Why does Trump deny Russian meddling?

Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did?

Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in Trump's mind, Russian meddling delegitimizes his election? Or is it because the Trump campaign acted in concert with the Russians, therefore showing collusion?

Any way you slice it, Trump's denial shows he trusts the word of Vladimir Putin over the American intelligence community and his own Department of Justice. How then can these entities then trust the president? How can we trust the president?

This is beyond partisan politics. This shakes the foundations of our electoral system and our men and women in service to our nation as they perform their duties as intelligence gathering institutions.

This is nothing but partisan politics. It's still the flailing of sore loser leftists who lost a sure bet election.


The grand jury indicted 12 Russians for meddling….

it wasn’t mueller, the democrats, the fictional swamp or this crazy koo-koo land deep state you folks believe in.

The same tool is used to indict MS 13 gang members….

How is it partisan politics?

because if Hillary had won you wouldn't be caring about it, or trying to link it to her in some way.

Don't try to deny it.

Again, how and how much did it impact the election?
That's not the issue Marty. Russia did interfere for Trump and Trump lies about it. The question is why lie.

And Trump isn't doing himself any favors. Assuming there's not direct link to him and the Russians, it's really irrelevant what Russia did in 2016. Goldwater wasn't bringing up JFK's dad stealing the 1960 election when preparing to run against JFK in 1964. 1984 didn't turn at all on Gore's actually having more people in Fla try to vote for him than for W.

Trump's answer should just be "I don't personally know what Putin did in 2016, but he's assured me he won't do anything in 18 or 20, and I'm holding him to that." End of story unless you're Hillary.
Asked if he believed U.S. intelligence agencies, which concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help him defeat Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, he said he was not convinced.

“I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia, Trump said. “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.”


Can you show me where US agencies concluded that even if the "interference" happened, that they can definitively link it to being the reason Hillary lost?

If that was the exact question, then the question itself, barring the evidence I asked for above, is a loaded bullshit question. (begging the question to be specifically)
"I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia, Trump said. “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.

Trump said that. Those are his words. I realize there is an obligation to forgive pretty much everything he says, but holy crap.

Um, how about you respond to my inquiry about the question as asked? He was asked a loaded question.
I think he doesn't trust the Establishment after what happened during the election and he believes it is a concerted effort to water down his victory, make him illegitimate.

Did anyone not hear Putin talk about a interest in the Russian billionaire who donated to Clintons Campaign I who presume is being hidden safely in the U.S? Or his suggestion that he "knows about dossers" due to his experience int he KGB?

The message is not so veiled to the Western intelligence agencies, "we know stuff too, and we know what you did on behalf of the prior administration to help Clinton win". It didn't surprise me that Putin did that, but it was particularly bold and direct.

As I've said, get the best and brightest and beat Russia AND China, among others, at their own game. Also, pay attention to allies who exploit their relationship with America. I know first hand how diabolical some allies are.
Asked if he believed U.S. intelligence agencies, which concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help him defeat Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, he said he was not convinced.

“I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia, Trump said. “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.”


Can you show me where US agencies concluded that even if the "interference" happened, that they can definitively link it to being the reason Hillary lost?

If that was the exact question, then the question itself, barring the evidence I asked for above, is a loaded bullshit question. (begging the question to be specifically)
Still does not explain Trump letting Russia off the hook

You voted for the guy......how do you defend what he said today
What did he say that upset you? Defend your fauxtrage.
What did he say?

He absolved Russia from interfering in the election even after 12 Russians were indicted a few days ago

He said the US is to blame for poor relations with Russia

He said he believes Putin over our own intelligence agencies
Asked if he believed U.S. intelligence agencies, which concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help him defeat Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, he said he was not convinced.

“I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia, Trump said. “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.”


Can you show me where US agencies concluded that even if the "interference" happened, that they can definitively link it to being the reason Hillary lost?

If that was the exact question, then the question itself, barring the evidence I asked for above, is a loaded bullshit question. (begging the question to be specifically)
"I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia, Trump said. “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.

Trump said that. Those are his words. I realize there is an obligation to forgive pretty much everything he says, but holy crap.
Not a proud day for Republicans

Republicans blast Trump meeting with Putin as 'shameful' and 'sign of weakness'
Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at 1.47.17 PM.png
Always with the term "interfered"

What exactly did they do, and was it broad enough in scope and application to actually impact the election?

Again, it's just Dems being sore losers for losing when they thought they were shoo-ins.

there is absolute proof the russians “covertly monitored the computers, implanted hundreds of files containing malicious computer code, and stole emails and other documents,” from Americans.

so stfu Russianboi -

And that changed the result of the election how?

And also "absolute proof", lol.

it was against the laws of this country you stupid idiot ....

damn traitor MF'r

Again how does that translate to Trump being somehow involved?

and how does it translate to an actual impact on the election?

You really think the Russians/Soviets only broke into political documents in a US election for the first time in 2016?

it translates to you ignoring the fact a foreign country invaded this country, broke our laws and you dont give a shit.

so feel free to take a break and KMA. - MR PATRIOT

Invaded the country?

You mean we have never ever ever had the KGB or GRU on out soil trying to glean information from our government?

Where are the Tanks if we were "invaded?"
Change your diapers.
Back away from the radio.

I don't listen to radio or television.

The only thing I watch on TV is sports and sometimes HGTV and DIY.

Who is Jimmi Kimble and why is she crying on TV?

Does it matter? Fox News has no way of influencing the outcome. They will report the news, gleefully. Along with every other media outlet.

Thanks. Do you think Mac was talking about sports or home repairs?


You said one thing then; you say another thing now.

Perhaps you should buy a mirror and debate yourself.

Sure I did. Go with that.
Asked if he believed U.S. intelligence agencies, which concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help him defeat Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, he said he was not convinced.

“I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia, Trump said. “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.”


Can you show me where US agencies concluded that even if the "interference" happened, that they can definitively link it to being the reason Hillary lost?

If that was the exact question, then the question itself, barring the evidence I asked for above, is a loaded bullshit question. (begging the question to be specifically)
Still does not explain Trump letting Russia off the hook

You voted for the guy......how do you defend what he said today
What did he say that upset you? Defend your fauxtrage.
What did he say?

He absolved Russia from interfering in the election even after 12 Russians were indicted a few days ago

He said the US is to blame for poor relations with Russia

He said he believes Putin over our own intelligence agencies

Sounds like an apology tour

Screen Shot 2018-07-13 at 12.31.47 PM.png
Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did?

Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in Trump's mind, Russian meddling delegitimizes his election? Or is it because the Trump campaign acted in concert with the Russians, therefore showing collusion?

Any way you slice it, Trump's denial shows he trusts the word of Vladimir Putin over the American intelligence community and his own Department of Justice. How then can these entities then trust the president? How can we trust the president?

This is beyond partisan politics. This shakes the foundations of our electoral system and our men and women in service to our nation as they perform their duties as intelligence gathering institutions.

This is nothing but partisan politics. It's still the flailing of sore loser leftists who lost a sure bet election.


The grand jury indicted 12 Russians for meddling….

it wasn’t mueller, the democrats, the fictional swamp or this crazy koo-koo land deep state you folks believe in.

The same tool is used to indict MS 13 gang members….

How is it partisan politics?

because if Hillary had won you wouldn't be caring about it, or trying to link it to her in some way.

Don't try to deny it.

Again, how and how much did it impact the election?
That's not the issue Marty. Russia did interfere for Trump and Trump lies about it. The question is why lie.

And Trump isn't doing himself any favors. Assuming there's not direct link to him and the Russians, it's really irrelevant what Russia did in 2016. Goldwater wasn't bringing up JFK's dad stealing the 1960 election when preparing to run against JFK in 1964. 1984 didn't turn at all on Gore's actually having more people in Fla try to vote for him than for W.

Trump's answer should just be "I don't personally know what Putin did in 2016, but he's assured me he won't do anything in 18 or 20, and I'm holding him to that." End of story unless you're Hillary.

That is 100% the issue, nimrods like you simply apply doublethink to ignore the fact of it.

Nothing he said would have satisfied partisan hacks like you, so anything you comment about it is worthless.
Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did?

Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in Trump's mind, Russian meddling delegitimizes his election? Or is it because the Trump campaign acted in concert with the Russians, therefore showing collusion?

Any way you slice it, Trump's denial shows he trusts the word of Vladimir Putin over the American intelligence community and his own Department of Justice. How then can these entities then trust the president? How can we trust the president?

This is beyond partisan politics. This shakes the foundations of our electoral system and our men and women in service to our nation as they perform their duties as intelligence gathering institutions.
Trump continues to deny the fact that Russia interfered with the 2016 General Election because he believes to do so will undermine the legitimacy of his election.

Trump is a coward, like most arrogant narcissists.

The filthy Democrats have to conjure up this silly Russia Russia Russia bullshit in order to make excuses for Crooked Hillary being a terrible corrupt candidate that got scholnged by The Donald.

They should stop being cowards and just admit that Crooked Hillary was an asshole.
The indictments spell out, beyond reasonable doubt, that Russia meddled in the campaign.

Denying this is a fool's game. The indictments are not political, yet Trump and his supporters can't see that.
Trump supporters see and understand that; but like Trump they're dishonest cowards who refuse to admit it.
Back away from the radio.

I don't listen to radio or television.

The only thing I watch on TV is sports and sometimes HGTV and DIY.

Who is Jimmi Kimble and why is she crying on TV?

Does it matter? Fox News has no way of influencing the outcome. They will report the news, gleefully. Along with every other media outlet.

Thanks. Do you think Mac was talking about sports or home repairs?


You said one thing then; you say another thing now.

Perhaps you should buy a mirror and debate yourself.

Sure I did. Go with that.

The evidence speaks for itself.
Asked if he believed U.S. intelligence agencies, which concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help him defeat Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, he said he was not convinced.

“I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia, Trump said. “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.”


Can you show me where US agencies concluded that even if the "interference" happened, that they can definitively link it to being the reason Hillary lost?

If that was the exact question, then the question itself, barring the evidence I asked for above, is a loaded bullshit question. (begging the question to be specifically)
Still does not explain Trump letting Russia off the hook

You voted for the guy......how do you defend what he said today
What did he say that upset you? Defend your fauxtrage.
What did he say?

He absolved Russia from interfering in the election even after 12 Russians were indicted a few days ago

He said the US is to blame for poor relations with Russia

He said he believes Putin over our own intelligence agencies

He didn't "absolve" Russia from interference.

The US is responsible for poor relations with Russia.

He did not say that.

Change your diapers fakewinger, you're full of shit.
Why does Trump still deny Russian interference?

1) his ego cannot take the fact that the Russians were instrumental in getting him elected, that he could not do it by himself
2) it delegitimizes his election, and rightly so
3) if it really happened, then then the Mueller probe is valid and that cannot be possible because Mueller catch him in his crimes
Asked if he believed U.S. intelligence agencies, which concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help him defeat Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, he said he was not convinced.

“I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia, Trump said. “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.”


Can you show me where US agencies concluded that even if the "interference" happened, that they can definitively link it to being the reason Hillary lost?

If that was the exact question, then the question itself, barring the evidence I asked for above, is a loaded bullshit question. (begging the question to be specifically)
You're trying to litigate the issue, and I'm just pointing out the ridiculous things Trump said in that presser.

He is completely out of his league, especially with this adversary.
Trump believes what the KGP says not what the CIA and FBI tells him
Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did?

Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in Trump's mind, Russian meddling delegitimizes his election? Or is it because the Trump campaign acted in concert with the Russians, therefore showing collusion?

Any way you slice it, Trump's denial shows he trusts the word of Vladimir Putin over the American intelligence community and his own Department of Justice. How then can these entities then trust the president? How can we trust the president?

This is beyond partisan politics. This shakes the foundations of our electoral system and our men and women in service to our nation as they perform their duties as intelligence gathering institutions.

This is nothing but partisan politics. It's still the flailing of sore loser leftists who lost a sure bet election.


The grand jury indicted 12 Russians for meddling….

it wasn’t mueller, the democrats, the fictional swamp or this crazy koo-koo land deep state you folks believe in.

The same tool is used to indict MS 13 gang members….

How is it partisan politics?

There wasn't any...at least I've not seen any evidence that there was....plus why should Trump give the butthurt media a new narrative???
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