.

I should point out that the media regularly refers to Jesus as "Jesus Christ", even though "Christ" is a title, not a surname. I'd say that partially because Christianity refers to Him that way, and partially because they don't realize it's not a surname.
Jesus Son of God is very common. Find that in the NY Times. Maybe on their story of Jesus in a bowl of urine and calling it art.

Christianity also says Jesus is the Messiah, but the point is that neither is the title that's routinely appended to His name in conversation, the way "Christ" is, or the way "Queen" is routinely appended to "Elizabeth the II", or "President" is to "Barack Obama". By your logic, the NY Times should also be referring to the President as "Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama", but it doesn't, because that's not the title he's most often addressed by. "President" is.

If the NY Times did a story specifically about WHY Jesus is important to Christians, then they would make reference to the fact that He's believed to be the Messiah and the Son of God, just as when it does a story on Obama sending troops somewhere or discussing military operations with Congress or something, it makes reference to the fact that he's Commander in Chief of the military.

Titles are appended to names in the media according to the way they're appended in the source material, in this case, the Muslim culture.
Nope. NY Times has never said Christ in a news story.
But dozens of times states Mo is a prophet.

NYTimes.com Search

Mohammed IS a prophet. I mean, whether you think he was a false prophet or not, that's what he was. That was his job. And unlike Jesus, who is just as often referred to simply by His name as by His name and title by his followers, Muslims apparently NEVER refer to Mohammed simply by his name.

I should also point out that right-wing and even Christian media also frequently refer to Jesus simply as "Jesus". Once again, the referrents are taken from the source material.

Link to one news article in the NY Times that says Jesus Christ then.
Just one. And not some op ed.

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