Why doesn’t Joe Biden try to negotiate a end to this war or D escalate

Then please explain how the USA would negotiate with a war criminal who must be arrested if he ever leaves Russia? Do you even know what a war criminal is?
Was Biden arrested today when he went to Europe? He killed her entire family 3 months ago.
Then please explain how the USA would negotiate with a war criminal who must be arrested if he ever leaves Russia? Do you even know what a war criminal is?

As for the food testers for Poopin that is quite real too

You don’t think Secret Service watches who cooks Joe Biden‘s food? Lol
Again what family?
Joe Biden killed her entire family in Afghanistan how,, he dropped the bomb on a father trying to bring water to his kids. He killed a father the wife and the kids babies
aid to ukraine…military aid.

geez man, why do you beg for specifics and then have no clue of the topic? xiden suspended military aid right in the months leading to Russia’s invasion
Somewhat misleading. A large package of military aid was made ready for Ukraine and TEMPORARILY suspended when Putin announced he would draw down troops ahead of their summit.
creating hazards for any animals in the area

We haven't heard our local MAGAHats yet claim on this thread that the turbines cause human cancer.

Should be along real soon.
Why doesn't the media demand that Biden take an active role in freaking world events? The U.S, has become the laughing stock of the world and the media is in the business of protecting democrat administrations at any cost.
This is an underrated post
Thanks. I forgot to mention that all that oil in those turbines has to be replaced every single year. Just like engine oil in a car, they drain out the old worn out oil and replace it with new oil. So just keeping those things running requires a hefty re-supply of FF products each and every year.

Bottom line, anybody with even an ounce of sense can see that this green new deal bullshit doesn't actually have anything to do with ending the use of FF, rather it has everything to do with increasing the personal wealth of the people invested in the corporate aspect of the green agenda (design/manuf and construction), who have had their fingerprints on every aspect of climate alarmism for the past several decades (acid rain in the 70s/80s, ozone hole in the 80s/90s, global warming in the 00s/10s, and now the catch-all "climate change").

I've said this many times...the public at large has the memory of a goldfish, and this is another prime example of that. How else could these snake oil salesmen continue to sell a new flavor of earth-destroying climate catastrophe every 15-20 years and dupe the public into going full-on chicken little mode every time, despite each of those prior "climate emergencies" being exposed as utter bullshit. Hell, I bet if you asked 10 random people over the age of 40 if they remember any other "climate emergencies" before AGW, at least 7 out of 10 would say no. Might be a bit cynical, but I bet I'm right.
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All he does is shout and threaten! And his sanctions do nothing, we are getting Russian oil up until June.
Why not go to Brussels sit down with all parties, negotiate like Trump would do?

Negotiate an end? Biddum is the main backer acting as the front man for the people wanting to use Ukraine to go to war with Russia! Joe Biddum's job is to keep forcing Russia into a position where they have no choice but to fight, but it is going to backfire and instead, many people will be turning to the Yuan now to trade in as Joe has shown that no one can really trust the U.S. Dollar.
keep forcing Russia into a position where they have no choice but to fight,
Well, the 'forcing' that my avatar is seems to be seeing is sorta kinda by those guys who are driving the tanks across the border; firing missiles at retail shopping malls; and blasting civilian apartment buildings, hospitals, and schools.

And the "choice" that looms most prominently in my view appears to be choosing:
1. To stay and kill Ukranian civilians
2. Going back to one's own country of Russia.

Now, the good poster freak's perception may be different.


but it is going to backfire and instead, many people will be turning to the Yuan now to trade in as Joe has shown that no one can really trust the U.S. Dollar.

Well, that could be interesting.

But, I'll share this anecdotal story: I stopped at a Dollar Tree store yesterday and was re-assured to see that everything on the shelves was still denominated in U.S. currency. So clearly, the executive managers of Dollar Tree....who buy an awful lot of stuff from China (40+%)......still seem to think getting paid in American dollars ain't a bad thing.

Perhaps poster 'freak' can convert his greenbacks into yuan.....and go to his local Dollar Tree and trade his yuan for his purchases?

I'll ask ....for the forum.....for him to come back here and describe his experience in doing that.
aid to ukraine…military aid.

geez man, why do you beg for specifics and then have no clue of the topic? xiden suspended military aid right in the months leading to Russia’s invasion

Don't you just post actual factual information.
Links to ACTUAL FACTUAL events

Your fantasies are not part of the discussion

Don't you just post actual factual information.
Links to ACTUAL FACTUAL events

Your fantasies are not part of the discussion
I am sorry.....I took it for granted that you actually knew what you were talking about:

Xiden freezes aid to Ukraine: White House freezes Ukraine military package that includes lethal weapons

The United Kingdom holds Xiden contempt: White House freezes Ukraine military package that includes lethal weapons

You wonder why Putin calls you dembots useful idiots? Well our exchange highlights why
I am sorry.....I took it for granted that you actually knew what you were talking about:

Xiden freezes aid to Ukraine: White House freezes Ukraine military package that includes lethal weapons

The United Kingdom holds Xiden contempt: White House freezes Ukraine military package that includes lethal weapons

You wonder why Putin calls you dembots useful idiots? Well our exchange highlights why
Two links to the same article?



My Teenie Minded fool...

THAT was done to try to PREVENT the Russian action.

GEEZ. Wot a Maroon!

Two links to the same article?



My Teenie Minded fool...

THAT was done to try to PREVENT the Russian action.

GEEZ. Wot a Maroon!

haha yeah did a bang up job of doing that

more like played right into putin
Is Biden trying to start WW3 with his agressive actions or is he being too weak? Can't have it both ways.
Wait a minute, are you actually asking the question "Is Biden trying to start WW3 or is he just being to weak" ??? Time to throw that old senile old feller under the bus now eh ???? LOL

Otherwise is it your fear's that Biden isn't being respected by both battle hardened enemies when he speaks, and therefore his weakness and fake boldness could end up getting us all killed ???

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