Why don’t republicans seem to understand the consequences of tax cuts?

Can you list one recession that immediately followed a tax cut.
Wow, you Are naive. The economy doesn’t turn in a dime. But EVERY gop president had at least one recession following during his time in office. Go ask Reagan, Bush one and Trump,
That recession began in July 1981 (under Carter’s last budget) and ended in November 1982 when the Reagan tax cuts started to take hold.

Are you ever not an uneducated Dumbass? Ever?

Ha ha
Reagan then had one of his own.
The Carter recession was the only one by a Dem in modern times. All the others were alleviated by the two dirtiest words for the gop…GOVERNMENT SPENDING and paying for it by those who could most afford it, mostly Republucan donors.
Ha ha
Reagan then had one of his own.
The Carter recession was the only one by a Dem in modern times. All the others were alleviated by the two dirtiest words for the gop…GOVERNMENT SPENDING and paying for it by those who could most afford it, mostly Republucan donors.
accept for the recession during clinton admin and the one xiden has caused
Ha ha
Reagan then had one of his own.
The Carter recession was the only one by a Dem in modern times. All the others were alleviated by the two dirtiest words for the gop…GOVERNMENT SPENDING and paying for it by those who could most afford it, mostly Republucan donors.
Slick Willy handed off a recession to W, Simp.
Bet your asteroid. Instead of putting a question mark on that, you need to check history. Massive gop congress controlled tax cuts Pre emptEd their recessions. They have a 10-1 advantage in recessions.

Sounds awful!

Now explain how.
I can. I have absolutely no reason to bother.

And I won't labor the irony of paraphrasing, F. "New Deal", D.R. on the limits of presidential fiscal authority.

You're a very special, precious, brand of moron.
/----/ When you lose an argument - start calling others names. It's how you roll.
Ha ha
Reagan then had one of his own.
The Carter recession was the only one by a Dem in modern times. All the others were alleviated by the two dirtiest words for the gop…GOVERNMENT SPENDING and paying for it by those who could most afford it, mostly Republucan donors.

Reagan then had one of his own.

Reagan then had one of his own.

You're correct; he didn't. The early 80s were the much-studied "double-dip" recession, the first being in 1980 (under Carter) and the second dip being in 1981-82 (under Reagan). There was another in 1990 under HW.

Someone above accused Clinton of handing a recession off to W, which also isn't quite accurate. W took office in January 2001, and the dot-com bubble recession happened later that year. W then had a second when the housing bubble burst in 2008, which he handed off to Obama.

Then there was Covid in 2020, of course.

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