Why doesn’t Joe Biden try to negotiate a end to this war or D escalate

Why don't the Russians hang Putin in Red Square for his crimes against Ukrainian women and children?

Give them time
Putin’s days are numbered

Don‘t be surprised if he ends up like Mussolini

All he does is shout and threaten! And his sanctions do nothing, we are getting Russian oil up until June.
Why not go to Brussels sit down with all parties, negotiate like Trump would do?
Bullshit! Trump would hide in his bunker. President Biden should designate Russia as a terrorist nation. They have fully demonstrated that they are no better than ISIS and Al Qaeda.
Bullshit! Trump would hide in his bunker. President Biden should designate Russia as a terrorist nation. They have fully demonstrated that they are no better than ISIS and Al Qaeda.
why doesn’t he?
Probably from 4 years of people blaming everything from sunspots to pandemics on Trump who apparently did have God like powers and was to blame for everything that happened on the globe from cow farts to typhoons. Now that the shoe is on the other foot it would seem that the President of the United States is completely innocent of everything at all times.


He's feeble and old and his skin is cold.
He can't figure anything out.
No diplomacy on his part to be found as all he can do is call Putin names.
Prayers for all going forwards.....
Bullshit! Trump would hide in his bunker. President Biden should designate Russia as a terrorist nation. They have fully demonstrated that they are no better than ISIS and Al Qaeda.
Probably from 4 years of people blaming everything from sunspots to pandemics on Trump who apparently did have God like powers and was to blame for everything that happened on the globe from cow farts to typhoons. Now that the shoe is on the other foot it would seem that the President of the United States is completely innocent of everything at all times.

Seems you're incapable of discussing the topic.
Guess that TDS has you.
really? i mean i don’t know much more of a. escalation he could have caused
Describe in detail how any of Biden's actions have escalated Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


Perhaps I read too much into your comment.

Perhaps what you're saying is that you are totally ignorant of anything not coming from Tucker Carlson's assface so you truly don't know, ANYTHING.
Describe in detail how any of Biden's actions have escalated Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


Perhaps I read too much into your comment.

Perhaps what you're saying is that you are totally ignorant of anything not coming from Tucker Carlson's assface so you truly don't know, ANYTHING.
Tucker delivered tonight. You must be pissed lol
"You know damn well that of that 50 B (billion)...... 60 to 70 maybe even 80% of it boomerangs right back to the lawmakers that cut the check."


Look, it works this way good poster, Offal, if you assert it is true.....then you prove it is true.
That applies here the same as it does at the poker table.

Think of Ron Reagan's maxim: Trust, but verify.
We trust you know what you are talking about......but we simply need to verify that you do know what you are talking about.

Any ol' jackass can post any ol' bit of jackassery on a public site like this. I know you know that. We see it time and time again.....oftimes by the same little herd of jackasses.
Don't be one of them, poster Offal.
When you make an assertion be able to ...when queried.....to back up your word.

In short, your hand has been called.
Batter up.

Not sure why you use the word poser.
Oops,my bad.
A typo that was not caught on the proofing.
"Poster" was intended.
Last edited:
Describe in detail how any of Biden's actions have escalated Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


Perhaps I read too much into your comment.

Perhaps what you're saying is that you are totally ignorant of anything not coming from Tucker Carlson's assface so you truly don't know, ANYTHING.
stopped aid, showed russian our our allies don’t trust him with the afghan betrayal, literally invited putin to invade…
stopped aid, showed russian our our allies don’t trust him with the afghan betrayal, literally invited putin to invade…
Try again.
I didn't ask for your GQP butt-hurt of the day, I asked for specifics.
Wouldn't bother to be.
But traitors will be traitors. TRAITOR
They're one with Tucker. He speaks DA TROOF.


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