Why does the left think Christine Blasey Ford is more credible than Tara Reade !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
Ford couldnt recall the exact place or time of her supposed attack and none of her family and friends recalled her mentioning the attack before she made the accusation right before Kavanaugh was to become a SCJ and not one would verify her claims under oath ! while Reade recited the attack in detail and recalled both time and place and made a complaint right after it happened ! and she told family and friends about it immediately ! i'm not saying Reade is lying or telling the truth but whats evident is the msm writing her off as a liar why ? why does her much much more detailed account hold less water with the left ? the left wing msm has not asked Biden one question about the accusation ...why ? where is the me too movement ?
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Ford couldnt recall the exact place or time of her supposed attack and none of her family and friends recalled her mentioning the attack before she made the accusation right before Kavanaugh was to become a SCJ and not one would verify her claims under oath ! while Reade recited the attack in detail and recalled both time and place and made a complaint right after it happened ! and she told family and friends about it immediately ! i'm not saying Reade is lying or telling the truth but whats evident is the msm writing her off as a liar why ? why does her much much more detailed account hold less water with the left ? the left wing msm has not asked Biden one question about the accusation ...why ? where is the me too movement ?

Is that why she spent years in therapy? Also worth noting that there is nothing unusual about that. She remembered who was with Kavanaugh and Kavanaugh confirmed that with his calendar. Maybe the reason that Reade is not believed is that she came out after Biden effectively won the nomination.
Ford couldnt recall the exact place or time of her supposed attack and none of her family and friends recalled her mentioning the attack before she made the accusation right before Kavanaugh was to become a SCJ and not one would verify her claims under oath ! while Reade recited the attack in detail and recalled both time and place and made a complaint right after it happened ! and she told family and friends about it immediately ! i'm not saying Reade is lying or telling the truth but whats evident is the msm writing her off as a liar why ? why does her much much more detailed account hold less water with the left ? the left wing msm has not asked Biden one question about the accusation ...why ? where is the me too movement ?
To answer the question you posed in the title of your thread, because they're brainwashed dipsh*ts? Even my late father (God rest his soul, he passed away in August of last year.) thought Blasey-Ford was tellling the truth. Of course, he WAS in failing health and WAS starting to go a bit senile.
The dems knew the whole time that Ford was a falsus in omnibus ...we all knew it....and that is why Kavanaugh is on the court today....

I do believe that Ford was telling the truth. Kavanaugh may have lied to Congress. When Democrats take over, there should be a investigation into that.
Come on even democrats have openly regretted that entire fiasco....
Ford couldnt recall the exact place or time of her supposed attack and none of her family and friends recalled her mentioning the attack before she made the accusation right before Kavanaugh was to become a SCJ and not one would verify her claims under oath ! while Reade recited the attack in detail and recalled both time and place and made a complaint right after it happened ! and she told family and friends about it immediately ! i'm not saying Reade is lying or telling the truth but whats evident is the msm writing her off as a liar why ? why does her much much more detailed account hold less water with the left ? the left wing msm has not asked Biden one question about the accusation ...why ? where is the me too movement ?
Breath deeply, slowly, and you will finally figure it out.

Where is you movement?
I guess Bluzman found a few more leftist msm articles in his breaks from praying to Jesus and didn't like that the OP was found to be as full of shit as an egg is of meat.
I guess MeBelle too found a few more leftist msm articles reporting on the accusations and liked them as much as Bluzman. People get so butt hurt when they find their narrative to be full of shit. Oh well.

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