Why don't the news media, TV commentators mention what Biden told the illegals?

First of all look at this since the FIRST of this year... border encounters of illegals... MOST because they ONLY have heard this statement from Biden: surge to the border, "
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border,

So why don't they remind Biden HE encouraged the surge to the border? Illegals remember this. The president of the US telling illegals... surge to the border,!

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I've been saying this since he became president. He publicly announced to the world that there should be an immediate surge to the border, so it should not be of any surprise that we have been seeing record #'s flooding in.
LOL Talk about a cop-out. After months of claiming that he would build a huuuge wall with Mexico footing the bill, it is now Dems's fault that he couldn't get the work done? :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry, retard. Your orange douchebag is a loser in more ways than one. That you retards fell for his lies? That is a gift that keeps on giving! :laughing0301:
Grow up.
Since we are talking about what is not being mentioned... how come trumptards don't mention the huuuuge wall Rump was going to build?

You know the one that the orange loser promised that he would build with Mexico's peso, no less? Whatever happened to that?

Did Bannon skip town with all the dough or did he leave some for the orange one?

How come you retards don't hold Rump accountable? If he had built the wall, would we still have this problem?

Nice deflection. Your incompetent and senile president is why we are seeing the rate of invaders that we are now. Trump at least tried to actually slow down the flow, your fuck invited them in!
Nice deflection. Your incompetent and senile president is why we are seeing the rate of invaders that we are now. Trump at least tried to actually slow down the flow, your fuck invited them in!
The useful idiots, otherwise known as Biden voters, are starting to panic:

1) Inflation at a 40-year high
2) Illegals swarming in at a rate that can make one sick
3) Putin threatening nuclear war
4) 401Ks are now 201ks
5) Biden can’t find his way out of a paper bag
6) Biden calling tens of millions of Americans “threats to democracy”
7) FBI whistleblowers starting to pull back the curtain on Biden Family Corruption
8) Thugs assaulting innocent bystanders, trashing stores, tossing people onto subway tracks, and Dems calling for “no bail” and….

…..midterms are weeks away!
In addition, never forget this! During the Dimocrat presidential debates EVERY SINGLE DIM CANDIDATE RAISED THEIR LITTLE HANDS when an MSNBC host asked by a show of hands who would be in favor of providing healthcare to illegals! You think that was missed by people south of our border?

Nice deflection. Your incompetent and senile president is why we are seeing the rate of invaders that we are now. Trump at least tried to actually slow down the flow, your fuck invited them in!
It's all they have. They can't defend Quid Pro on his own merits, so they have to invoke TRUMP! in a pathetic attempt to deflect. It's as if they don't even know an election happened.
In addition, never forget this! During the Dimocrat presidential debates EVERY SINGLE DIM CANDIDATE RAISED THEIR LITTLE HANDS when an MSNBC host asked by a show of hands who would be in favor of providing healthcare to illegals! You think that was missed by people south of our border?

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Wow.... totally unaware of that! What a totally equally dumb ass response! No wonder the illegals are "surging" to the borders because they know when they get here ...FREE HEALTH CARE!!!
Wow.... totally unaware of that! What a totally equally dumb ass response! No wonder the illegals are "surging" to the borders because they know when they get here ...FREE HEALTH CARE!!!
Yes, that’s right. Democrats have sent the message that honest, taxpaying Americans will have to pay for illegal aliens’ benefits. It’s basically a welcome mat.
Wow.... totally unaware of that! What a totally equally dumb ass response! No wonder the illegals are "surging" to the borders because they know when they get here ...FREE HEALTH CARE!!!

They are not currently getting it, but they know which party it is that wants to give it to them.

This is it right here. Just think, Dimocrats want YOU the taxpayer to pay for the healthcare of illegals! That should send a chill down everyone's spine, but unfortunately we are dealing with today's Dimocrats, and this is what we'll get eventually.

When did you stop beating your wife? Your inane question is based on a completely false premise, thus I will repeat what I've said before:

1. Are you aware that there was an election in 2020 and that Quid Pro Joe is now president? I have to ask because you seem to be totally unaware of that fact, pretending that Quid and Cackles have nothing to do with it.
2. Are you aware that TRUMP! has nothing to do with any wall or any policy regarding the southern border? I have to ask because you appear to be laboring under the impression that he is somehow responsible. Poor thing, all I can do is try to educate you. It's up to you to take the opportunity.
3. If you are an American, TRUMP! was your president for 4 years, and apparently you think he still is.
Well, just imagine, if your orange fuhrer had followed through on his promise... what am I saying? Of course, your orange loser had no intention of doing anything.

The orange douchebag is not only incompetent but a swindler. He and Bannon sure had a great time swindling you retards out of money to build the mythic wall!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Nice deflection. Your incompetent and senile president is why we are seeing the rate of invaders that we are now. Trump at least tried to actually slow down the flow, your fuck invited them in!
Your orange douchebag did not build the wall that he grandly promised but it is Biden's fault? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
Well, just imagine, if your orange fuhrer had followed through on his promise... what am I saying? Of course, your orange loser had no intention of doing anything.

The orange douchebag is not only incompetent but a swindler. He and Bannon sure had a great time swindling you retards out of money to build the mythic wall!!! :auiqs.jpg:
But you still haven't retorted the following FACTS that YOU believe all the bad news about Trump but NEVER question the MSM's protection of Biden.
Biden asks whether deceased congresswoman is at White House event
Speaking at the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health, Biden asked whether Rep. Jackie Walorski, who died in early August, was in the audience.
Why haven't you refuted these articles about how the MSM donated 96% to Hillary, she lost then they spent 4 years and 92% of negative news about Trump only to spend 90% on Biden! But you still believe all the truly proven lies about Trump. Either you are so juvenile that you can't comprehend the magnitude of Biden's totally traitorous behavior...(tell me how do you justify taking In short, in an attempt to lower gas prices, the United States really did release millions of barrels of oil from a national stockpile, called the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), to be sold on the global market in June 2022. Once this oil was “released,” it went up for auction for energy companies to purchase, and once the oil was purchased, it was shipped around the globe. Among several countries that received the shipments was China. Did Biden Sell Millions of Barrels of Oil to China?) While at the same time guaranteeing
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

So this idiot that you defend tells oil companies he will get rid of them, they raise prices because they will be going out of business and this idiot then sells oil to China? How totally ignorant must you and Biden be? Don't you comprehend what this dummy is doing to the USA?
He stops oil leases on federal lands..
FACT The Biden administration has leased fewer acres for oil-and-gas drilling offshore and on federal land than any other administration in its early stages dating back to the end of World War II, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis.Sep 6, 2022
And yet you Bidenophiles.... make statements with no proof, then defend these actions and totally ignore reality!
You are in a fucking cult.
It is a big cult so you may be consciously not all that aware.
But subconsciously, way down deep, you probably are starting to realize that your leaders have filled
your head with false information, while simultaneously preaching that everyone that didn't adhere to their false narratives could not be trusted and were evil.
The leaders of your cult are smart, strong and powerful, they make it difficult to escape.
I doubt that you have it in you, but you should make an effort.
There is a whole word of information out here that looks a little different when it's not spun by your cult leaders.
LOL Talking about cults... you still believe your orange douchebag is going to be anointed by JFK jr any day now? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
But you still haven't retorted the following FACTS that YOU believe all the bad news about Trump but NEVER question the MSM's protection of Biden.
Biden asks whether deceased congresswoman is at White House event
Speaking at the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health, Biden asked whether Rep. Jackie Walorski, who died in early August, was in the audience.
Why haven't you refuted these articles about how the MSM donated 96% to Hillary, she lost then they spent 4 years and 92% of negative news about Trump only to spend 90% on Biden! But you still believe all the truly proven lies about Trump. Either you are so juvenile that you can't comprehend the magnitude of Biden's totally traitorous behavior...(tell me how do you justify taking In short, in an attempt to lower gas prices, the United States really did release millions of barrels of oil from a national stockpile, called the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), to be sold on the global market in June 2022. Once this oil was “released,” it went up for auction for energy companies to purchase, and once the oil was purchased, it was shipped around the globe. Among several countries that received the shipments was China. Did Biden Sell Millions of Barrels of Oil to China?) While at the same time guaranteeing
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

So this idiot that you defend tells oil companies he will get rid of them, they raise prices because they will be going out of business and this idiot then sells oil to China? How totally ignorant must you and Biden be? Don't you comprehend what this dummy is doing to the USA?
He stops oil leases on federal lands..
FACT The Biden administration has leased fewer acres for oil-and-gas drilling offshore and on federal land than any other administration in its early stages dating back to the end of World War II, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis.Sep 6, 2022
And yet you Bidenophiles.... make statements with no proof, then defend these actions and totally ignore reality!
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Blah blah blah... What's the matter, retard? You think I am going to forget my question just because you vomitted all your right-wing garbage?

Sorry, retard. Same question. Let's see if you can answer...

Your orange loser promised to build a wall with Mexico's money. He didn't. So, how come you retards don't hold him responsible?
First of all look at this since the FIRST of this year... border encounters of illegals... MOST because they ONLY have heard this statement from Biden: surge to the border, "
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border,

So why don't they remind Biden HE encouraged the surge to the border? Illegals remember this. The president of the US telling illegals... surge to the border,!

View attachment 701756

Biden didn't tell "illegals" to surge to the border. He told "refugee claimants" to come because they have a right to be heard.

Refugee claimants are NOT "illegals".

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