Why Does the Left Say "Prophet" Mohammed?

Jesus Son of God is very common. Find that in the NY Times. Maybe on their story of Jesus in a bowl of urine and calling it art.
Or just throw in The Lamb to shake things up a little?

They're not interested in "shaking things up a little", at least not in that regard. Media style books exist to provide continuity and clarity.

Noticeably, they also always refer to the head of the Roman Catholic Church as "Pope Francis". Pope is a title, and his birth name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio. "Francis" is his reign name, chosen when he became Pope, but I guarantee you that you'll never see a media article addressing him as Jorge Bergoglio.

Is the media now owned by Catholics, too?
Learn what an office title is versus what a prophet is, geesh.

I know what a prophet is, thanks. Islam actually recognizes quite a few prophets, but it has only one Prophet.

It's impossible to draw a complete analogy, because the two religious cultures are completely different. Catholics don't really have an ultimate human head of their religion for all time, nor do they attach the same veneration to any human being, even the Pope, that Muslims do to Muhammed. Because the religious culture is different, the addresses are different, too.

Nevertheless, the point still stands. Catholics specify a certain manner of address for the head of their church, and the media accepts it. Muslims specify a certain manner of address for the founder of their religion, and the media complies. Doesn't matter what you do or don't think a prophet is: that's still his title.

Not even sure why you're getting your panties in such a ruffle about this. What difference does it make? It might get you your jollies if the media was gratuitously insulting to Muslims, but it frankly wouldn't accomplish anything useful from a journalistic standpoint.

Would it make you feel better to know that the NY Times regularly refers to "the Apostle Paul" and "Paul the Apostle", rather than simply "Paul", when referring to the New Testament figure?
Dance. Where's that news story saying Jesus the Christ?

Pick your shorts out of your crack and relax. The point stands, and demanding that I prove the point you WANTED me to make is going to accomplish nothing except getting me to say, "Piss off, bigot."
They also refer to the head of state of Great Britain as "Prime Minister David Cameron", even though we have no such office here, because that's the correct form of address for that country and culture.
Liz is the head of state of the UK. Bumface is the leader of the government.
The "left" doesn't say anything. The religion does that.
Religion -- politics.... know the difference.

"Messiah" by the way is Jewish.

Jesus is the prophet by the way.

And Islam refers to him as one.

Yup, although I don't think they capitalize it then, because to them, He's not THE Prophet.

I should also point out that the media ALSO follows the Christian style of capitalizing the word "God" when it refers to the Judeo-Christian God, but setting it in lowercase when referring to the gods of other religions. Pretty sure that's not a media endorsement of Christianity. It's just - again - a cultural thing.
They also refer to the head of state of Great Britain as "Prime Minister David Cameron", even though we have no such office here, because that's the correct form of address for that country and culture.
Liz is the head of state of the UK. Bumface is the leader of the government.

Depends on how you want to look at it. Queen Elizabeth II is the monarch, but the Prime Minister actually heads the government "on her behalf".

It's another one of those "not a complete analogy" situations, since we don't have a monarchy and our ceremonial head of state is the same person as our functional head of government. My understanding is that the monarch doesn't actually wield much functional power, and hasn't for some time now. It's the Prime Minister who actually runs the joint.
150 years and the Islamoapologists can't find one news story in the NY Times that says Jesus Christ.

When did the NY Times become the only left wing media? You didn't start this thread based on the NY Times using the Prophet Mohammed, you said the left and left wing media do, then you decided that means the NY Times for some reason.

Of course, you also reject an article which uses Jesus Christ in the title, declare Prophet is not a title, and basically seem to ignore every point made which might contradict your narrative, so......
Anyone can find opinion articles that says anything.
Hundreds of Prophet Mo's in news stories.
Where's one Jesus Christ?

I don't know what instances there may have been of Jesus Christ being used in NY Times articles, but that is the name used when you use the people search on their web site. Jesus Christ

Is the LA Times part of the left wing media? Christians gather at Jerusalem church for lighting of 'holy fire'

And has been pointed out to you by multiple posters on multiple occasions, Prophet Mohammed as a title is not only more common than Jesus Christ, it may well be mandatory within Islam to refer to him that way, whereas Christians of various stripes are more than happy to refer to their Savior as simply Jesus.
Depends on how you want to look at it.
No it doesn't.

Yes it does. The British can talk about Queen Elizabeth as a "head of state" all they like, but I'm not British. To me, the head of state is always going to be the executive who actually runs the government.

If you want to continue nitpicking and obsessing on one phrase with very little real impact on the thread topic, that's your little red wagon. Waste your own time, because I'm done noticing you. Hump someone else's leg, Fido.
I am truly baffled at how some people can get so butthurt about being respectful.

People suck.

I'm as hostile to radical Islam as any other American conservative. And I think Mohammed was an evil, lying pedophile who invented a religion either to serve his own selfish greed, or because he's was insane.

However, I know a lot of very nice Muslim people who I like quite a bit. They're just going on with their lives, same as I am with mine, and they're not trying to kill me, which is always a trait I enjoy in my friends. They respect and revere him as a prophet and the founder of their religion, and there's nothing to accomplish by the media gratuitously insulting them. Referring to him as "the Prophet Mohammed" is culturally correct, minimally polite, and provides clarity of reference. It's just not a big deal, unless someone is looking for something to be offended by.

In my never-humble opinion, there are plenty of things in the world to get pissed off over without going hunting for them.
I am truly baffled at how some people can get so butthurt about being respectful.

People suck.

I'm as hostile to radical Islam as any other American conservative. And I think Mohammed was an evil, lying pedophile who invented a religion either to serve his own selfish greed, or because he's was insane.

However, I know a lot of very nice Muslim people who I like quite a bit. They're just going on with their lives, same as I am with mine, and they're not trying to kill me, which is always a trait I enjoy in my friends. They respect and revere him as a prophet and the founder of their religion, and there's nothing to accomplish by the media gratuitously insulting them. Referring to him as "the Prophet Mohammed" is culturally correct, minimally polite, and provides clarity of reference. It's just not a big deal, unless someone is looking for something to be offended by.

In my never-humble opinion, there are plenty of things in the world to get pissed off over without going hunting for them.

I appreciate that, although I don't know if I'd agree with your characterization of Mohammed.
What's both baffling and troubling is the propensity of many on the right to contrive and attempt to propagate the ridiculous lie that just because someone doesn't hate Muslims he's somehow a 'terrorist sympathizer.'
I am truly baffled at how some people can get so butthurt about being respectful.

People suck.

I'm as hostile to radical Islam as any other American conservative. And I think Mohammed was an evil, lying pedophile who invented a religion either to serve his own selfish greed, or because he's was insane.

However, I know a lot of very nice Muslim people who I like quite a bit. They're just going on with their lives, same as I am with mine, and they're not trying to kill me, which is always a trait I enjoy in my friends. They respect and revere him as a prophet and the founder of their religion, and there's nothing to accomplish by the media gratuitously insulting them. Referring to him as "the Prophet Mohammed" is culturally correct, minimally polite, and provides clarity of reference. It's just not a big deal, unless someone is looking for something to be offended by.

In my never-humble opinion, there are plenty of things in the world to get pissed off over without going hunting for them.

I appreciate that, although I don't know if I'd agree with your characterization of Mohammed.

Well, it's not like I'm personally acquainted with him, and I did say it was my opinion.

Still not a reason to be offensive to Muslim friends about it.
What does Weatherman want us to say?

That we call the Prophet Mohammed the Prophet Mohammed because it is politically correct? Is that it?
Yeah, you wonder if liberals know that Mohammed introduced slave trading on a grand scale, that he owned a number of slaves, and that he married a 9-year-old girl.

It's odd that so many blacks would choose Muslim names when the founder of Islam owned slaves and enabled a huge increase in the slave trade.
The Left is scared sh*tless of Islam but doesn't wanna admit it. They also seem to think bowing down to them will keep them safe. It won't.

The worst part is that some Lefties like Islam because they have the same goals: The Destruction of America.
What's both baffling and troubling is the propensity of many on the right to contrive and attempt to propagate the ridiculous lie that just because someone doesn't hate Muslims he's somehow a 'terrorist sympathizer.'

It's the old binary-Eliminationist thinking. If I denounce O'bama and you don't immediately jump in to join me waving pom-poms, that means by definition you're sucking O'bama's cock. Been there, had that happen.

It's a strange mental world in there, the binaries.

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