Why doesn’t Joe Biden try to negotiate a end to this war or D escalate

I'm not sure where people get the idea the POTUS is some "godlike" power.
Biden has done a very good job avoiding an escalation of the conflict while applying pain to Russia to stop and restraining Ukraine's ability to escalate.
This has been some damned fine diplomacy.
Absent the use of extreme military force, POTUS has no power to force any of the parties to negotiate.
Probably from 4 years of people blaming everything from sunspots to pandemics on Trump who apparently did have God like powers and was to blame for everything that happened on the globe from cow farts to typhoons. Now that the shoe is on the other foot it would seem that the President of the United States is completely innocent of everything at all times.


Why doesn’t Joe Biden try to negotiate a end to this war or D escalate​

We have absolutely no leverage in this war and absolutely no business meddling around in Europe's conflicts, yet again.

The smartest thing he could do would be to totally ignore it.
We have absolutely no leverage in this war and absolutely no business meddling around in Europe's conflicts, yet again.

The smartest thing he could do would be to totally ignore it.
Exactly.... But then again he would be ignoring Washington DC's favorite global playground and money laundering machine.
We have absolutely no leverage in this war and absolutely no business meddling around in Europe's conflicts, yet again.

The smartest thing he could do would be to totally ignore it.
I agree bet we are already close to 50 billion in supplies and cash, and we ain’t stoping investing. Might as well try to de escalate
I agree bet we are already close to 50 billion in supplies and cash, and we ain’t stoping investing. Might as well try to de escalate
You know damn well that of that 50 B...... 60 to 70 maybe even 80% of it boomerangs right back to the lawmakers that cut the check. War is a profitable business for Washington DC even if it isn't for the United States taxpayers.
You know damn well that of that 50 B...... 60 to 70 maybe even 80% of it boomerangs right back to the lawmakers that cut the check.

I did not know that.
How do you?
Can you prove it?
Can you name names ...... and amounts?
Times? Places? Disposition of the supposed ill-gotten gains?

Here's the deal, good poser offal, if you make an assertion, it is expected, required?......that you back it up. You prove it.
It is the way responsible adult discussion happens.
I am mildly sure you know that.

Which brings us down to this: Your hand has been called. Show. Or go.

Batter up
I did not know that.
How do you?
Can you prove it?
Can you name names ...... and amounts?
Times? Places? Disposition of the supposed ill-gotten gains?

Here's the deal, good poser offal, if you make an assertion, it is expected, required?......that you back it up. You prove it.
It is the way responsible adult discussion happens.
I am mildly sure you know that.

Which brings us down to this: Your hand has been called. Show. Or go.

Batter up
Nope...not going anywhere....it's not a top post so the mods are not going to knit pic.

Not sure why you use the word poser....I don't pretend to be anyone but me ..that's why I invented this moniker 20 years ago.

Ohhhhh.....so you want signed reciepts and confessions eh?? Lol...good luck with that. By those standards a flat tire would take months to prove...myself I just look at the tire. You guys....have to get peer reviewed evidence before you believe it's flat. By the time you get all of your info back I've already changed the tire, drove home, slept the night and gone to work and passed by you still sitting there the next day with a flat. Lol

Judging by the pentagon's own books their spending is less than fifty percent efficient...
(Cue...graft, bribery, misdirected funding....so on and so forth ) Algorithms are how you measure things in huge quantities. The US track record in Afghanistan with no bid contracting...shell company rip off and kissing cousins (Legislator <> relatives) is a fairly recent algorithm.

When the foias come out on this stuff...prolly two years from now. I will be there with my calculator....like I always am adding up the claims against the tangibles....here's a little clue..They always come up short.


All he does is shout and threaten! And his sanctions do nothing, we are getting Russian oil up until June.
Why not go to Brussels sit down with all parties, negotiate like Trump would do?
Because Biden will not try and force Ukraine to give up territory.
yes. It was. Zelensky said he'd negotiate but not on borders, and that's why Putin invaded .... and to set up a puppet regime
No I said why not meet to de escalate , who knows what they will agree to .. why do you want blacks in America dead, and Ukraines dead
Xiden has been shut out of any talks…our allies in Europe no longer trust the US with Xiden in charge.
Admit it lefties. You guys love high gas prices because you equate vehicles that use a lot of gas to rednecks in large trucks…completely missing 18 wheelers and airplanes.

You people are really really dumb.
And cargo ships, helicopters, emergency vehicles, and much of our naval fleet (JP5, 8, F76, etc). They probably think all of those things run on batteries because their little quadcopters and bath toy replicas are battery powered.
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I'm not sure where people get the idea the POTUS is some "godlike" power.
Biden has done a very good job avoiding an escalation of the conflict while applying pain to Russia to stop and restraining Ukraine's ability to escalate.
This has been some damned fine diplomacy.
Absent the use of extreme military force, POTUS has no power to force any of the parties to negotiate.
really? i mean i don’t know much more of a. escalation he could have caused
Our President is showing global leadership with our NATO Alliance

The same alliance Trump wanted to break up
hahaha they shut him out of any talks with putin

Trump made NATO stronger, even NATO leader admitted that

All he does is shout and threaten! And his sanctions do nothing, we are getting Russian oil up until June.
Why not go to Brussels sit down with all parties, negotiate like Trump would do?
Because he hasn't a clue.
Why don't the Russians hang Putin in Red Square for his crimes against Ukrainian women and children?
hahaha they shut him out of any talks with putin

Trump made NATO stronger, even NATO leader admitted that

Trump questioned whether he would comply with Article 5
Nothing he could do would make NATO weaker

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