Why don't conservatives use leftwing methods - like economc pressure?


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011
Really long-time listeners of Rush will remember when he had florida orange juice as a sponsor. The feminazis decided to start a boycott of florida orange juice till they stopped sponsoring him. This is standard leftwing practice - they know they can't win in real debates, so they try to shut down opponents.

They started with a demonstration at some store in florida, asking people not to buy orange juice. Rush followers showed up, bought lots of orange juice, and had a good time drinking it in front of the feminazis. A few warned the store owner that they would be back tomorrow and the next day, planned to buy orange juice, and expected it to be in stock. The feminazis retreated.

But so did the growers - they didn't want any "controversy" associated with their brand. The same excuse was offered when Rush tried to buy a part interest in a NFL team. Rush has a long association with the NFL. The leftwingers screeched, and the NFL scotched the deal. This is the same NFL which keeps players who are wife beaters, use illegal drugs, run illegal dog fights, convicted of manslaughter, etc, and manage to stay employed.

There's lots else they've done, like create the seeds of the near worldwide economic collapse when ACORN pioneered the idea of intimidating banks into giving home loans to unqualified minority applicants, followed of course on an industrial scale by Bill Clinton with the Community Reinvestment Act.

Why don't conservatives try these type things? One example I suggest is a boycott of a company that is too cozy with the leftwing - shouldn't be hard because most of the big ones are.

Two criteria for the target:

- The majority or most of its income is from consumer goods or services that are widely used.

- Is already shakey financially because of the recession.

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