Why Does Trump ❤️ Xi/the CCP so Much?

Would you rather he threaten and insult Xi on an open forum?... are you a retard or what... you don't understand the Art Of The Deal.... and neither does Biden all Biden cares about is money.....
Conservatives defend Putin and his criminal war on Ukrainian democracy and fawn over Orbán and study the Hungarian dictator’s methods to destroy democracy, while as ‘president’ Trump coddled authoritarian strongmen and attacked our allies – the American neo-fascist right has always loved despots and dictators.
Conservatives defend Putin and his criminal war on Ukrainian democracy and fawn over Orbán and study the Hungarian dictator’s methods to destroy democracy, while as ‘president’ Trump coddled authoritarian strongmen and attacked our allies – the American neo-fascist right has always loved despots and dictators.

You demwits constantly make this stupid claim.
Most Conservatives I know cant stand either one of em.
Your kind are no patriots. You're traitors. Yes, you support hard work and people being underpaid for it. Any two people should be able to get married. Practice whatever ritualistic cult you want, just dont bring your anti-intellectual beliefs into law. If you actually believed in playing by the rules, why have illegal fake electors and being a bunch of whiny babies when you lose an election? You are nothing but animals.
I don't support underpayment of workers, so cease making shit up. I believe marriage is a man and a woman, which is my right. You trash preach democracy, but your actions betray your words. Hypocrite.
Conservatives defend Putin and his criminal war on Ukrainian democracy and fawn over Orbán and study the Hungarian dictator’s methods to destroy democracy, while as ‘president’ Trump coddled authoritarian strongmen and attacked our allies – the American neo-fascist right has always loved despots and dictators.
I bet you can't even find Ukraine on a map... but your children's future is being tossed away there....
I own a Mercedes.

Keep deflecting from your Orange God’s love of the CCP dictator.
Every time he says something about Xi, Trump’s being a groveling kiss-ass.

Is it because he wants to open a Trump Towers in Beijing and will sell out America’s interests to do so? Or is it because he hates American democracy and loves the CCP authoritarian dictator model?


It’s tough to tell.

What's so surprising about a wannabe dictator having man-love for a communist strongman?
Your right-wing media is propagandizing for the Trump GOP, spewing lie after lie.

YOU are turning American into a banana republic

The only President who didn't willfully engage in the peaceful transfer of power is your Orange God.

Stop being a partisan retard.
Your democrat controlled media is outright lying to you.
The Biden banana republic DOJ is going after the political opposition
It's all a fictitious witch hunt that you have delusional believed.

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