Why doesn't the left ever speak out against isis?

Are you fucking serious??

Just the other day I was at a store and started a random rant about murderous ISIS thugs. :rolleyes:
I mean they hardly say any words of disgust.

If they did...then conservatives would suddenly be all in support of ISIS...that's just the way it works and that would be a bad thing.
The CIA and Obama originally thought they posed no threat. Therefore, ISIS still has 'Jayvee Team' status in their eyes until Obie tells them different.
You mean those poor refugees? Don't be a racist.

Now, if you made them white and Christian, we'd have something to talk about.
The CIA and Obama originally thought they posed no threat. Therefore, ISIS still has 'Jayvee Team' status in their eyes until Obie tells them different.

Compared to al qaeda, ISIS is the jayvee team. How many Americans has ISIS killed?

CIA intelligence failed you and your 'Dear Leader'. At least, that's what he told Fareed Zakaria..........
I mean they hardly say any words of disgust.


Why do you call Obama a war criminal every time he takes out a terrorist leader, including members of ISIS?

It's a token push back to fool Americans thinking he cares.

Obama has done far more to advance ISIS's cause than to repel it.
And his words make it even more obvious. Never ever says a bad word against anything Islam. But when ISIS was all the rage, at the national prayer breakfast in D.C. what did he tell all those preachers? He said now Chrisitans need to get off their high horses because we had the Crusades and slavery and Jim Crow laws. Wow. What a leader against Islamic terrorism he has been.
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Why doesn't the right ever speak out against Putin?

I mean they hardly say any words of disgust. In fact, they praise him quite often.


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