Why doesn't the Governor just sit down and talk with the Union Reps?


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
I don't see what they have to lose. At least they could try to explain both sides and come to an agreement. Both sides are looking pretty uncompromising as it is.
He should. And here's what he should say to them.. "Fuck it, keep your fucking pensions." Then, he should fire 5000 of them to make up the difference and send the Republicans on vacation to Hawaii. Case closed.
Columbia/HCA fraud case detailsOn March 19, 1997, investigators from the FBI, the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Health and Human Services served search warrants at Columbia/HCA facilities in El Paso and on dozens of doctors with suspected ties to the company.[18]

Following the raids, the Columbia/HCA board of directors forced Scott to resign as Chairman and CEO.[19] He was paid $9.88 million in a settlement. He also left owning 10 million shares of stock worth over $350 million.[20][21][22]

In 1999, Columbia/HCA changed its name back to HCA, Inc.

In settlements reached in 2000 and 2002, Columbia/HCA plead guilty to 14 felonies and agreed to a $600+ million fine in the largest fraud settlement in US history. Columbia/HCA admitted systematically overcharging the government by claiming marketing costs as reimbursable, by striking illegal deals with home care agencies, and by filing false data about use of hospital space. They also admitted fraudulently billing Medicare and other health programs by inflating the seriousness of diagnoses and to giving doctors partnerships in company hospitals as a kickback for the doctors referring patients to HCA. They filed false cost reports, fraudulently billing Medicare for home health care workers, and paid kickbacks in the sale of home health agencies and to doctors to refer patients. In addition, they gave doctors "loans" never intending to be repaid, free rent, free office furniture, and free drugs from hospital pharmacies.[3][4][5][6][7]

In late 2002, HCA agreed to pay the U.S. government $631 million, plus interest, and pay $17.5 million to state Medicaid agencies, in addition to $250 million paid up to that point to resolve outstanding Medicare expense claims.[23] In all, civil law suits cost HCA more than $2 billion to settle, by far the largest fraud settlement in US history.[24

Rick Scott - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

hes not an honest man
That will probably happen at some point. It will likely happen some time next week. The Teachers could be in violation of their deal with the Wisconsin Government. They may be forced back to work. But look to next week for things to get done.
I don't see what they have to lose. At least they could try to explain both sides and come to an agreement. Both sides are looking pretty uncompromising as it is.

It is not his job to negotiate with the union. He has people who work for him to do that, so he can get on with the business of running the state.

Just saying.
Take three union reps and three state reps, sit them at a table, and let noone leave until they have something to take back to their respective parties for ratification.

Wisconsin's not a right-to-work state, if I recall. Are we dealing with a closed 'shop'? How long til the contract expires?
Absent an individual employment contract or a collective bargaining agreement, employment in Wisconsin is at-will, and a Wisconsin employee may resign or be terminated at any time for any reason or no reason, provided that a termination does not violate the law.
Employment Law in Wisconsin - Lawyers.com

How's their contract read? Can't we just tell them that we'll fire every single teacher in the state and start from scratch?
I don't see what they have to lose. At least they could try to explain both sides and come to an agreement. Both sides are looking pretty uncompromising as it is.

It is not his job to negotiate with the union. He has people who work for him to do that, so he can get on with the business of running the state.

Just saying.

These are Wisconsin citizens and voters you get that right? They aren't something foreign, they are your neighbors.
I don't see what they have to lose. At least they could try to explain both sides and come to an agreement. Both sides are looking pretty uncompromising as it is.

It is not his job to negotiate with the union. He has people who work for him to do that, so he can get on with the business of running the state.

Just saying.

These are Wisconsin citizens and voters you get that right? They aren't something foreign, they are your neighbors.

and all their reps are in Illinois.. go figure.
I don't see what they have to lose. At least they could try to explain both sides and come to an agreement. Both sides are looking pretty uncompromising as it is.

It is not his job to negotiate with the union. He has people who work for him to do that, so he can get on with the business of running the state.

Just saying.

These are Wisconsin citizens and voters you get that right? They aren't something foreign, they are your neighbors.

I do not live in Wisconsin, they aren't my neighbors. Even if I did, I would not expect the governor to meet me everytime I had a beef with his policies, the government does not work that way. Like I said, he has people that work for him that get paid to do that, that is called delegation.
He should. And here's what he should say to them.. "Fuck it, keep your fucking pensions." Then, he should fire 5000 of them to make up the difference and send the Republicans on vacation to Hawaii. Case closed.

That would seem like one approach. How about he sell off the state buildings where his fat ass sits all day, so he can say he also has suffered for the noble cause, of all his bad business practices that fucked Wisconsin into the rat hole. LOL! :eusa_whistle:

Eventually he has to come around and take responsibility for his fucked up state, and stop blaming Unions.........
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He should. And here's what he should say to them.. "Fuck it, keep your fucking pensions." Then, he should fire 5000 of them to make up the difference and send the Republicans on vacation to Hawaii. Case closed.

That would seem like one approach. How about he sell off the state buildings where his fat ass sits all day, so he can say he also has suffered for the noble cause, of all his bad business practices that fucked Wisconsin into the rat hole. LOL! :eusa_whistle:
The problem with each of you idiots is the same: the other side is always wrong and your side is purer than the newborn Jesus

You're both the problem
Take three union reps and three state reps, sit them at a table, and let noone leave until they have something to take back to their respective parties for ratification.

Wisconsin's not a right-to-work state, if I recall. Are we dealing with a closed 'shop'? How long til the contract expires?
Absent an individual employment contract or a collective bargaining agreement, employment in Wisconsin is at-will, and a Wisconsin employee may resign or be terminated at any time for any reason or no reason, provided that a termination does not violate the law.
Employment Law in Wisconsin - Lawyers.com

How's their contract read? Can't we just tell them that we'll fire every single teacher in the state and start from scratch?

He doesn't have to entertain union bosses.
Take three union reps and three state reps, sit them at a table, and let noone leave until they have something to take back to their respective parties for ratification.

Wisconsin's not a right-to-work state, if I recall. Are we dealing with a closed 'shop'? How long til the contract expires?
Absent an individual employment contract or a collective bargaining agreement, employment in Wisconsin is at-will, and a Wisconsin employee may resign or be terminated at any time for any reason or no reason, provided that a termination does not violate the law.
Employment Law in Wisconsin - Lawyers.com

How's their contract read? Can't we just tell them that we'll fire every single teacher in the state and start from scratch?

He doesn't have to entertain union bosses.
And I don't have to entertain Congress or the police, right?
Take three union reps and three state reps, sit them at a table, and let noone leave until they have something to take back to their respective parties for ratification.

Wisconsin's not a right-to-work state, if I recall. Are we dealing with a closed 'shop'? How long til the contract expires?
Employment Law in Wisconsin - Lawyers.com

How's their contract read? Can't we just tell them that we'll fire every single teacher in the state and start from scratch?

He doesn't have to entertain union bosses.
And I don't have to entertain Congress or the police, right?

I have no idea what your post means. I know you are trying to be clever, but it makes no sense.

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