Why doesn’t Joe Biden try to negotiate a end to this war or D escalate

Our President is working to make Putin’s life as miserable as possible
BRICS is an acronym for the powerful grouping of the world's leading emerging market economies, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The BRICS mechanism aims to promote peace, security, development and cooperation.
BS. It is an alliance to kill the DOLLAR
Our President is showing global leadership with our NATO Alliance
He has not done much shouting. That is part of the reason he has been effective at rallying the US, NATO and the free world.
NATO is building back up to higher strengths than during the height of the Cold War. Countries that never wanted into NATO are looking at membership. ....... Putin himself has been labeled (correctly) a war criminal leader of a war criminal country, by the President of the United State

Me (and my avatar) concur with the three posts above.
America is acting prudently here. Fittingly.

After all the metrics are daunting.
To wit: "Russia has 5,977 nuclear warheads"
(per BBC)

As such the American Administration's goal can be: Stave off. Don't set off Putin.

Do that by having NATO members feed the Ukranian fighters all the Stingers, Javelins, Switchblade drones, and Brit NLAW's they need to kill tanks, armored troop carriers, missile/gun batteries, troop concentrations....and field headquarters.

Ukranians say that have killed 14,000 Russian military members....including 4 general officers.
Ergo.....keep killing more, to keep the price of Russia's "peacekeeping mission" high, and going higher.

In this 'pricing' strategy inflation is a good thing.

Our President is working to make Putin’s life as miserable as possible
I bet he isn’t compromised
Admit it lefties. You guys love high gas prices because you equate vehicles that use a lot of gas to rednecks in large trucks…completely missing 18 wheelers and airplanes.

You people are really really dumb.

All he does is shout and threaten! And his sanctions do nothing, we are getting Russian oil up until June.
Why not go to Brussels sit down with all parties, negotiate like Trump would do?

Does Russia want to negotiate?
How about Ukraine.

Then why don't they?

Russia thinks it will win.
Ukraine thinks it will win.
NATO assets are supporting Ukraine.
Russia, though possessing size and weapons superiority obviously is fighting with an inferior force.

Where's the stepping off point and how does Biden get the parties to the table?

All he does is shout and threaten! And his sanctions do nothing, we are getting Russian oil up until June.
Why not go to Brussels sit down with all parties, negotiate like Trump would do?
For some reason I don’t think Sleepy Joe or Giggles Kamala are capable of negotiating anything.

Joe would problably offer to give up all our nukes if Russia just leaves Ukraine. Kamala would giggle and say something like “Just one nuclear bomb can ruin your entire day” or her favorite, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
Where's the stepping off point and how does Biden get the parties to the table?

Thank you, poster Dadoalex.
Those are pertinent questions.
Critical questions.

Especially......the off-ramp, the stepping-off point.
What is it?
What will it take?

For America, for NATO, or for Ukraine......it makes not a whit of difference if it is Joe Biden midwife-ing a deal, or just somebody --- be it Putin, or Biden, or Macron, or Erdogan, or Xi, or hell, the Pope........some leader must be that midwife. That matchmaker.

I suspect there is plenty of back-channel communications between all parties. The time just ain't ripe enough yet....despite the mass graves of Ukrainian civilians.

It just ain't time.

Putin is the key here. He started it. He has the opportunity to re-frame it. He can declare himself a winner and leave the rubble to the Ukrainians. He can let 'em bury there own damn dead. He can be a self-declared victor.

And too, he has the ability to hide or obfuscate to his citizens the 7,000 or is it, 14,000? KIA Russians.
Let him do it.
It's their grief and tragedy.
Not the West's.
And Ukraine has its own grief and tragedy and destruction to address.

If one believes in a just and righteous higher power........killing civilians intentionally in order to intimidate a government, bombing hospitals and theatres and schools.....well, such actions will not go, ummm, 'unrewarded'. So to speak.

Thank you, poster Dadoalex.
Those are pertinent questions.
Critical questions.

Especially......the off-ramp, the stepping-off point.
What is it?
What will it take?

For America, for NATO, or for Ukraine......it makes not a whit of difference if it is Joe Biden midwife-ing a deal, or just somebody --- be it Putin, or Biden, or Macron, or Erdogan, or Xi, or hell, the Pope........some leader must be that midwife. That matchmaker.

I suspect there is plenty of back-channel communications between all parties. The time just ain't ripe enough yet....despite the mass graves of Ukrainian civilians.

It just ain't time.

Putin is the key here. He started it. He has the opportunity to re-frame it. He can declare himself a winner and leave the rubble to the Ukrainians. He can let 'em bury there own damn dead. He can be a self-declared victor.

And too, he has the ability to hide or obfuscate to his citizens the 7,000 or is it, 14,000? KIA Russians.
Let him do it.
It's their grief and tragedy.
Not the West's.
And Ukraine has its own grief and tragedy and destruction to address.

If one believes in a just and righteous higher power........killing civilians intentionally in order to intimidate a government, bombing hospitals and theatres and schools.....well, such actions will not go, ummm, 'unrewarded'. So to speak.

I'm not sure where people get the idea the POTUS is some "godlike" power.
Biden has done a very good job avoiding an escalation of the conflict while applying pain to Russia to stop and restraining Ukraine's ability to escalate.
This has been some damned fine diplomacy.
Absent the use of extreme military force, POTUS has no power to force any of the parties to negotiate.

All he does is shout and threaten! And his sanctions do nothing, we are getting Russian oil up until June.
Why not go to Brussels sit down with all parties, negotiate like Trump would do?
My personal theory is that he does not want Zelensky to prosper. Remember Zalensky agreed to investigate Hunter Biden when Trump was president. Something tells me Joe is a spiteful son of a bitch.
Don't think for one minute he forgot that. Dead Ukrainians notwithstanding.


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