Why dumb people from the south, should shut the fuck up!!

It's nice to see someone in the limelight having this kind of courage.
The left now will work to silence her.

No one is trying to silence this chic, first off she's a fuckin nobody....I just wish people like her, who depends on the loyalty of fans to finance her lifestyle, would stop and think before opening their mouths....I'm black, I got issues with gays marrying, but that's my opinion, not for public display and I'm not depending on them, she will be.
Kind of like the retarded loudmouths in Washington taking our money to support lazy but m ghetto drug dealers. STFU hag.

Watch Fox fuck news much?
‘American Idol’ Runner-Up Says She Doesn’t ‘Agree’ With LGBT ‘Lifestyle’

Another Kim Davis shit head.....ol girl is kind, talented and black, but also one who lives in a glass house. Not only are you a product of the same discrimination our gays and lesbians experience, but you also had a child out of wedlock and then married, which lasted a hot minute...a lifestyle, I don't like. I hate your hair, too ethnic for me, I'm 1000% sure, there's a microphone stuck in there somewhere and for the record sister girl, its the gays and lesbians that has made most recording artist their millions and longevity in this business....no fan base is more loyal than they. Its okay to not dig a persons lifestyle, but its another to throw a rock when you live in a glass house, just sayin
Hate that black woman who can actually think for herself don't you? Racist ghetto hag.
Give me a fuckin brake, this chic if she spoke the opposite, you white fucks would be all up her black ass...pot meet fuckin kettle you ass ho
Stfu ghetto slut.
It's nice to see someone in the limelight having this kind of courage.
The left now will work to silence her.

No one is trying to silence this chic, first off she's a fuckin nobody....I just wish people like her, who depends on the loyalty of fans to finance her lifestyle, would stop and think before opening their mouths....I'm black, I got issues with gays marrying, but that's my opinion, not for public display and I'm not depending on them, she will be.
Kind of like the retarded loudmouths in Washington taking our money to support lazy but m ghetto drug dealers. STFU hag.

Watch Fox fuck news much?
Nope. Just smart enough to know when the prez in office is a pig.
Hey, she's just exercising her first amendment rights and expressing her opinion. Good for her.

I also like the fact that Springsteen and Bryan Adams have expressed their opinion as well, by refusing to play in NC.

Is this a great country or what? You can express your views publicly, and others are free to express their opinion of what you said.

However.................I think it's stupid to get on national television and say crap like that, because it gives you a bigger audience, which means that you can have many more detractors disagreeing with you.
Good for her. A black woman who thinks for herself and ignores the PC bullshit.
A black woman who will depend on a fan base to fund her lifestyle, I just hope there's enough red fucks like you to do so, the rest of us will boycott anything she puts out...how's that for thinking for yourself.

That is a pretty good example of NOT thinking for yourself.
3% of the population is the base of the music industry? :lol:

True and with venues like iTunes and Youtube, its not easy trying to get your music out there and get paid for it. I wish the human cue tip dipped in ear wax the best, but in this country, the Dixie Chics are a lesson.

As soon as she goes overseas and insults Obama you will have a point. Until then the only point you have is the one on the top of your head.
‘American Idol’ Runner-Up Says She Doesn’t ‘Agree’ With LGBT ‘Lifestyle’

Another Kim Davis shit head.....ol girl is kind, talented and black, but also one who lives in a glass house. Not only are you a product of the same discrimination our gays and lesbians experience, but you also had a child out of wedlock and then married, which lasted a hot minute...a lifestyle, I don't like. I hate your hair, too ethnic for me, I'm 1000% sure, there's a microphone stuck in there somewhere and for the record sister girl, its the gays and lesbians that has made most recording artist their millions and longevity in this business....no fan base is more loyal than they. Its okay to not dig a persons lifestyle, but its another to throw a rock when you live in a glass house, just sayin
Just mentioning the neoQueers come in all races. No one is allowed a personal opinion of gay lifestyles. And like this one thread, the neoQueers will relentlessly go after you.
‘American Idol’ Runner-Up Says She Doesn’t ‘Agree’ With LGBT ‘Lifestyle’

Another Kim Davis shit head.....ol girl is kind, talented and black, but also one who lives in a glass house. Not only are you a product of the same discrimination our gays and lesbians experience, but you also had a child out of wedlock and then married, which lasted a hot minute...a lifestyle, I don't like. I hate your hair, too ethnic for me, I'm 1000% sure, there's a microphone stuck in there somewhere and for the record sister girl, its the gays and lesbians that has made most recording artist their millions and longevity in this business....no fan base is more loyal than they. Its okay to not dig a persons lifestyle, but its another to throw a rock when you live in a glass house, just sayin

Yeah, but people like her.

You, not so much.
Tiggered59 is white, and belongs to the KKK. This is just his Amos & Andy shuck and jive. (Both Jews in real life.)

LOLOLO....I've been insulted many many times here, but calling me white? I'm gonna report this, this is the ultimate insult.
Hey, she's just exercising her first amendment rights and expressing her opinion. Good for her.

I also like the fact that Springsteen and Bryan Adams have expressed their opinion as well, by refusing to play in NC.

Is this a great country or what? You can express your views publicly, and others are free to express their opinion of what you said.

However.................I think it's stupid to get on national television and say crap like that, because it gives you a bigger audience, which means that you can have many more detractors disagreeing with you.
The DNC echo chamber does not like it when people, particularly a black, doesn't toe the line.
Hey, she's just exercising her first amendment rights and expressing her opinion. Good for her.

I also like the fact that Springsteen and Bryan Adams have expressed their opinion as well, by refusing to play in NC.

Is this a great country or what? You can express your views publicly, and others are free to express their opinion of what you said.

However.................I think it's stupid to get on national television and say crap like that, because it gives you a bigger audience, which means that you can have many more detractors disagreeing with you.
The DNC echo chamber does not like it when people, particularly, doesn't toe the line.

Oh and Donald throwing a hissy fit, is because the GOP is towing the party line....Pot meet kettle
‘American Idol’ Runner-Up Says She Doesn’t ‘Agree’ With LGBT ‘Lifestyle’

Another Kim Davis shit head.....ol girl is kind, talented and black, but also one who lives in a glass house. Not only are you a product of the same discrimination our gays and lesbians experience, but you also had a child out of wedlock and then married, which lasted a hot minute...a lifestyle, I don't like. I hate your hair, too ethnic for me, I'm 1000% sure, there's a microphone stuck in there somewhere and for the record sister girl, its the gays and lesbians that has made most recording artist their millions and longevity in this business....no fan base is more loyal than they. Its okay to not dig a persons lifestyle, but its another to throw a rock when you live in a glass house, just sayin
Hate that black woman who can actually think for herself don't you? Racist ghetto hag.
Give me a fuckin brake, this chic if she spoke the opposite, you white fucks would be all up her black ass...pot meet fuckin kettle you ass ho
Stfu ghetto slut.

One minute I'm a white KKK member, the next I'm a ghetto slut, com'on guys which one is it? LOLOLOLOL....listen, sticks and stones, pal, sticks and stones

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