Why doesn't Germany build monuments to Adolph Hitler?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
After all, Hitler is part of their heritage. And he didn't try to destroy Germany.

Today's Confederate Republicans vigorously fight to keep Confederate Monuments put up decades after their bid to destroy the United States and keep millions enslaved. They insist it's part of their "heritage".

Hitler never enslaved anyone and didn't try to destroy his own country. True, they did kill millions of Jews. But the numbers are unknown how many blacks were killed under Confederates in the Deep South. Some would argue that dead is better than being a slave.

So should Germany put up monuments to Hitler? After all, it's been decades since WWII.
After all, Hitler is part of their heritage. And he didn't try to destroy Germany.

Today's Confederate Republicans vigorously fight to keep Confederate Monuments put up decades after their bid to destroy the United States and keep millions enslaved. They insist it's part of their "heritage".

Hitler never enslaved anyone and didn't try to destroy his own country. True, they did kill millions of Jews. But the numbers are unknown how many blacks were killed under Confederates in the Deep South. Some would argue that dead is better than being a slave.

So should Germany put up monuments to Hitler? After all, it's been decades since WWII.
I heard there was a Barack Obama high school already. Probably some USN training vessel in the future too. Go figure.
After all, Hitler is part of their heritage. And he didn't try to destroy Germany.

Today's Confederate Republicans vigorously fight to keep Confederate Monuments put up decades after their bid to destroy the United States and keep millions enslaved. They insist it's part of their "heritage".

Hitler never enslaved anyone and didn't try to destroy his own country. True, they did kill millions of Jews. But the numbers are unknown how many blacks were killed under Confederates in the Deep South. Some would argue that dead is better than being a slave.

So should Germany put up monuments to Hitler? After all, it's been decades since WWII.

Um, actually, Hitler did enslave a lot of people. They used Soviet slave labour as well as Jewish, Czech, Baltic states people, even Italians....

And yes, he did end up destroying Germany.

That being said, Confederate statues are an eye sore.
After all, Hitler is part of their heritage. And he didn't try to destroy Germany.

Today's Confederate Republicans vigorously fight to keep Confederate Monuments put up decades after their bid to destroy the United States and keep millions enslaved. They insist it's part of their "heritage".

Hitler never enslaved anyone and didn't try to destroy his own country. True, they did kill millions of Jews. But the numbers are unknown how many blacks were killed under Confederates in the Deep South. Some would argue that dead is better than being a slave.

So should Germany put up monuments to Hitler? After all, it's been decades since WWII.
You really should stop lying. The confederate states did not try to destroy the United States. they simply did not want to be a part of it any longer. As far as the war between the states it is part of history and should be left that way, not destroyed by weak kneed little girlie men like you.
After all, Hitler is part of their heritage. And he didn't try to destroy Germany.

Today's Confederate Republicans vigorously fight to keep Confederate Monuments put up decades after their bid to destroy the United States and keep millions enslaved. They insist it's part of their "heritage".

Hitler never enslaved anyone and didn't try to destroy his own country. True, they did kill millions of Jews. But the numbers are unknown how many blacks were killed under Confederates in the Deep South. Some would argue that dead is better than being a slave.

So should Germany put up monuments to Hitler? After all, it's been decades since WWII.
Generally monuments are not constructed to honor people just because they are part the heritage of a nation. Most moments are constructed to honor those who the people at the time felt they desired the honor. I seriously doubt that many Germans after the WWII devastation of the homeland felt any honor should be bestowed on the man that lead the country into a war that destroyed the nation.
Why doesn't Germany build monuments to Adolph Hitler?

For the same reason Russia doesn't build monuments to Stalin and Lenin.........
After all, Hitler is part of their heritage. And he didn't try to destroy Germany.

Today's Confederate Republicans vigorously fight to keep Confederate Monuments put up decades after their bid to destroy the United States and keep millions enslaved. They insist it's part of their "heritage".

Hitler never enslaved anyone and didn't try to destroy his own country. True, they did kill millions of Jews. But the numbers are unknown how many blacks were killed under Confederates in the Deep South. Some would argue that dead is better than being a slave.

So should Germany put up monuments to Hitler? After all, it's been decades since WWII.
Generally monuments are not constructed to honor people just because they are part the heritage of a nation. Most moments are constructed to honor those who the people at the time felt they desired the honor. I seriously doubt that many Germans after the WWII devastation of the homeland felt any honor should be bestowed on the man that lead the country into a war that destroyed the nation.

felt any honor should be bestowed on the man that lead the country into a war that destroyed the nation.

Good reason to not have Confederate Monuments

So far, Republicans can't think of a single reason not to.
Troll, the lack of response to this minutes idiocy posted by you is in no way indicative of the sentiment such a topic may deserve.
After all, Hitler is part of their heritage. And he didn't try to destroy Germany.

Today's Confederate Republicans vigorously fight to keep Confederate Monuments put up decades after their bid to destroy the United States and keep millions enslaved. They insist it's part of their "heritage".

Hitler never enslaved anyone and didn't try to destroy his own country. True, they did kill millions of Jews. But the numbers are unknown how many blacks were killed under Confederates in the Deep South. Some would argue that dead is better than being a slave.

So should Germany put up monuments to Hitler? After all, it's been decades since WWII.

I was around and remember the 4 Powers (U.S., Russia, France and Great Britain) voted and made it an unbreakable rule that Germany could never make a monument or statue to any NAZI. It is a rule still in effect.
When you wake in the morning does it hurt to be that stupid?

He doesn't know anything, least of all that he's a fucking retard. It hasn't occurred to him or any other libturd sycophant that no one builds monuments to hitler, stalin, pol pot, or any other regressive sociopath in countries not currently oppressed by such regimes.

Even the fucking Russians started taking down stalin's shit after he died, but imbeciles like deanturd still believe in communism.


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