Why Exclude Muslims?

How many mass shootings have we had in the us over the last 20 years? How many were my Muslims ?

Yall have no problem accepting these shootings (can't deal wh gun control can we ) . But if a MOOSLIM is the perp, it becomes this big deal!!!

What's the difference ?
The difference is one category of mass homicide is motivated by ideological hostility, the other is the consequence of extreme psychopathology. The only comparison exists in the actions. There are no comparisons in the respective causes.
Why do I support blocking the entry of thousands of (Syrian) Muslims into the U.S.? The simple answer is I am afraid of the Islamic faith. This religion intimidates me because of its amply demonstrated ability to transform certain of its adherents into suicidal mass murderers.

I do regret finding it necessary to openly discriminate against the majority of Muslims who are not radicalized jihadists but the fact is my country has already been attacked by, and is presently being threatened by, radicalized Muslims and there is no way to positively determine which of the proposed Muslim (Syrian) refugees are radicalized and which are not. So I am unwilling to jeopardize the lives of my loved ones, my own life and the lives of my countrymen for the sake of being politically correct.

Again, I am anti-Islam because that religion transforms certain of its adherents into homicidal maniacs who are willing to die to strike at non-Muslims. And of those refugees who are not radical Islamists, who knows how many will become radicalized because they are disappointed with the conditions they experience here in America?

So I am willing to accept any Syrian who is a Christian (or a Jew) and can prove it. But no Muslims! And that's not prejudice. It's common sense.

Do you know what's going on in Burundi right now? It's not a Muslim country.
Since 2013 we have taken 2000 Syrian refugees, Canada 17 X that number, and Toronto and Quebec and New Orleans and Denver have all disappeared in blasts.

Oh wait!
Canada happens to inhabit the metaphorically comfortable position of a cocker spaniel who lives next door to a pit bull who happens to like her and is willing to protect her. So Canada can afford to be so nice to Muslims. Canada never does anything to piss Muslims or anyone else off. It doesn't need to.

We Americans on the other hand are beset by the actions of criminal politicians like George W. Bush who unlawfully and unnecessarily invade and destabilize nations like Iraq and kill a lot of Muslims. Consequently my loved ones, and yours, are placed in jeopardy by the terroristic actions of vindictive co-religionists whom we now are forced to defend against.

I never suggested the Muslims don't have cause to be pissed off at America. I happen to agree with their grievance and if I had my way I would hand Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell and Rice over them. But since I can't do anything like that I am forced to focus on self-defense, which is what I am advocating in this forum.

As for Denver and Louisiana. . . wait. Give it time.
Why do I support blocking the entry of thousands of (Syrian) Muslims into the U.S.? The simple answer is I am afraid of the Islamic faith. This religion intimidates me because of its amply demonstrated ability to transform certain of its adherents into suicidal mass murderers.

I do regret finding it necessary to openly discriminate against the majority of Muslims who are not radicalized jihadists but the fact is my country has already been attacked by, and is presently being threatened by, radicalized Muslims and there is no way to positively determine which of the proposed Muslim (Syrian) refugees are radicalized and which are not. So I am unwilling to jeopardize the lives of my loved ones, my own life and the lives of my countrymen for the sake of being politically correct.

Again, I am anti-Islam because that religion transforms certain of its adherents into homicidal maniacs who are willing to die to strike at non-Muslims. And of those refugees who are not radical Islamists, who knows how many will become radicalized because they are disappointed with the conditions they experience here in America?

So I am willing to accept any Syrian who is a Christian (or a Jew) and can prove it. But no Muslims! And that's not prejudice. It's common sense.






Yes. But it's too late now. The shit is on the fan.
Shouldn't we kick them out of our military, too?

The Ft. Hood shooter should have been kicked out. There were signs of impending problems, but since he was Muslim they left him alone so there wouldn't be accusations of bias.

Then we have one of our military members kicked out of the service because he reacted to a pedophile (Muslim) and is in trouble for defending a kid.

The muslim god was a pedophile and murderer. Still can't figure out how they claim to be a religion of peace when they follow a god who was so nasty.

Some Muslim women who were able to break away from the religion have come forth over the years. I posted a video of the latest in another thread. They tell about how horrible it was being a slave and mistreated by the men. I think they would know better than anyone. They have no voice and anytime someone brings up the horrible treatment of women, some leftie pounces and accuses them of discrimination or hatred. The women have said their only hope is others speaking out, but the left prefers to ignore it and pretend there isn't any problem. They don't even listen to the former victims of Islam.

I thought the left was for women's rights. The left accuses the right of a war on women for not wanting to fund PP, yet doesn't accuse those who actually oppress women. Even those women who obey and don't get beat or killed are living in hell. They aren't allowed to speak to non-relative men and have so many restrictions on their behavior. Can you imagine one of the Islam supporters in Hollywood of being forced to cover their body and obey a man? It's laughable, yet they defend Islam even as women are oppressed as part of their culture.
Well shit happens . Ain't that what we say whenever there's a mass shooting in the us ? After all we can't talk gun control .

You guys freak out and demand gun control when there is a shooting. You say gun control is necessary because of the tiny percent of legal gun owners who may pose a danger. Where is that attitude when about 13% of the refugees are supportive of ISIS and their killing of infidels?
That's stupid . Especially since its Muslims killing Muslims . It's more civil war bullshit than anything .
It's common sense, so to a leftist it seems stewpud.

yes, muslims are so fucking nuts that they kill different muslims.

civil war? you think the bombing in France was part of a civil war?
lining people up to saw off their heads?

wow, you are one truly dumb person

Well France IS bombing ISIS . I don't understand why they act so surprised that ISIS would plot an attack on france .

"This is an act of war". Well you ARE at war ! People are so spoiled when it comes to war . It's just stuff happening "over there ". When it comes to their doorstep they are all shocked .
which simply enforces the fact that your first was just ignorant.

you don't let possible enemies in just b/c you don't want to hurt their feelings
Since 2013 we have taken 2000 Syrian refugees, Canada 17 X that number, and Toronto and Quebec and New Orleans and Denver have all disappeared in blasts.

Oh wait!
Canada happens to inhabit the metaphorically comfortable position of a cocker spaniel who lives next door to a pit bull who happens to like her and is willing to protect her. So Canada can afford to be so nice to Muslims. Canada never does anything to piss Muslims or anyone else off. It doesn't need to.

We Americans on the other hand are beset by the actions of criminal politicians like George W. Bush who unlawfully and unnecessarily invade and destabilize nations like Iraq and kill a lot of Muslims. Consequently my loved ones, and yours, are placed in jeopardy by the terroristic actions of vindictive co-religionists whom we now are forced to defend against.

I never suggested the Muslims don't have cause to be pissed off at America. I happen to agree with their grievance and if I had my way I would hand Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell and Rice over them. But since I can't do anything like that I am forced to focus on self-defense, which is what I am advocating in this forum.

As for Denver and Louisiana. . . wait. Give it time.
The weakness is suggesting Canada is not at risk. We are all at risk. Yes, I would give our neo-cons to Iraq for appropriate disposal. However, we own this mess, and we own the obligation to try to succor those who need it. If we can control our crazy far right whacks, we can vet the refugees.
We are able to limit damage by the far right crazies.

We can easily vet the refugees
We are able to limit damage by the far right crazies.

We can easily vet the refugees

Not according to the FBI you can't.

That's the problem. There is no way to vet these people. They don't have papers and Syria is in such a mess its impossible to check people.

You can ask them and hope to hell they aren't lying. But then who wouldn't like to get out of Syria and into the US where our tax dollar will take care of you??

If your a terrorist you lie and hope you lie well enough to make it to the US.

Common Sense says don't let any of them in. Unfortunately Common Sense is in short supply in DC.
We are able to limit damage by the far right crazies.

We can easily vet the refugees

Not according to the FBI you can't.

That's the problem. There is no way to vet these people. They don't have papers and Syria is in such a mess its impossible to check people.

You can ask them and hope to hell they aren't lying. But then who wouldn't like to get out of Syria and into the US where our tax dollar will take care of you??

If your a terrorist you lie and hope you lie well enough to make it to the US.

Common Sense says don't let any of them in. Unfortunately Common Sense is in short supply in DC.

So the FBI is saying we should not let Syrian refugees into our country? Of course you have a link to back up that claim, right?
We are able to limit damage by the far right crazies.

We can easily vet the refugees

Not according to the FBI you can't.

That's the problem. There is no way to vet these people. They don't have papers and Syria is in such a mess its impossible to check people.

You can ask them and hope to hell they aren't lying. But then who wouldn't like to get out of Syria and into the US where our tax dollar will take care of you??

If your a terrorist you lie and hope you lie well enough to make it to the US.

Common Sense says don't let any of them in. Unfortunately Common Sense is in short supply in DC.
You have no idea of what the FBI says. The vetting process for refugees is intense. We have had 2,000 refugess come here in the last three years without incident, and Canada has 17 times that money.

I would like our FBI working on the refugees and our far right militia wack groups both.
We are able to limit damage by the far right crazies.

We can easily vet the refugees

Not according to the FBI you can't.

That's the problem. There is no way to vet these people. They don't have papers and Syria is in such a mess its impossible to check people.

You can ask them and hope to hell they aren't lying. But then who wouldn't like to get out of Syria and into the US where our tax dollar will take care of you??

If your a terrorist you lie and hope you lie well enough to make it to the US.

Common Sense says don't let any of them in. Unfortunately Common Sense is in short supply in DC.

So the FBI is saying we should not let Syrian refugees into our country? Of course you have a link to back up that claim, right?

Nope. What they said is that they have no way to vet these people and any checking they do is subject to question.

Really. Your a partisan hack looking for an excuse to be a bigger partisan hack.

Grow the fuck up.
We are able to limit damage by the far right crazies.

We can easily vet the refugees

Not according to the FBI you can't.

That's the problem. There is no way to vet these people. They don't have papers and Syria is in such a mess its impossible to check people.

You can ask them and hope to hell they aren't lying. But then who wouldn't like to get out of Syria and into the US where our tax dollar will take care of you??

If your a terrorist you lie and hope you lie well enough to make it to the US.

Common Sense says don't let any of them in. Unfortunately Common Sense is in short supply in DC.
You have no idea of what the FBI says. The vetting process for refugees is intense. We have had 2,000 refugess come here in the last three years without incident, and Canada has 17 times that money.

I would like our FBI working on the refugees and our far right militia wack groups both.

Of course I do.

I watched the FBI director on the news yesterday saying they are having a hard time vetting these people because there are no records and anything they do have is open to questions.

Another partisan hack with absolutely no common sense.

Speaking of far left idiots. That's you. Grow the fuck up.

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