why does the left unquestionably trust government?

Lol...really? I am pretty sure I pounded you statist tards into oblivion with this thread. No one countered anything, and most, like yourself manifold, simply try to derail the thread. Pretty successful quite frankly.

So that's your take huh?


its pretty obvious, it doesn't take an advanced degree to read this thread and see you big government pawns frolicking in your own proverbial feces all throughout this thread.
Lol...really? I am pretty sure I pounded you statist tards into oblivion with this thread. No one countered anything, and most, like yourself manifold, simply try to derail the thread. Pretty successful quite frankly.

So that's your take huh?


its pretty obvious, it doesn't take an advanced degree to read this thread and see you big government pawns frolicking in your own proverbial feces all throughout this thread.

ah, so it is my very advanced degrees that keep me laughing at you.
what is one thing that is not in the enumerated powers that the federal government has done well? I can't think of anything.

The interstate highway system, the Hoover Dam, NASA, the FDA, the EPA, Social Security, Medicare, the U.S. military, etc...

And that is just off the top of my head.

Corporate greed on the other hand spilled 2 million barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico and destroyed the world economy with a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Pfft... you don't know by now? TDM just makes stuff up.

When Bush was in office are you people going to claim that the left unquestioningly trusted Government?


What I am going to claim is that when Bush was in office the left unquestionably distrusted gov't, and when Obama took office the left unquestionably trusted gov't. Now doesn't that make YOU PEOPLE look pretty stupid?
what is one thing that is not in the enumerated powers that the federal government has done well? I can't think of anything.

The interstate highway system, the Hoover Dam, NASA, the FDA, the EPA, Social Security, Medicare, the U.S. military, etc...

And that is just off the top of my head.

Corporate greed on the other hand spilled 2 million barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico and destroyed the world economy with a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme.

interstate is part of the enumerated powers.
Hoover Dam could have been done privately, typical broken window fallacy.
NASA, I will give you that one.
FDA...absolute failure.
EPA...absolute failure.
Social SEcurity,,,absolute failure.
Medicare, failure, broken window fallacy.
Military is enumerated.

The government subsidized those oil companies but you don't blame government at all? Nice kool-aid, fucker. :)
what is one thing that is not in the enumerated powers that the federal government has done well? I can't think of anything.

The interstate highway system, the Hoover Dam, NASA, the FDA, the EPA, Social Security, Medicare, the U.S. military, etc...

And that is just off the top of my head.

Corporate greed on the other hand spilled 2 million barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico and destroyed the world economy with a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme.

That corporate greed was enabled by the gov't was it not? Gov't regulators failed to properly do their job, true? For both the oil spill and the derivatives mess, gov't fucked up.
what is one thing that is not in the enumerated powers that the federal government has done well? I can't think of anything.

Gemini and Apollo worked pretty well, as did the Shuttle program.
what is one thing that is not in the enumerated powers that the federal government has done well? I can't think of anything.

Gemini and Apollo worked pretty well, as did the Shuttle program.
So did the internet...well, maybe not, as Liberty is on it.

But he still hasn't proven or even attempted to prove his thread title.
what is one thing that is not in the enumerated powers that the federal government has done well? I can't think of anything.

Gemini and Apollo worked pretty well, as did the Shuttle program.
So did the internet...well, maybe not, as Liberty is on it.

But he still hasn't proven or even attempted to prove his thread title.

ah so the truth comes out. you want to silence those you disagree with. How very leftist of you.
what is one thing that is not in the enumerated powers that the federal government has done well? I can't think of anything.

Gemini and Apollo worked pretty well, as did the Shuttle program.

They did, because the federal gov't didn't get involved. They spent the money and stayed out of the way.

That would come as quite a surprise to the 1,000's of government employees who worked on those programs.
Gemini and Apollo worked pretty well, as did the Shuttle program.

They did, because the federal gov't didn't get involved. They spent the money and stayed out of the way.

That would come as quite a surprise to the 1,000's of government employees who worked on those programs.

they did not get involved. most of them were lap rocket scientists.
that is not what you were saying when Bush was in office


So this 'you' that TruthMocker referred to in her post.... that's you? I can never tell with her... she blathers on about 'you' and 'you people' and 'you guys' and such... who the fuck can tell who these 'you's are.

She's a moron.

This is the basis of TM post.. She never answers the direct question she deflects and puts it on the other side. Just like I am rubber your glue what ever I say sticks to you defense LOL.. The left say they are so educated but they have not one ounce of common sense:cuckoo:

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