Why does the liberal live in denial about Obama? he is harming them also

Why is it there in such of state of denial?

from Benghazi to the ACA

with over 90 million on the "non work force list" he calls the economy fixed?

There comes a point in time in which all of us need to do whats best for the country and come November we need to elect enough of the GOP to make the last 2 years of BHO go away very quietly

1) As much as you want it to be, Benghazi will never ever be a scandal

2) Obama NEVER said he fixed the economy. The other two chief factors for that non work force list is retiring baby boomers and more people going on disability. Also, that decline began before Obama came to office. Altogether 2.5x more private sector jobs have been created in his 5 years than the previous 8.

3) The GOP have you very much fooled.
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Why is it there in such of state of denial?

from Benghazi to the ACA

with over 90 million on the "non work force list" he calls the economy fixed?

There comes a point in time in which all of us need to do whats best for the country and come November we need to elect enough of the GOP to make the last 2 years of BHO go away very quietly

Obama said he fixed the economy? Damn, that's it. I'm going back to the Republican Party. How could he say such a thing? Oh wait; you're a lying piece of crap. Obama never said he fixed the economy.

But he did say he would be a one term President if he got it wrong. It's just what appears wrong to most in America has turned into the new 'right'.

IOW- Obama underestimated the complete stupidity of the American voter

They are invested in a fantasy. It's not in them to wake up, face reality and admit they made a mistake. A true narcissist cannot confront a fault. It is easier to continue with the fantasy than to face reality.

"The vision of the Left is not just a vision of the world. For many, it is also a vision of themselves — a very flattering vision of people trying to save the planet, rescue the exploited, create “social justice,” and otherwise be on the side of the angels. This is an exalting vision that few are ready to give up, or to risk on a roll of the dice, which is what submitting it to the test of factual evidence amounts to. Maybe that is why there are so many fact-free arguments on the left, whether on gun control, minimum wages, or innumerable other issues — and why they react so viscerally to those who challenge their vision." -
-Dr. Thomas Sowell

Ignoring Facts and Attacking Character | National Review Online

Dr. Thomas Sowell is a very intelligent man, along with Walter Williams, Allen West and many other men of their stature, they are the true heros of this country. :up:
What does Thomas Sowell have to say about WMD in Iraq? Can he admit that there weren't any and the Bush administration lied to the entire world?

Progressives have already condemned Obama for civilian casualties from the dozens and dozens of indiscriminate drone strikes across Africa and Asia, but Conservatives have yet to admit that George W. Bush is a lying, torturing mass murderer.

Who is unable to face reality?

Do you not realize if it wasn't for water boarding, obama wouldn't of got bin laden. Also do you not realize our soldiers are also water boarded to prepare them just in case the are made pow's?
They are invested in a fantasy. It's not in them to wake up, face reality and admit they made a mistake. A true narcissist cannot confront a fault. It is easier to continue with the fantasy than to face reality.

"The vision of the Left is not just a vision of the world. For many, it is also a vision of themselves — a very flattering vision of people trying to save the planet, rescue the exploited, create “social justice,” and otherwise be on the side of the angels. This is an exalting vision that few are ready to give up, or to risk on a roll of the dice, which is what submitting it to the test of factual evidence amounts to. Maybe that is why there are so many fact-free arguments on the left, whether on gun control, minimum wages, or innumerable other issues — and why they react so viscerally to those who challenge their vision." -
-Dr. Thomas Sowell

Ignoring Facts and Attacking Character | National Review Online

I was actually going to quote Sowell myself from his book "Intellectuals and Society"

Unfortunately, to the Left Dr. Thomas Sowell is nothing but an Uncle Tom.
The only folks living in denial seem to be the Rabid righties who get all their facts from the echo-chamber.
The only folks living in denial seem to be the Rabid righties who get all their facts from the echo-chamber.

Lol, all you need to do is ask people if their better off now or before obama. Most will say before. You can't echo chamber that.
What does Thomas Sowell have to say about WMD in Iraq? Can he admit that there weren't any and the Bush administration lied to the entire world?

Progressives have already condemned Obama for civilian casualties from the dozens and dozens of indiscriminate drone strikes across Africa and Asia, but Conservatives have yet to admit that George W. Bush is a lying, torturing mass murderer.

Who is unable to face reality?

what reality would that be?

Democrats Who Said Saddam Had WMDs : reddit.com
The only folks living in denial seem to be the Rabid righties who get all their facts from the echo-chamber.

Lol, all you need to do is ask people if their better off now or before obama. Most will say before. You can't echo chamber that.

LOL of course they can. They are programmed to ignore the Great Bush Recession and the Republicans plan to obstruct nearly anything and everything President Obama supported to help the recovery.
Why is it there in such of state of denial?

from Benghazi to the ACA

with over 90 million on the "non work force list" he calls the economy fixed?

There comes a point in time in which all of us need to do whats best for the country and come November we need to elect enough of the GOP to make the last 2 years of BHO go away very quietly

its strictly partisan hackery. there is no thought or rational that goes into it at all. responses are all talking points no facts. blame bush. yet no lib has ever been able to identify what these bush policies are they claim destroyed the economy. nor can the identify what Obama has done to change those policies.
What does Thomas Sowell have to say about WMD in Iraq? Can he admit that there weren't any and the Bush administration lied to the entire world?

Progressives have already condemned Obama for civilian casualties from the dozens and dozens of indiscriminate drone strikes across Africa and Asia, but Conservatives have yet to admit that George W. Bush is a lying, torturing mass murderer.

Who is unable to face reality?

what reality would that be?

Democrats Who Said Saddam Had WMDs : reddit.com

On Sept. 18, 2002, CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on top-secret intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, according to two former senior CIA officers. Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam’s inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again.

Nor was the intelligence included in the National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002, which stated categorically that Iraq possessed WMD. No one in Congress was aware of the secret intelligence that Saddam had no WMD as the House of Representatives and the Senate voted, a week after the submission of the NIE, on the Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq. The information, moreover, was not circulated within the CIA among those agents involved in operations to prove whether Saddam had WMD.

Bush knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction - Salon.com

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