Why don't Mexicans immigrate to America legally?

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
Why is immigration in America illegal mostly?
I'm not sure what the process is, but there is a process to legally immigrate to America - and then you can work legally and don't have to worry about deportation. Also they risk dehydration death walking through the desert for 3 days.
Is not America so hospitable?
Or Mexicans just like to be illegal...
They feel that americans owe them something, as if the US really belongs to them. Its like the fakestinians in the west bank/gaza, they've been lied to for so many years about how their suffering is caused by the gringos in the US, that they've actually come to believe it.
Many don't have the money...If Trump is elected, tear down the Statue of Liberty...
The ignorance about Mexicans and Mexico is just astounding.

Most are migrant workers who don't want to be citizens.

Sadly, the over-reaction of racist assholes in the US has resulted in many not being able to get home.

Hundreds come across legally to shop or work and then go home.
We don't allow them. They would like to. In large numbers. Mexicans are by far the largest country of origin for legal immigrants to the US. Something like 15% of all legal immigrants in the country.
The ignorance about Mexicans and Mexico is just astounding.

You're a primary example.

Most are migrant workers who don't want to be citizens.

Says who, you? Why the fuck would they have almost 400K anchor babies per year if they did not want to manipulate the immigration laws?

Sadly, the over-reaction of racist assholes in the US has resulted in many not being able to get home.

What? Huh? Who the fuck is stopping anyone from leaving the US? You mean the prison guards of the federal prisons they are in for committing felonies in the US?

Hundreds come across legally to shop or work and then go home.

"Hundreds" she says. There are legitimate sources indicating that almost 1/3 of mexico has moved to the US, that's far, far more than "hundreds."
The ignorance about Mexicans and Mexico is just astounding.

You're a primary example.

Most are migrant workers who don't want to be citizens.

Says who, you? Why the fuck would they have almost 400K anchor babies per year if they did not want to manipulate the immigration laws?

About 7%

Sadly, the over-reaction of racist assholes in the US has resulted in many not being able to get home.

What? Huh? Who the fuck is stopping anyone from leaving the US? You mean the prison guards of the federal prisons they are in for committing felonies in the US?

They risk being shot.

Nonetheless, most do come here for the jobs they were offered in advertisements in Mexico and/or coming back every year for the same job. And then they go home until next year. I've seen it and you can blame the US for inviting them.

Others come and go to sell drugs. Blame the US for that as well.

Hundreds come across legally to shop or work and then go home.

"Hundreds" she says. There are legitimate sources indicating that almost 1/3 of mexico has moved to the US, that's far, far more than "hundreds."

You're wrong because you're ASSSSuming you know what I wrote. Open your mind and read it again.

Hundreds DO come across LEGALLY to shop or work and then go home. I've seen it.

And your statement that one third of Mexico has moved to the US is just laughable and stupid.

In spite of R obstruction, Obama has deported millions and increased Border Patrol to more than 18,500 on a 2000 mile border. Do the math.

Sorry to disappoint you but there is now a net zero coming into the US.
The ignorance about Mexicans and Mexico is just astounding.

You're a primary example.

Most are migrant workers who don't want to be citizens.

Says who, you? Why the fuck would they have almost 400K anchor babies per year if they did not want to manipulate the immigration laws?

About 7%

Sadly, the over-reaction of racist assholes in the US has resulted in many not being able to get home.

What? Huh? Who the fuck is stopping anyone from leaving the US? You mean the prison guards of the federal prisons they are in for committing felonies in the US?

They risk being shot.

Nonetheless, most do come here for the jobs they were offered in advertisements in Mexico and/or coming back every year for the same job. And then they go home until next year. I've seen it and you can blame the US for inviting them.

Others come and go to sell drugs. Blame the US for that as well.

Hundreds come across legally to shop or work and then go home.

"Hundreds" she says. There are legitimate sources indicating that almost 1/3 of mexico has moved to the US, that's far, far more than "hundreds."

You're wrong because you're ASSSSuming you know what I wrote. Open your mind and read it again.

Hundreds DO come across LEGALLY to shop or work and then go home. I've seen it.

And your statement that one third of Mexico has moved to the US is just laughable and stupid.

In spite of R obstruction, Obama has deported millions and increased Border Patrol to more than 18,500 on a 2000 mile border. Do the math.

Sorry to disappoint you but there is now a net zero coming into the US.

Those are usually referred to as TOURISTS, not IMIMGRANTS.
The ignorance about Mexicans and Mexico is just astounding.

You're a primary example.

Most are migrant workers who don't want to be citizens.

Says who, you? Why the fuck would they have almost 400K anchor babies per year if they did not want to manipulate the immigration laws?

About 7%

Sadly, the over-reaction of racist assholes in the US has resulted in many not being able to get home.

What? Huh? Who the fuck is stopping anyone from leaving the US? You mean the prison guards of the federal prisons they are in for committing felonies in the US?

They risk being shot.

Nonetheless, most do come here for the jobs they were offered in advertisements in Mexico and/or coming back every year for the same job. And then they go home until next year. I've seen it and you can blame the US for inviting them.

Others come and go to sell drugs. Blame the US for that as well.

Hundreds come across legally to shop or work and then go home.

"Hundreds" she says. There are legitimate sources indicating that almost 1/3 of mexico has moved to the US, that's far, far more than "hundreds."

You're wrong because you're ASSSSuming you know what I wrote. Open your mind and read it again.

Hundreds DO come across LEGALLY to shop or work and then go home. I've seen it.

And your statement that one third of Mexico has moved to the US is just laughable and stupid.

In spite of R obstruction, Obama has deported millions and increased Border Patrol to more than 18,500 on a 2000 mile border. Do the math.

Sorry to disappoint you but there is now a net zero coming into the US.

Those are usually referred to as TOURISTS, not IMIMGRANTS.

No, they're not "tourists".

Tourists don't come and go to work and shop. Drive around the parking lots of, for example, Costco. You'll see a lot of big SUVs from states in Mexico. Same with the Univ of AZ and Pima College in Tucson.

This is very common in other countries as well. I've seen people going from France to Belgium and back again - for work and and shopping.

As for Mexico - In spite of R obstruction, Obama has deported millions and increased Border Patrol to more than 18,500 on a 2000 mile border. Do the math.

Sorry to disappoint you but there is now a net zero coming into the US
As for Mexico - In spite of R obstruction, Obama has deported millions and increased Border Patrol to more than 18,500 on a 2000 mile border. Do the math. Sorry to disappoint you but there is now a net zero coming into the US

You're either incredibly stupid, or just very bad at trolling.
The ignorance about Mexicans and Mexico is just astounding.

You're a primary example.

Most are migrant workers who don't want to be citizens.

Says who, you? Why the fuck would they have almost 400K anchor babies per year if they did not want to manipulate the immigration laws?

About 7%

Sadly, the over-reaction of racist assholes in the US has resulted in many not being able to get home.

What? Huh? Who the fuck is stopping anyone from leaving the US? You mean the prison guards of the federal prisons they are in for committing felonies in the US?

They risk being shot.

Nonetheless, most do come here for the jobs they were offered in advertisements in Mexico and/or coming back every year for the same job. And then they go home until next year. I've seen it and you can blame the US for inviting them.

Others come and go to sell drugs. Blame the US for that as well.

Hundreds come across legally to shop or work and then go home.

"Hundreds" she says. There are legitimate sources indicating that almost 1/3 of mexico has moved to the US, that's far, far more than "hundreds."

You're wrong because you're ASSSSuming you know what I wrote. Open your mind and read it again.

Hundreds DO come across LEGALLY to shop or work and then go home. I've seen it.

And your statement that one third of Mexico has moved to the US is just laughable and stupid.

In spite of R obstruction, Obama has deported millions and increased Border Patrol to more than 18,500 on a 2000 mile border. Do the math.

Sorry to disappoint you but there is now a net zero coming into the US.

Those are usually referred to as TOURISTS, not IMIMGRANTS.

No, they're not "tourists".

Tourists don't come and go to work and shop. Drive around the parking lots of, for example, Costco. You'll see a lot of big SUVs from states in Mexico. Same with the Univ of AZ and Pima College in Tucson.

This is very common in other countries as well. I've seen people going from France to Belgium and back again - for work and and shopping.

As for Mexico - In spite of R obstruction, Obama has deported millions and increased Border Patrol to more than 18,500 on a 2000 mile border. Do the math.

Sorry to disappoint you but there is now a net zero coming into the US

BS! You got a viable link that there is net zero illegals coming into the U.S today? What does it matter anyway since Obama won't deport any already here unless they are "convicted" criminals? He just recently gave a stay of deportation to 5 million of them with U.S. born kids? Not to mention DACA which included a stay of deportation to nearly 2 millions kids brought here illegally by their parents all by EO and without congress' approval. He allowed about 30,000 to be released from detainment many of whom were convicted criminals. Obama's illegal immigration enforcement record is dismal.
Why is immigration in America illegal mostly?
I'm not sure what the process is, but there is a process to legally immigrate to America - and then you can work legally and don't have to worry about deportation. Also they risk dehydration death walking through the desert for 3 days.
Is not America so hospitable?
Or Mexicans just like to be illegal...
Good question but it's not that simple for people that are unfortunate.
For you or me can go anywhere we want to travel and go to their immigration offices and state your intentions. You will be ask series and serious questions etc etc. bottom line you have money. At high percentage you will get approved.
On the other side Mexicans or any other people that are unfortunate. Can also do that and will be ask series and serious questions. What is you purpose? Visitor? tourist? You need to show a supporting documents/ Want to migrate. Really. How will you financially live or support yourself?/ Applying for work? qualifications etc.
For poor non English people will not even bother to apply. If that is so easy to enter legally then they will not bother risking their lives crossing the border.
Obama is not popular in Mexico despite all his efforts of handling illegals in this country. You would think they should love him but NO.
Why? In Mexico Obama is known to have deported millions of illegals. The increase of border patrol agents thus making it very hard to cross.
Some of these illegals do go home to Mexico attend special occasions like weddings or funeral. These people are having a very difficult getting back to US. All had tried multiple times to crossed illegally and as many 15 times but deported 15x.
Why is immigration in America illegal mostly?
I'm not sure what the process is, but there is a process to legally immigrate to America - and then you can work legally and don't have to worry about deportation. Also they risk dehydration death walking through the desert for 3 days.
Is not America so hospitable?
Or Mexicans just like to be illegal...

The rest of Mexico should join the US union, the north of Mexico joined in the 1850s.
Why is immigration in America illegal mostly?
I'm not sure what the process is, but there is a process to legally immigrate to America - and then you can work legally and don't have to worry about deportation. Also they risk dehydration death walking through the desert for 3 days.
Is not America so hospitable?
Or Mexicans just like to be illegal...
I don't know that immigration to America is mostly illegal, I don't know that it isn't. I don't have the statistics on that. I do know that there are plenty of illegal non Hispanics in the US who have overstayed their visas. But, nobody notices them because they "look American"

Think about what you just said; they risk dehydration and death and other things trying to cross the border. Why would someone take such a risk? For fun? Or as you said, because they "like to be illegal"? You really think people would take such a great risk for a silly frivolous reason? I think some are desperate. Others are drug dealers, or other criminals coming to the US to probably do business with other criminals here in the US. Again, I don't know the statistics on that.

I do think that the US needs to get a handle on immigration; my main concern at the moment is having people who would do the US great harm(terrorists) entering the US through Mexico.

I can't tell you exactly what the process is to come here legally. I can tell you that it takes years. My dad came here (Chicago) from Mexico on a work visa back in 1966. My mom was here briefly with my 2 older brothers and older sister. While she was here my other sister was born in 1967. In 1968 my mom went back to Mexico with the 4 kids, and she was pregnant with me. That same year, she began the process of getting everything in order so the whole family could move to the US legally. My dad, also, worked on getting his permanent residency while he was up here working. Long story short, the first 7 years of my life, I saw my dad a couple of weeks a year, because, he was living in Chicago, and we were in Mexico. I realize the great sacrifice my parents made, being apart from each other for so long. My mom having to look after 5 kids on her own, my dad having to be away from his family. Finally in 1975 the rest of us were able to move to Chicago. We really only lived in Chicago one year and moved to the suburbs after that. I'm currently in the far north suburbs, half an hour away from the Wisconsin border.

In any case, I am really torn on the immigration issue. On the one hand, I understand the desperation that drives people to come here illegally. On the other hand, I feel like it's a slap in the face to those of us who did it the right way. I think of my parent's sacrifice and it just really irks me that someone would "jump the line" so to speak. But, as I stated earlier, my biggest concern is that terrorists would take advantage of the southern border to make their way here undetected just to wreak havoc and cause death and destruction.

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