Why Exclude Muslims?

And of those refugees who are not radical Islamists, who knows how many will become radicalized because they are disappointed with the conditions they experience here in America?

yep, 21% of American Muslims already think extremism is a big problem among American Muslims!! That's not enough??
Your fear us unwarranted, subjective, and not 'justification' to deny refugees asylum in the United States.

Nor is discriminating against Muslims 'justified' as a consequence of the actions by a tiny, non-representative few.

Surrendering to your fear is exactly what the terrorists want you to do.

Recalling all of the terrorist activity taking place, not only in the U.S. but around the world, all of it, not just some of it, is the work of Muslims. All of it! If even one major terrorist attack were perpetrated by some fanatical Catholic (or other Christian denominated) group I might feel differently, but it's Muslims against the non-Muslim world to which my loved ones, my friends and I belong. So with apologies to those Muslims who are not jihadists (today) I refuse to jeopardize the safety of my family for the Islamist's sake -- and I'm quite sure they wouldn't do it for me.

If every crime that takes place in my neighborhood is committed by Blacks I would vigorously advocate compulsory segregation -- and I really don't give a damn what anyone thinks about that. They can call it racism but I call it common sense.
That's stupid . Especially since its Muslims killing Muslims . It's more civil war bullshit than anything .
So you support jugears and hillary and most dems wanting to remove asaad?

I support Assad. We need to stop removing such people from power as we're fucking everything up!
There certainly is something to be said for having a strong leader who can prevent sectarian violence from erupting. Obviously, Assad could not. His father could. Sadam Hussein kept the country intact. Mubarack kept Egypt peaceful during his tenure.

Look at the former Yugoslavia. After Tito died the country fell apart and devolved into a nasty sectarian civil war. "Yugoslavia" does not even exist anymore.

The Middle East's history suggests that they may not be good candidates for a pluralistic political system. What happens, if we accept Egypt's experience as a guide, is that a democratic system allows for the dangerous, anti-democratic groups like the Muslim Brotherhood to gain political power and disrupt the whole experiment. There is not sufficient hegemony for democracy to work there, as the various groups identify with their tribes and religious sects first, subordinating their allegiance to the state.

Arguably, from a western standpoint, we are better off having the various ME states controlled and operated by strongmen than democratic systems.
That's stupid . Especially since its Muslims killing Muslims . It's more civil war bullshit than anything .

Hmm...how many "muslims" died in paris? Link? how many died on 9/11? on the train in Spain? In Fort Hood? Are you and idiot or ... sorry ... that's all I've got ...
Since 2013 we have taken 2000 Syrian refugees, Canada 17 X that number, and Toronto and Quebec and New Orleans and Denver have all disappeared in blasts.

Oh wait!
That's stupid . Especially since its Muslims killing Muslims . It's more civil war bullshit than anything .

Hmm...how many "muslims" died in paris? Link? how many died on 9/11? on the train in Spain? In Fort Hood? Are you and idiot or ... sorry ... that's all I've got ...

How about all the other mass shootings you skipped over ? The non muslim ones. You just ignore those don't you. Like I don't know, the OTHER ft hood shooting?
Well shit happens . Ain't that what we say whenever there's a mass shooting in the us ? After all we can't talk gun control .

Clearly it is what you people say after events such as 9-11 and Boston Marathon. In a domestic shooting, you rush to judgement that the perps are white republicans only to find out the perps are brown or muslim with ties to ISIS or Al Qaeda.
That's stupid . Especially since its Muslims killing Muslims . It's more civil war bullshit than anything .
I forgot all those killed in Paris were Muslims...

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That's stupid . Especially since its Muslims killing Muslims . It's more civil war bullshit than anything .

Hmm...how many "muslims" died in paris? Link? how many died on 9/11? on the train in Spain? In Fort Hood? Are you and idiot or ... sorry ... that's all I've got ...

How about all the other mass shootings you skipped over ? The non muslim ones. You just ignore those don't you. Like I don't know, the OTHER ft hood shooting?


South Park really does cover you. What you just said doesn't rebut my point. Read what you said, read my response, don't get it ...
That's stupid . Especially since its Muslims killing Muslims . It's more civil war bullshit than anything .

New York, Washington, London, and Paris......show us where and how the Muslims filtered out the Muslims to kill them. If you can't, by your own words, "That's stupid."
That's stupid . Especially since its Muslims killing Muslims . It's more civil war bullshit than anything .

New York, Washington, London, and Paris......show us where and how the Muslims filtered out the Muslims to kill them. If you can't, by your own words, "That's stupid."

Timmy thinks if Muslims ever killed Muslims, then the rest don't count. Sorry, "thinks" is the wrong word...
How many mass shootings have we had in the us over the last 20 years? How many were my Muslims ?

Yall have no problem accepting these shootings (can't deal wh gun control can we ) . But if a MOOSLIM is the perp, it becomes this big deal!!!

What's the difference ?
There certainly is something to be said for having a strong leader who can prevent sectarian violence from erupting. Obviously, Assad could not. His father could. Sadam Hussein kept the country intact. Mubarack kept Egypt peaceful during his tenure.

Look at the former Yugoslavia. After Tito died the country fell apart and devolved into a nasty sectarian civil war. "Yugoslavia" does not even exist anymore.

The Middle East's history suggests that they may not be good candidates for a pluralistic political system. What happens, if we accept Egypt's experience as a guide, is that a democratic system allows for the dangerous, anti-democratic groups like the Muslim Brotherhood to gain political power and disrupt the whole experiment. There is not sufficient hegemony for democracy to work there, as the various groups identify with their tribes and religious sects first, subordinating their allegiance to the state.

Arguably, from a western standpoint, we are better off having the various ME states controlled and operated by strongmen than democratic systems.
Well said.
How many mass shootings have we had in the us over the last 20 years? How many were my Muslims ?

Yall have no problem accepting these shootings (can't deal wh gun control can we ) . But if a MOOSLIM is the perp, it becomes this big deal!!!

What's the difference ?
If a muslim shoots someone, which they have; it's been traditionally defined into something other than it was.

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