Zone1 Why Does the Universe Exist

Let's say I found 25 ham sandwiches but didn't know who made them but that they were made in such a way that it appeared like it was the work of one person. Is there anything I could learn about that person from examining those ham sandwiches? If so, what would that be? Mind you I am not arguing that what you learned would be definitive but rather a list of possibilities. Possibilities that were based upon observation, experience and logic.

Because if you agree with me that there are things we could possibly learn from examining physical evidence by applying our experiences, knowledge and logic, then you ought to be able to come up with a list of possible answers to the question you asked in the OP.
Who made God?
In particular, what does the Bible say about why God created the universe? Please respond with a passage from the Bible explaining why God created the universe.

Genesis chapter 1 Verse 1-2

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.

Some people say that means the first earth was destroyed & God created it again. There was a period of time between verse 1 and verse 2. And the earth was wiped out in that time.
Yes, and an alternate translation is:

Now the earth was became formless (Heb: tohu) and empty (Heb: bohu), darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.

And Isaiah 45:18

For this is what the Lord says—
he who created the heavens,
he is God;
he who fashioned and made the earth,
he founded it;
he did not create it to be empty [Heb: tohu],
but formed it to be inhabited—

Hebrew tohu and bohu means chaotic, lawless, messy. The earth was not created chaotic and messy but it became that way and God repaired that "...let there be light..."

See: From Chaos to Order: the Hebrew Meaning of ‘Tohu Va-Vohu’ - hebrewversity

If there is any truth to that...Earth must be pretty darn important to create the Earth again after it was destroyed.
In particular, what does the Bible say about why God created the universe? Please respond with a passage from the Bible explaining why God created the universe.
Asking why God created the universe is like asking someone to explain what the wind looks like. Its a question that can't be answered as asked, one can explain the potential effects wind has on our physical existence. The Bible addresses your question much the same. Its most important to know that we are commanded to NOT REASON BEYOND THE WRITTEN WORD, for we will reason in vain and become fools. (1 Cor. 4:6, Romans 1:22)

The first thing one must address in the attempt to explain the potential of the being we call God (i.e, the reasons that potential exists without physical proof). The bible declares God's ways or potential is beyond the capacity of mankind to comprehend. "For what man knows the things of man except the spirit of the man which is in him. (the author is attempting to explain that man does not even know the thoughts of men, might less the thought process of God......even with men, other men know only the content of another man's spirit/mind through only one method...........what the man decides to reveal about himself)? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God." -- 1 Cor. 2:11

And this is confirmed in another biblical passage..........we know only what God has revealed to us through the Holy Spirit.........All scripture is inspired of God and is good for doctrine, teaching, correction moral direction etc., the word of God holds everything that is required by Good for man to be PERFECT (koine greek, to make whole or complete) in his quest to find and explain etenity. -- 2 Tim 3:16-17

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has put eternity in their hearts, except no one can find out the work that God does from the beginning to end." -- Eccl. 3:11, thus we find that the physical universe is not eternal but man's spirit is. God has promised to destroy His work called the physical universe at His pleasure. -- 2 Peter 3:8-12

We find that God explains how one can know that it was God that created the universe through the use of reason and logic........but God never addresses the question as to why He creates the things that exist in this physical realm. "That which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God has shewed it unto them (the creation) knows that it was God that created because man is surrounded by the visible things of His creation (things that man can see, yet have no way of explaining through the laws of physics) -- Romans 1:19-20 Just like the wind we can't see........we know its there and real via the potential effects it has upon man.
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Who made God?
The Christian belief - and the belief of pretty much all monotheistic beliefs - is that God is uncreated. That God is existence itself. Hence "I am that I am."

Are you afraid of addressing my point that we can use the physical evidence of what was created to provide possible answers to the question you posed in the OP? Or do you want to just keep jerking off and run away from the question you asked?
In particular, what does the Bible say about why God created the universe? Please respond with a passage from the Bible explaining why God created the universe.
Have you tried asking google AI that question?

I mean I took a totally different route because I believe that God can be know through the light of human reason from the study of what God created. In other words, I didn't rely upon the bible to explore that question.

You never did comment on your belief about the universe beginning or not. Is that subject beyond your capabilities? Do you have some other explanation for red shift and the CMB?
Who made God?

The Creator is not a created being. God is eternal. Which means without beginning or end. I realize that that's an extremely difficult concept for us finite little beings to wrap our minds around, but our inability to fully understand something doesn't make it false. In the same way that a puppy not being able to understand algebra doesn't make algebra false.
The Creator is not a created being. God is eternal. Which means without beginning or end. I realize that that's an extremely difficult concept for us finite little beings to wrap our minds around, but our inability to fully understand something doesn't make it false. In the same way that a puppy not being able to understand algebra doesn't make algebra false.
So why can't the universe be an uncreated creator?
Google isn't a Christian so why would I ask it?

I mean I took a totally different route because I believe that God can be know through the light of human reason from the study of what God created. In other words, I didn't rely upon the bible to explore that question.
That's fine, but Christians constantly tells us that we need God to explain why the universe exists.
You never did comment on your belief about the universe beginning or not.

I think the universe always existed. Ever hear of conservation of energy?

Is that subject beyond your capabilities? Do you have some other explanation for red shift and the CMB?

I don't have an explanation, but it turns out that the Big Bang's explanation for both leaves something to be desired and is also contradicted by the antimatter/matter asymmetry.
Are you afraid of addressing my point that we can use the physical evidence of what was created to provide possible answers to the question you posed in the OP? Or do you want to just keep jerking off and run away from the question you asked?
I'm looking for what the Bible says, not what science says. If I wanted a scientific discussion I would have posted to the science forum. Science, in any case, answers how questions not why questions.
So why can't the universe be an uncreated creator?

Ahhhh...I misread that.

You're saying what if the universe is an exploded God...What if God expended all of Himself in order to create the universe.

Welp, if He did...He can still think and do things for people...Because God has been with me every step of my life.

Why? I have no idea. I certainly don't deserve all the blessings and protection God has given me. But He has...and I'm grateful!
Ahhhh...I misread that.

You're saying what if the universe is an exploded God...What if God expended all of Himself in order to create the universe.

Welp, if He did...He can still think and do things for people...Because God has been with me every step of my life.

Why? I have no idea. I certainly don't deserve all the blessings and protection God has given me. But He has...and I'm grateful!
I didn't say that at all, but it sounds like you're getting into Kabbalah territory.
OK...then I don't understand what you are asking when you posted this line...

So why can't the universe be an uncreated creator?

Please explain what you are asking?
Why can't the universe be eternal and a creator?
If they thought about it at all they probably thought the sun revolved around a stationary flat Earth
Man has pretty much always known the earth was a ball. The ancient Greeks had already estimated the earth to be about 24,000 miles in circumference centuries before the birth of Christ.
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