Why Does the U.S. Have To evacuate its embassy in Kabul?

I thought U.S. embassies were all legally U.S. federal territory and any attack upon them was considered an attack upon the U.S. mainland.

So why does the U.S. need to evacuate the Kabul embassy?
Embassy to what?

There is no more Afghanistan
People seem to forget that it was a Trump agreement last year to withdraw troops. They had already begun the withdraw and Trump even said it would be done by December

The Doho agreement back in Feb 2020 between the US an Taliban.

Saying that it was a ridiculous war in Afghanistan. 19 years the US was there . What did they accomplish. It time to come home and let Afghanistan figure it out.
It is not about withdrawing troops. Nobody is disputing that is the right thing to do.

The problem is the incompetency the Joe Dufus Administration in doing it.

It is not a Trump problem. It is a Joe Dufus dimwit problem.
If the CIA is supposed to be clandestine....putting them into an embassy sort of defeats that purpose.
Every country's embassies serve as intelligence gathering bases both overtly and covertly. Military Attaches do it overtly, intelligence operatives often covered as assistants or cultural attaches do it covertly. That's why so many diplomatic personnel are PNG'd from time to time. They get caught spying on the host government.
Are you kidding?
Remember benghazi when Hilary was condemned for not helping?

Do you want a repeat of that?
Leave the barbaric shithole and let them self destruct.

There was NO embassy or consulate in Benghazi. It was just a rented villa... and Congress had frozen any funding for additional security EXCEPT in Baghdad and Kabul.
I thought U.S. embassies were all legally U.S. federal territory and any attack upon them was considered an attack upon the U.S. mainland.

So why does the U.S. need to evacuate the Kabul embassy?

Please place discussions about Afghanistan in the Afghanistan forum. Thanks
Cost $357,000,000 Design Achievement - DLR Group's design of the embassy compound in Kabul responds to security requirements.. so why are we givingup this structure and its' secrets tothe taliban? This building shouldbe destroyed before the talibanmoves in
Every country's embassies serve as intelligence gathering bases both overtly and covertly. Military Attaches do it overtly, intelligence operatives often covered as assistants or cultural attaches do it covertly. That's why so many diplomatic personnel are PNG'd from time to time. They get caught spying on the host government.

Cool. When there is an Afghan government....let us know.
It is not about withdrawing troops. Nobody is disputing that is the right thing to do.

The problem is the incompetency the Joe Dufus Administration in doing it.

It is not a Trump problem. It is a Joe Dufus dimwit problem.
There is only one way to withdraw troops and that to send them home.

So what did Biden do that was incompetent specifically
There is only one way to withdraw troops and that to send them home.

So what did Biden do that was incompetent specifically

My god you haven't been watching the news the last few days, have you?
MV-22 Osprey. IIRC they were designed for such missions partially in mind.
Into the middle of a hostile city surrounded by hostileS with everything from heavy machine guns to RPGs and likely SAMs as well. That’s not going to end well for the Ospreys. We’d have to bomb the city to suppress the defenses. That’s not going to happen with liberals in control of congress and the White House. They condemn the Isrealis for shooting at people launching rockets, missiles and mortar fire at civilians, they sure aren’t going to allow harm to be done to Afghani civilians being used a human shields by Taliban troops.
Are you saying that it was Biden fault that the country could not defend itself from the Taliban/

It is not about the Taliban you moron.

It is how the incompetent Joe Dufus administration blotched the withdrawal.

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