Why does your religion condemn people?

Only to people who don't see how life is good.
Another statement that has no bearing on anything. You tie them all together and you still have nothing. :lol:
Not in the slightest. Only someone who believes that some lives aren't worth living would actually believe that some lives produced no goodness.
There's no goodness in a deformed child in constant pain. To think that a god made such a child because there is goodness in that is simply ludicrous.
Now you have taken your extreme example to them being in constant pain?

I thought we settled this. I thought I explained to you that their being born brought goodness into the lives of others. Didn't you even say you understood what I was getting at?

Taz is incapable of seeing anything beyond the end of his own nose. If HE'S not personally enjoying every moment of his existence, nothing else exists or matters. He's never brought meaning or value into the lives of anyone around him, and cannot possibly understand why doing so would matter. He HAS to believe he gets a do-over (reincarnation), because when he dies, the entire world will forget he ever existed within five minutes.
Don't get your short and curlies in a knot, it is right to ask of your god why it makes deformed babies. You answer that it's because there is good in living a life of constant pain, retardation and deformity, but have yet to put any ideas forward on why this would be so.
Another statement that has no bearing on anything. You tie them all together and you still have nothing. :lol:
Not in the slightest. Only someone who believes that some lives aren't worth living would actually believe that some lives produced no goodness.
There's no goodness in a deformed child in constant pain. To think that a god made such a child because there is goodness in that is simply ludicrous.
Now you have taken your extreme example to them being in constant pain?

I thought we settled this. I thought I explained to you that their being born brought goodness into the lives of others. Didn't you even say you understood what I was getting at?
It bring no good to anyone. Your god brings pain and suffering on children, if not for good, then why?

Every life can bring good to the world, and most do. The fact that YOU don't see it is a reflection of the deficiency of YOU, not a deficiency in the world or God.
Let's say I give it to you that every life has something good in it, but why would god so severely handicap kids with constant pain and suffering? What's the purpose of that? Did gods fuck up something at the factory?
No, you made this statement "So you are saying that you would have preferred to never exist?" I'm saying that we likely exist over and over again, so tossing a deformed body is no biggie, we just move on to the next body.

Why is that likely?
A lot of people have experiences that suggest they have lived a past life. Google it and you'll find plenty.

A lot of people have experiences which suggest they have encountered God, but I'm betting you don't view THOSE as proof of anything.
I'm talking about tangible things, like little kids being able to describe a neighbourhood and everyone in it, when they've never been there. Being able to do math at 2, or play an instrument perfectly at a very young age are tangible things that might be pointing to re-incarnation. What do you have on your god side? Hallucinations? Anything concrete?

No, you're not. You're talking about whatever you think validates your worldview at the moment. IF you think strict materialism will do it, then suddenly nothing exists but the material. Then you decide reincarnation validates you being a self-absorbed waste of oxygen, and you flip on a dime and start rambling about past lives.

The truth of the matter is, whatever comes blibbering out of your cakehole is nothing more or less than "I believe the sun shines out of my asshole, and nothing exists outside of me".
So you have nothing except the usual aggressivity and name calling. Grow up.
Another statement that has no bearing on anything. You tie them all together and you still have nothing. :lol:
Not in the slightest. Only someone who believes that some lives aren't worth living would actually believe that some lives produced no goodness.
There's no goodness in a deformed child in constant pain. To think that a god made such a child because there is goodness in that is simply ludicrous.

To think that "God deliberately made it this way" is simply childish and ignorant. But then, so is "bad things in a life means there's no goodness or value".

If you really believe that suffering negates any possibility of having a meaningful life which adds to the world, then you must actually, literally be the stupidest excuse for a hominid I have ever encountered.
I'm asking why a god would make deformed children... This seems to upset you. Is it because you can't find a suitable answer? And if I'm the stupidest, are you stupidester? :biggrin:

Stupid always upsets me. If you had any awareness of the world outside of your own skin, you'd already be aware of that. I have no patience whatsoever with people who want to project their own shortsighted, arrogant navel-gazing onto the universe at large.

FYI, the fact that you don't listen to what other people say does not mean they aren't saying anything.
In your case it sure does. :biggrin:
No, you made this statement "So you are saying that you would have preferred to never exist?" I'm saying that we likely exist over and over again, so tossing a deformed body is no biggie, we just move on to the next body.

Why is that likely?
A lot of people have experiences that suggest they have lived a past life. Google it and you'll find plenty.

A lot of people have experiences which suggest they have encountered God, but I'm betting you don't view THOSE as proof of anything.
I'm talking about tangible things, like little kids being able to describe a neighbourhood and everyone in it, when they've never been there. Being able to do math at 2, or play an instrument perfectly at a very young age are tangible things that might be pointing to re-incarnation. What do you have on your god side? Hallucinations? Anything concrete?

Can any of them recite their old social security number?
I dunno, but give me yours and I'll see if they know it. :biggrin:
Yes because I have tested it.

You believe in reincarnation and you don't understand it or have tested it.
No, I think that re-incarnation is a major possibility, I don't believe blindly like you do.
You sure sound like you do.
I don't, I said it's a "possibility". So you don't dispute that you believe blindly, good for you.
I pretty much dispute everything you say. You should probably take it as a given from here on out.

I doubt you even believe you have a soul which means you probably don't.
So human can be soul-less? You making this shit up as you go along? :lol:
I said if you don't believe you have a soul, you probably don't. You shouldn't read anymore into it than that, Taz.
No, I think that re-incarnation is a major possibility, I don't believe blindly like you do.
You sure sound like you do.
I don't, I said it's a "possibility". So you don't dispute that you believe blindly, good for you.
I pretty much dispute everything you say. You should probably take it as a given from here on out.

I doubt you even believe you have a soul which means you probably don't.
So human can be soul-less? You making this shit up as you go along? :lol:
I said if you don't believe you have a soul, you probably don't. You shouldn't read anymore into it than that, Taz.
Your saying that some humans don't have a soul. Really?
Yea of little faith......

You sure sound like you do.
I don't, I said it's a "possibility". So you don't dispute that you believe blindly, good for you.
I pretty much dispute everything you say. You should probably take it as a given from here on out.

I doubt you even believe you have a soul which means you probably don't.
So human can be soul-less? You making this shit up as you go along? :lol:
I said if you don't believe you have a soul, you probably don't. You shouldn't read anymore into it than that, Taz.
Your saying that some humans don't have a soul. Really?
Is the concept that it is faith that makes it so that difficult for you to grasp?
I don't, I said it's a "possibility". So you don't dispute that you believe blindly, good for you.
I pretty much dispute everything you say. You should probably take it as a given from here on out.

I doubt you even believe you have a soul which means you probably don't.
So human can be soul-less? You making this shit up as you go along? :lol:
I said if you don't believe you have a soul, you probably don't. You shouldn't read anymore into it than that, Taz.
Your saying that some humans don't have a soul. Really?
Is the concept that it is faith that makes it so that difficult for you to grasp?
You said that if i don't think I have a soul, then I probably don't. So some humans can have no soul?
I pretty much dispute everything you say. You should probably take it as a given from here on out.

I doubt you even believe you have a soul which means you probably don't.
So human can be soul-less? You making this shit up as you go along? :lol:
I said if you don't believe you have a soul, you probably don't. You shouldn't read anymore into it than that, Taz.
Your saying that some humans don't have a soul. Really?
Is the concept that it is faith that makes it so that difficult for you to grasp?
You said that if i don't think I have a soul, then I probably don't. So some humans can have no soul?
Your logic is flawed. All humans can have a soul. The ones who don't have faith that they have a soul, probably don't, but they could if they had faith that they did. The power of faith is unlimited.
So human can be soul-less? You making this shit up as you go along? :lol:
I said if you don't believe you have a soul, you probably don't. You shouldn't read anymore into it than that, Taz.
Your saying that some humans don't have a soul. Really?
Is the concept that it is faith that makes it so that difficult for you to grasp?
You said that if i don't think I have a soul, then I probably don't. So some humans can have no soul?
Your logic is flawed. All humans can have a soul. The ones who don't have faith that they have a soul, probably don't, but they could if they had faith that they did. The power of faith is unlimited.
You said "all humans CAN have a soul", so some can't. Where's your proof on that? Are you talking about zombies? Like Jesus when he rose from the dead?
I said if you don't believe you have a soul, you probably don't. You shouldn't read anymore into it than that, Taz.
Your saying that some humans don't have a soul. Really?
Is the concept that it is faith that makes it so that difficult for you to grasp?
You said that if i don't think I have a soul, then I probably don't. So some humans can have no soul?
Your logic is flawed. All humans can have a soul. The ones who don't have faith that they have a soul, probably don't, but they could if they had faith that they did. The power of faith is unlimited.
You said "all humans CAN have a soul", so some can't. Where's your proof on that? Are you talking about zombies? Like Jesus when he rose from the dead?
No. All can have a soul. Didn't you read what I wrote? Do you need for me to repeat it again?
Your saying that some humans don't have a soul. Really?
Is the concept that it is faith that makes it so that difficult for you to grasp?
You said that if i don't think I have a soul, then I probably don't. So some humans can have no soul?
Your logic is flawed. All humans can have a soul. The ones who don't have faith that they have a soul, probably don't, but they could if they had faith that they did. The power of faith is unlimited.
You said "all humans CAN have a soul", so some can't. Where's your proof on that? Are you talking about zombies? Like Jesus when he rose from the dead?
No. All can have a soul. Didn't you read what I wrote? Do you need for me to repeat it again?
All can have, but do all have? Give an example, other than me, of people with no soul. Trump? :biggrin:
Is the concept that it is faith that makes it so that difficult for you to grasp?
You said that if i don't think I have a soul, then I probably don't. So some humans can have no soul?
Your logic is flawed. All humans can have a soul. The ones who don't have faith that they have a soul, probably don't, but they could if they had faith that they did. The power of faith is unlimited.
You said "all humans CAN have a soul", so some can't. Where's your proof on that? Are you talking about zombies? Like Jesus when he rose from the dead?
No. All can have a soul. Didn't you read what I wrote? Do you need for me to repeat it again?
All can have, but do all have? Give an example, other than me, of people with no soul. Trump? :biggrin:
Probably not the ones who don't have faith that they do.
You said that if i don't think I have a soul, then I probably don't. So some humans can have no soul?
Your logic is flawed. All humans can have a soul. The ones who don't have faith that they have a soul, probably don't, but they could if they had faith that they did. The power of faith is unlimited.
You said "all humans CAN have a soul", so some can't. Where's your proof on that? Are you talking about zombies? Like Jesus when he rose from the dead?
No. All can have a soul. Didn't you read what I wrote? Do you need for me to repeat it again?
All can have, but do all have? Give an example, other than me, of people with no soul. Trump? :biggrin:
Probably not the ones who don't have faith that they do.
So if you believe in the invisible sky fairy, you have a soul, but if not, you don't. That's some pretty dumb stuff there, even for you. :biggrin:
Your logic is flawed. All humans can have a soul. The ones who don't have faith that they have a soul, probably don't, but they could if they had faith that they did. The power of faith is unlimited.
You said "all humans CAN have a soul", so some can't. Where's your proof on that? Are you talking about zombies? Like Jesus when he rose from the dead?
No. All can have a soul. Didn't you read what I wrote? Do you need for me to repeat it again?
All can have, but do all have? Give an example, other than me, of people with no soul. Trump? :biggrin:
Probably not the ones who don't have faith that they do.
So if you believe in the invisible sky fairy, you have a soul, but if not, you don't. That's some pretty dumb stuff there, even for you. :biggrin:
It's only dumb to you because you totally fucked up what I said, Taz.

Go back and try again.
You said "all humans CAN have a soul", so some can't. Where's your proof on that? Are you talking about zombies? Like Jesus when he rose from the dead?
No. All can have a soul. Didn't you read what I wrote? Do you need for me to repeat it again?
All can have, but do all have? Give an example, other than me, of people with no soul. Trump? :biggrin:
Probably not the ones who don't have faith that they do.
So if you believe in the invisible sky fairy, you have a soul, but if not, you don't. That's some pretty dumb stuff there, even for you. :biggrin:
It's only dumb to you because you totally fucked up what I said, Taz.

Go back and try again.
It's what you said, and it's quite hilarious. :lol:
No. All can have a soul. Didn't you read what I wrote? Do you need for me to repeat it again?
All can have, but do all have? Give an example, other than me, of people with no soul. Trump? :biggrin:
Probably not the ones who don't have faith that they do.
So if you believe in the invisible sky fairy, you have a soul, but if not, you don't. That's some pretty dumb stuff there, even for you. :biggrin:
It's only dumb to you because you totally fucked up what I said, Taz.

Go back and try again.
It's what you said, and it's quite hilarious. :lol:
Actually, it isn't. I'm sorry you couldn't see the distinction.
All can have, but do all have? Give an example, other than me, of people with no soul. Trump? :biggrin:
Probably not the ones who don't have faith that they do.
So if you believe in the invisible sky fairy, you have a soul, but if not, you don't. That's some pretty dumb stuff there, even for you. :biggrin:
It's only dumb to you because you totally fucked up what I said, Taz.

Go back and try again.
It's what you said, and it's quite hilarious. :lol:
Actually, it isn't. I'm sorry you couldn't see the distinction.
You can't even decipher what you wrote.

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