Why don’t republicans seem to understand the consequences of tax cuts?

No....they would just post the start date...

You should embrace the fact that you are, as demonstrated, an imbecile.
when they update it after it ends…gotcha
well hopefully the experts are wrong and this recesssion doesn’t continue drag on
engaging with someone using 3 year old articles to prove their point makes me one
No...failing to understand that NBER determines recession dating, and announces a start date, REGARDLESS of whether an end date has been determined makes you one.
Don't tax cuts always end up giving the government more money to piss away, starting with their personal wealth and power of course?
Nope. Not even close. As of today.

As of today,

"To illustrate just how unusually swollen California’s current state tax revenues have gotten, compare state tax collections in FYE 6/30/2017 (our most recent available data) to seven years earlier, in 2010. Back in 2010, California was in the grip of the great recession. Total state tax revenue was $94 billion, and $44 billion of that was from personal income taxes. Skip to FYE 6/30/2017, and total state tax revenue was $148 billion, and $86 billion was from personal income taxes. This means that 80 percent of the increase in state tax revenue over the seven years through 6/30/2017 was represented by the increase is collections from individual taxpayers, which doubled."

You're looking at debt not budget which has had a surplus due to income and sales tax and we all know democrats don't balance the budget they just make more stupid plans to tax us to death

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