Why Every Level of Government Failed the 17 Children in Florida

Rush Limbaugh Explains it All

What would happen if you learned that background checks may not work because the data in the background check system isn’t even there because of policies from the Obama and Holder Department of Justice to equalize racial populations in prison has resulted in many crimes and criminals not being arrested or reported because of the belief that there is a bias in the criminal justice system against minorities?

What if you were to learn that local police departments, sheriff’s offices, and school districts have been awarded grant money from the Obama administration for doing just that: looking the other way when certain crimes have taken place? On purpose, so as to change the racial proportion of the prison population, among many other things?


More on Broward County implementation of Obama's Promise Program
(What it REALLY means is ignoring student crimes)

Broward County Public Schools is commited to keeping students engaged in school and out of the Juvenile Justice System. Learn what BCPS is doing to eliminate the school to prison pipeline!

So if affirmative action didn't work in the workplace, it's now supposed to work with school age criminals????:banghead:

And even so, this must be one of the few schools/law enforcements that do follow this ruling. I've seen & have posted a few times on here about kids being arrested for threatening to shoot their school.....without actually following thru on it........not to mention all the more having been arrested for the copycats since FL.

Sorry, but I don't see it as the answer:dunno:
The #1 way this country failed those kids is that a large segment of the population that is currently in power is perfectly happy to trade other people’s kids’ lives for easy access to assault weaponry.

Then by your bright idea......we'd all be dead a long time ago :th_believecrap:
This liberal policy has been doing a lot of damage. Its all making so much sense now:

Seventeen-year-old Miami-Dade student Trayvon Martin got neither incarceration nor education. Eleven days after this self-congratulatory press release, Martin was shot and killed in Sanford, Florida, 250 miles from his Miami home. For all the attention paid to the case, the media have refused to report why Martin was left to wander the streets of Sanford, high and alone on a Sunday night during a school week.

Sundance, who lives in South Florida, broke this story through old-fashioned gumshoe reporting. He writes, "Over time the policy [in Miami-Dade] began to create outcomes where illegal behavior by students was essentially unchecked by law enforcement." Sundance was alerted to the problem during the investigation into Martin's death when six M-DSPD officers blew the whistle on their superiors, the most notable of them being Chief Hurley. The whistleblowers told of cases of burglary and robbery where officers had to hide the recovered evidence in order to avoid writing up the students for criminal behavior. "At first I didn't believe them," writes Sundance of the whistleblowers. "However, after getting information from detectives, cross referencing police reports, and looking at the 'found merchandise' I realized they were telling the truth."

One of those incidents involved Martin. Caught with a dozen pieces of stolen female jewelry and a burglary tool, Martin had his offense written off as entering an unauthorized area and writing graffiti on a locker. There could be no effort made to track the jewelry to its rightful owner, lest Martin's apprehension be elevated to the level of a crime. Instead, Martin was suspended, one of three suspensions that school year.

And even so, this must be one of the few schools/law enforcements that do follow this ruling. I've seen & have posted a few times on here about kids being arrested for threatening to shoot their school.....without actually following thru on it........not to mention all the more having been arrested for the
The Broward school superintendent was brought in from ......

CHICAGO! Is anybody really surprised?

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