Why Don't Democrats Demand Spanish Speaking Illegals Drop Spanish / Speak English?

A co-worker of mine asked me today. In answer to my puzzled look he made an interesting point...

The new Socialist Democratic Party has become the self-proclaimed advocates for a GENDER-NUTRAL America. This 100% conflicts with bringing in over nearly 1 Million Spanish-speaking illegals per year. Anyone who knows the Spanish language knows much of it is based on gender - male vs female -- AmigO vs AmigA.

'Sorry', HE SAID, 'but this will NOT work in the Socialist Democrats' new GENDER-NEUTRAL AMERIKA'.

....hmmmmm?! :rolleyes:


Ridiculous. First of all, such a demand would be unconstitutional and also contradicts our values.

Secondly, all immigrants come to this country with their language. My mother's parents would never have survived, as their English was poor, while they were fluent in Polish and Russian. I live in a multi-ethnic neighborhood where everything from English to Spanish to Korean to Urdu to Arabic to Chinese to Amharic are spoken.

Thirdly, all romance languages have the gender distinctions on which you base your wacked-out theory. Do you want to go tell the folks in Louisiana that they can't speak French? Our friends from Quebec?

Fourth, English has its own awkward gender problems. Its problems with gender-based pronouns (he, she, his, her) have been partially resolved by substituting "they," "them," "their." At least we English speakers don't have to cope with figuring out what gender the word "table" is, like speakers of romance languages have to do, but I guess they catch on early.

I hope that you never had to sweat through a year of Latin.

No it would not be unconstitutional. If you are too lazy to learn the language of the country you want to move to, then maybe you shouldn't go there. Again, nobody has said they can't speak their native language in the home. If you are doing business or representing a company, you should be speaking English. You don't get to come here and make demands.

You know that it would be unconstitutional. You don't get to tell people what language they have to speak, at home or anywhere else. You are the one making the demands. It is not your place to do so, with your "you should do this, you should do that" crap. If you live on land that originally belonged to Mexico, you are in Spanish-speaking territory, anyway. Same goes for Native American tribal lands, which were invaded and stolen. This "speak English" thing is a pile of right-wing horseshit. Did you catch the video of the two ignorant women at the fast-food restaurant in Florida telling the manager to go back to Mexico? First, he's Puerto Rican, not Mexican. Secondly, he spoke to them in fluent English when he told them off.

Well no it wouldn't and your constant crying doesn't change that. Take your pile of crap and hit the road if you don't want to speak the language. I don't have to pander to a lazy POS like you because you're too lazy or ignorant to learn the language. That's YOUR problem not mine. Did you understand that or do you need words of 2 syllables or less?

You misinterpret what I say if you think I am just indulging in "constant crying." My message to you is that you are totally out-of-bounds and have to be told a loud and firm NO. Who in the hell do you think you are? It is not my problem that your parents failed to raise you to be responsible citizens of the U.S.A. What foreign language have you ever studied?

Your accusation that I am "too lazy or ignorant to learn the language" is ridiculous. My short stories were read to classes by the English faculties of my junior and senior high schools. My university waived the freshman-year requirement of English Comp due to my SAT scores. I was handling words upwards of 2 syllables before you were born. I spent a good part of my life as a legal journalist.

Stop trying to boss other people around. You sound like an ill-educated man who exhibits a totally unearned sense of entitlement. Stop trying to flounce around like you are some big-shot.
A co-worker of mine asked me today. In answer to my puzzled look he made an interesting point...

The new Socialist Democratic Party has become the self-proclaimed advocates for a GENDER-NUTRAL America. This 100% conflicts with bringing in over nearly 1 Million Spanish-speaking illegals per year. Anyone who knows the Spanish language knows much of it is based on gender - male vs female -- AmigO vs AmigA.

'Sorry', HE SAID, 'but this will NOT work in the Socialist Democrats' new GENDER-NEUTRAL AMERIKA'.

....hmmmmm?! :rolleyes:

Why? There is no requirement to speak English.
Do you know why you diseased anus? Because we can talk to each other on most of this continent and it helps the economy with business. With all the cultures we have with people irritating and ingratiating each other, having a bi lingual nation is dangerous. But the elites want this as we decline in our excellence.

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