Why does the liberal think the Benghazi event is over?

Why aren't the right wingers investigating W for the 10 attacks on foreign embassies leading to the deaths of over 50 americans?

Because, you simple-minded fool, Bush didn't lie about them.

Why aren't the right wingers investigating W for his lie about WMD's, causing the deaths of over 4,000 US troops and 2 trillion taxpayer dollars?

Because, you simple-minded fool, Bush didn't lie, Saddam Hussein had WMDs, he used them on the Kurds. Fact.

Oh that's right, It's A-OK just as long as a (R) does it :eusa_hand:

You're pathetically ignorant and a Democrat, but I repeat myself.
Most Americans don't know. The media has been very successful in keeping Benghazi off the front page, or any page at all.
the rabble are simply too short minded to understand important matters.
The repugs will keep it on the back burner until their pet crises du jour fail to gain any traction. Then they will trot it out once again. Got to keep the crisis / scandal dog & pony show going.
You shouldn't use the word "liberal" and "think" in that context.

Rocks have a greater ability to bleed than liberals have to think.
Why aren't the right wingers investigating W for the 10 attacks on foreign embassies leading to the deaths of over 50 americans?

Because, you simple-minded fool, Bush didn't lie about them.

W and the GOP kept these murders swept under the rug and didn't question a single thing that their dear leader did.

Why aren't the right wingers investigating W for his lie about WMD's, causing the deaths of over 4,000 US troops and 2 trillion taxpayer dollars?

Because, you simple-minded fool, Bush didn't lie, Saddam Hussein had WMDs, he used them on the Kurds. Fact.

WMD's was the biggest lie ever told in the history of american presidents. No WMD's found, none ever existed, even W admitted there were no WMD's, but radical right wing pieces of shit like you don't care in the slightest that because of W's lies, 4,000+ troops lost their lives and over 2 trillion dollars was spent. How fucked up in the head are you? :cuckoo:

Oh that's right, It's A-OK just as long as a (R) does it :eusa_hand:

You're pathetically ignorant and a Democrat, but I repeat myself.

You are the perfect example of what is wrong today in america. A bunch of brainwashed, radical right wing idiots that don't have a clue as to what you are talking about, only parroting and doing as you are told by your right wing propaganda masters.
hey i just checked. benghazi is still headline news. looks like it isn't over
Who told susan rice to lie?
Why was there no attempt to save those people?
Why did BHO keep lying after he knew the truth?
Why does he still not acknowledge it as a terrorist attack?

This event has just began and why 100% of the people in this country are not demanding we know the truth baffles me

"Who put the tribbles in the quadrotriticale, and what was in the grain that killed them?”
Obama should hope the loons keep banging this gong instead on concentrating on the IRS, which people would actually give a crapw about.
Why does the liberal think the Benghazi event is over?
It depends on what is meant by ‘Benghazi event.’

If by ‘Benghazi event’ one is referring to a contrived controversy that will in no way lead to impeachment of Obama and a trial in the Senate, then it was over before it began.
When our armed service members are killed, no conservatives give a shit.

When a few diplomats are killed, they all lose their heads.

GWB contacted every faimly who lost loved ones while he was in office
If I am lied to about the safety and the events of those who serve this country just so that person can be re elected?
I have a SERIOUS issue with it
Who said to lie?
why did the lie keep going?
Who said to stand down and leave those people out there to die?

it is that simple
Who told susan rice to lie?
Why was there no attempt to save those people?
Why did BHO keep lying after he knew the truth?
Why does he still not acknowledge it as a terrorist attack?

This event has just began and why 100% of the people in this country are not demanding we know the truth baffles me

"Who put the tribbles in the quadrotriticale, and what was in the grain that killed them?”

that is a fair question
Un like the cover up though, that event did nothing to re -elect a man to the highest office in the land and continue down this path of failure
BHO and Hillary lied
they knw they where lying
people died on the batlle field on there watch and they did nothing
now you make think that is a none issue, but what if that person was your dad? son? brother?
not so funny now huh?
Who told susan rice to lie?
Why was there no attempt to save those people?
Why did BHO keep lying after he knew the truth?
Why does he still not acknowledge it as a terrorist attack?

This event has just began and why 100% of the people in this country are not demanding we know the truth baffles me


Cant find an scandal so you're going to keep asking until you find one ala Monica Lewinsky.
they are very simple questions
why did they lie?
whi decided to lie?
why did that lie get re peated
most important is why those people where left there to die?

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