Why Don't Blacks Start Their Own Businesses And Hire All Black People?

Unk, the writing's on the wall. I asked you to quote me on something that fits within the definition of racism. You didn't. Or wouldn't, because you can't. So quit continuing to cheapen a word that clearly means so much to you.

Pick anything you've ever posted here, adolf.
Unk, the writing's on the wall. I asked you to quote me on something that fits within the definition of racism. You didn't. Or wouldn't, because you can't. So quit continuing to cheapen a word that clearly means so much to you.

Pick anything you've ever posted here, adolf.

Unk, you're the one accusing me of being a "racist", so the onus is on you to provide evidence that I've posted content that fits within the definition of the noun you're so fond of using.
Unk, the writing's on the wall. I asked you to quote me on something that fits within the definition of racism. You didn't. Or wouldn't, because you can't. So quit continuing to cheapen a word that clearly means so much to you.
I will not say Unk is intellectually deficient, but he does have quite a few issues. I think we might be grateful for his channeling his pathology through relatively harmless internet chat rooms.
The last I checked, no matter what state you work in, you can't discriminate when it comes to hiring employees, thus stipulating that you will only hire blacks is to ensure you will end up in court.

HAHAHA. Do you know how naive you sound? You think obozo will enforce the law? He lets illegal mexicans break any law they want to and it's the same with blacks. He only enforces the law when whites are guilty. THINK

He can't enforce the law because he's too busy raising the price of stamps.

Blacks should start their own businesses like millions of whites and asians and hispanics do. Then they can practice all the affirmative action they want and hire all blacks. Why don't they do that? We all know why. You can't start a business when you can't read or count or even tell time.

So it comes down to the white people helping blacks like always. We're supposed to start the businesses and hire unqualified lazy drug-addicted blacks who just got out of prison.

I didn't know in 2014 that there are no black businesses
Michael Jordan came to Las Vegas and, with great fanfare, put up the money for a large mall with a big supermarket in the heart of the Westside which is close to being the Las Vegas ghetto.

It lasted less than a year after construction was finished. The shops and supermarkets complained of so much shoplifting and vandalism that they closed their doors.

To this date, there is still not a single supermarket in that area of town.

That's an interesting story and i wish you'd give us a link. I googled "michael jordan mall las vegas" and didn't get anything about what you said.
Why Don't Blacks Start Their Own Businesses And Hire All Black People?

And be like the GOP? Why?
Unk, the writing's on the wall. I asked you to quote me on something that fits within the definition of racism. You didn't. Or wouldn't, because you can't. So quit continuing to cheapen a word that clearly means so much to you.

Pick anything you've ever posted here, adolf.

Unk, you're the one accusing me of being a "racist", so the onus is on you to provide evidence.

YOU have provided all the evidence needed. One need only read any or every stupid thing you've ever posted here, skinhead.
I wish they would start their fucking businesses in AFRICA.

After Zimbabwe and now South Africa. Fuck em.
You hate black people we get it. Why won't you racist fucks ever admit you hate anyone who is not white? Even if they don't agree people would respect your opinion if you would just be honest.
I wish they would start their fucking businesses in AFRICA.

After Zimbabwe and now South Africa. Fuck em.
You hate black people we get it. Why won't you racist fucks ever admit you hate anyone who is not white? Even if they don't agree people would respect your opinion if you would just be honest.

You're the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america. Us conservatives oppose AA and thus are anti-racist. THINK
Unk, the writing's on the wall. I asked you to quote me on something that fits within the definition of racism. You didn't. Or wouldn't, because you can't. So quit continuing to cheapen a word that clearly means so much to you.

Pick anything you've ever posted here, adolf.

Unk, you're the one accusing me of being a "racist", so the onus is on you to provide evidence.

YOU have provided all the evidence needed. One need only read any or every stupid thing you've ever posted here, skinhead.

You shouldn't have any problem quoting me on anything that fits within the definition of the accusation you hold so sacred, then, should you. But we all know you won't, because you can't.
Thinking about the thread title....

Why Don't Blacks Start Their Own Businesses And Hire All Black People?

Could it be that's damn near impossible to find a single person that is "all black" these days? I mean, what with a "halfie" president, even...

Why Don't Blacks Start Their Own Businesses And Hire All Black People?

Hey Opie

Why don't you start your own message board and sign up all racists?
Imagine the circle jerk fun you could have trading ignorance memes and bullshit stereotypes.
I wish they would start their fucking businesses in AFRICA.

After Zimbabwe and now South Africa. Fuck em.
You hate black people we get it. Why won't you racist fucks ever admit you hate anyone who is not white? Even if they don't agree people would respect your opinion if you would just be honest.

You're the racist since you support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america. Us conservatives oppose AA and thus are anti-racist. THINK

Umm you know I have never supported affirmative action. You have failed on every occasion to show a post where I have. You are a racist and no amount of misdirection will fool anyone.
I used to be against AA too, but now I kind of understand it a little more, at least when it comes to "quotas" for universities. You see, because we have minority populations, even if they are AWESOME students, their chances of being selected for scholarships, etc., are going to be much lower because of the fact that they are a minority in numbers. It is therefore trying to give those students a shot at a scholarship where, otherwise, deserving minority students could easily be passed over. I don't feel that this should apply to jobs, however.
Why Don't Blacks Start Their Own Businesses And Hire All Black People?
They do. Crack houses and street gangs.
I used to be against AA too, but now I kind of understand it a little more, at least when it comes to "quotas" for universities. You see, because we have minority populations, even if they are AWESOME students, their chances of being selected for scholarships, etc., are going to be much lower because of the fact that they are a minority in numbers. It is therefore trying to give those students a shot at a scholarship where, otherwise, deserving minority students could easily be passed over. I don't feel that this should apply to jobs, however.

HUH????? Are you saying blacks don't get scholarships now? You've got it backwards. Blacks get special treatment in obtaining scholarships just like they do in getting jobs. THINK
Umm you know I have never supported affirmative action. You have failed on every occasion to show a post where I have. You are a racist and no amount of misdirection will fool anyone.

All liberals hate white people and support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america. next question

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