Why Exclude Muslims?

We are able to limit damage by the far right crazies.

We can easily vet the refugees

Not according to the FBI you can't.

That's the problem. There is no way to vet these people. They don't have papers and Syria is in such a mess its impossible to check people.

You can ask them and hope to hell they aren't lying. But then who wouldn't like to get out of Syria and into the US where our tax dollar will take care of you??

If your a terrorist you lie and hope you lie well enough to make it to the US.

Common Sense says don't let any of them in. Unfortunately Common Sense is in short supply in DC.

So the FBI is saying we should not let Syrian refugees into our country? Of course you have a link to back up that claim, right?

Nope. What they said is that they have no way to vet these people and any checking they do is subject to question.

Really. Your a partisan hack looking for an excuse to be a bigger partisan hack.

Grow the fuck up.

No, that's not "what they are saying". Let's be clear, the FBI is NOT saying that Syrian refugees should not be let into the United States, despite you implying differently.

I love when partisan hacks call me a partisan hack. Yes, I'm partisan. I readily admit it. Pot, meet kettle.
No, Claudette, you don't. You are the partisan ideologue ignoring right and wrong to push your anti-American far right agenda. The FBI is not saying to not let the refugees in.

Yes, the far right in America is far more dangerous than several bad apples among the refugees, which the authorities will find anyway.
Why do I support blocking the entry of thousands of (Syrian) Muslims into the U.S.? The simple answer is I am afraid of the Islamic faith. This religion intimidates me because of its amply demonstrated ability to transform certain of its adherents into suicidal mass murderers.

I do regret finding it necessary to openly discriminate against the majority of Muslims who are not radicalized jihadists but the fact is my country has already been attacked by, and is presently being threatened by, radicalized Muslims and there is no way to positively determine which of the proposed Muslim (Syrian) refugees are radicalized and which are not. So I am unwilling to jeopardize the lives of my loved ones, my own life and the lives of my countrymen for the sake of being politically correct.

Again, I am anti-Islam because that religion transforms certain of its adherents into homicidal maniacs who are willing to die to strike at non-Muslims. And of those refugees who are not radical Islamists, who knows how many will become radicalized because they are disappointed with the conditions they experience here in America?

So I am willing to accept any Syrian who is a Christian (or a Jew) and can prove it. But no Muslims! And that's not prejudice. It's common sense.

Once again the liberal left interjects religon. If it ain't religion then it is race or some other derisive group.

It is not MUSLIMS being questioned for entry it is SYRIANS.

Your support for the notion that all Muslims are terrorist is well noted.
Keep them all out, the more kept out the better. Leave nothing to chance. Why should we let people in ? Because we are "nice people" ?? Tired of Obama trying to be everyones friend and showing that we care about everyone. Just shut the US down dont let anyone in especially muslims and problem solved. If they want to bomb us they will have to do it from far away or from the people they have already in the US so go ahead and try. It'll happen... just not nearly as great of a chance as if we let everyone and their mom in. Look at how well that worked out for Paris.
Why should we let people in ?

To save their lives.

If we worried about saving everyones life then we would live a miserable life. You cant save everyone... people are gonna die, thats a fact. Its unfortunate for them and unfortunate the circumstance they are in but im not going to risk myself or other people in the US for people like that who wouldnt do the same for us if the roles were reversed. Sometimes people have to die to have change made. I pray for them and hope they can hide or go somewhere safe and wait it out but if they cant i dont think its on us to be the ones to save them. Sorry.
Why should we let people in ?

To save their lives.

If we worried about saving everyones life then we would live a miserable life. You cant save everyone...
It's one of the things which makes America the exceptional country it is.

So we should have some of ours die to save some of theirs? AND the ones we save of theirs we dont even know if they are good? Whos to say we save some and they arent secretly working for a terrorist unit or a terrorist doesnt get ahold of them once they get over here and convince them/threaten them because they have a family member of theirs back home and say they have to bomb somewhere in the US now that they are over here. Compassion is weakness when it comes to things like this. I wish we lived in a world that you seem to think we do where everything is rainbows and butterflies but its not. Theres horrible people in this world who wouldnt think twice of manipulating their way into the USA just to turn around and kill a bunch of us. And its unfortunate because for that one bad apple theres probably a thousand good muslims/people that are trying to get in because they just want to be safe and live a good life but no one can tell who is who and I dont want to take that chance
Why should we let people in ?

To save their lives.

If we worried about saving everyones life then we would live a miserable life. You cant save everyone...
It's one of the things which makes America the exceptional country it is.

So we should have some of ours die to save some of theirs? AND the ones we save of theirs we dont even know if they are good? Whos to say we save some and they arent secretly working for a terrorist unit or a terrorist doesnt get ahold of them once they get over here and convince them/threaten them because they have a family member of theirs back home and say they have to bomb somewhere in the US now that they are over here. Compassion is weakness when it comes to things like this. I wish we lived in a world that you seem to think we do where everything is rainbows and butterflies but its not. Theres horrible people in this world who wouldnt think twice of manipulating their way into the USA just to turn around and kill a bunch of us. And its unfortunate because for that one bad apple theres probably a thousand good muslims/people that are trying to get in because they just want to be safe and live a good life but no one can tell who is who and I dont want to take that chance
I remember when Republicans had balls.

Travel back with me now to the Reagan era. Iranians were wreaking havoc. Hijacking and blowing up airplanes. Blowing up Beirut. Blowing up US Marines in their barracks. There were terrorist training camps in Iran. They were funding Hezbollah and Hamas, leading to regular terrorist attacks in Israel. Blowing up buses and nightclubs and restaurants. And of course they had held American hostages for over a year.

In the midst of all this craziness, there were Iranians seeking asylum in the United States. They were trying to escape from the madness.

Do you know what Reagan did about the refugees?

Did he shit his pants in fear? Nope.

Did he stir up the Right with anti-Muslim rhetoric and say we should not allow these refugees in? Nope.

Did he do some kind of fucked up calculus like you just did and say it wasn't worth the risk? Nope.

He let the Iranian refugees in. Because Republicans had real balls of titanium and real compassion back then.

In fact, the Iranian refugees were the largest refugee group allowed in during Reagan's first term.

Remember, this was when Iran was a known state sponsor of terrorism, training terrorists and sending them out in the world to blow shit up.

I don't know who these people are today who are calling themselves Republicans. I really don't.

You know what? They sound EXACTLY like the simpering, whining, pants shitting liberals of the 70s and 80s. They even suck off the Russian leadership like the Democrats of that period. It's downright weird how much they sound alike.
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Once again the liberal left interjects religon. If it ain't religion then it is race or some other derisive group.

It is not MUSLIMS being questioned for entry it is SYRIANS.

Your support for the notion that all Muslims are terrorist is well noted.
Please show us where I said all Muslims are terrorists.

I have no way of knowing which Muslims are terrorists and which ones aren't. According to the FBI's Director, neither do they. Neither do you. But the difference between you and me is you are willing to risk the potential consequences of being politically correct and I am not.

Maybe that's because I value the safety of my loved ones and the security of my Country and you don't.

The bottom line is I owe these Syrian refugees nothing and I am quite certain if the situation were reversed they would assume the same position.
Why should we let people in ?

To save their lives.

If we worried about saving everyones life then we would live a miserable life. You cant save everyone...
It's one of the things which makes America the exceptional country it is.

So we should have some of ours die to save some of theirs? AND the ones we save of theirs we dont even know if they are good? Whos to say we save some and they arent secretly working for a terrorist unit or a terrorist doesnt get ahold of them once they get over here and convince them/threaten them because they have a family member of theirs back home and say they have to bomb somewhere in the US now that they are over here. Compassion is weakness when it comes to things like this. I wish we lived in a world that you seem to think we do where everything is rainbows and butterflies but its not. Theres horrible people in this world who wouldnt think twice of manipulating their way into the USA just to turn around and kill a bunch of us. And its unfortunate because for that one bad apple theres probably a thousand good muslims/people that are trying to get in because they just want to be safe and live a good life but no one can tell who is who and I dont want to take that chance
I remember when Republicans had balls.

Travel back with me now to the Reagan era. Iranians were wreaking havoc. Hijacking and blowing up airplanes. Blowing up Beirut. Blowing up US Marines in their barracks. There were terrorist training camps in Iran. They were funding Hezbollah and Hamas, leading to regular terrorist attacks in Israel. And of course they had held American hostages for over a year.

In the midst of all this craziness, there were Iranians seeking asylum in the United States.

Do you know what Reagan did about the refugees?

Did he shit his pants in fear? Nope.

Did he stir up the Right with anti-Muslim rhetoric and say we should not allow these refugees in? Nope.

Did he do some kind of fucked up calculus like you just did and say it wasn't worth the risk? Nope.

He let the Iranian refugees in. Because Republicans had real balls of titanium and real compassion back then.

In fact, the Iranian refugees were the largest refugee group allowed in during Reagan's first term.

Remember, this was when Iran was a known state sponsor of terrorism, training terrorists and sending them out in the world to blow shit up.

I don't know who these people are today who are calling themselves Republicans. I really don't.

You know what? They sound EXACTLY like the simpering, whining, pants shitting liberals of the 70s and 80s. They even suck off the Russian leadership like the Democrats of that period. It's downright weird how much they sound alike.
The simplest and clearest response to that bit of inspirational nonsense is that was then and this is now. That was before 9/11/2001 -- and so on.

The bottom line is, at the present time where the matter of Muslim immigrants is concerned -- enough is enough!
That's stupid . Especially since its Muslims killing Muslims . It's more civil war bullshit than anything .

Hmm...how many "muslims" died in paris? Link? how many died on 9/11? on the train in Spain? In Fort Hood? Are you and idiot or ... sorry ... that's all I've got ...

How about all the other mass shootings you skipped over ? The non muslim ones. You just ignore those don't you. Like I don't know, the OTHER ft hood shooting?

I always like when liberals are too stupid to follow... your own point ...

Why should we let people in ?

To save their lives.

If we worried about saving everyones life then we would live a miserable life. You cant save everyone...
It's one of the things which makes America the exceptional country it is.

So we should have some of ours die to save some of theirs? AND the ones we save of theirs we dont even know if they are good? Whos to say we save some and they arent secretly working for a terrorist unit or a terrorist doesnt get ahold of them once they get over here and convince them/threaten them because they have a family member of theirs back home and say they have to bomb somewhere in the US now that they are over here. Compassion is weakness when it comes to things like this. I wish we lived in a world that you seem to think we do where everything is rainbows and butterflies but its not. Theres horrible people in this world who wouldnt think twice of manipulating their way into the USA just to turn around and kill a bunch of us. And its unfortunate because for that one bad apple theres probably a thousand good muslims/people that are trying to get in because they just want to be safe and live a good life but no one can tell who is who and I dont want to take that chance
I remember when Republicans had balls.

Travel back with me now to the Reagan era. Iranians were wreaking havoc. Hijacking and blowing up airplanes. Blowing up Beirut. Blowing up US Marines in their barracks. There were terrorist training camps in Iran. They were funding Hezbollah and Hamas, leading to regular terrorist attacks in Israel. Blowing up buses and nightclubs and restaurants. And of course they had held American hostages for over a year.

In the midst of all this craziness, there were Iranians seeking asylum in the United States. They were trying to escape from the madness.

Do you know what Reagan did about the refugees?

Did he shit his pants in fear? Nope.

Did he stir up the Right with anti-Muslim rhetoric and say we should not allow these refugees in? Nope.

Did he do some kind of fucked up calculus like you just did and say it wasn't worth the risk? Nope.

He let the Iranian refugees in. Because Republicans had real balls of titanium and real compassion back then.

In fact, the Iranian refugees were the largest refugee group allowed in during Reagan's first term.

Remember, this was when Iran was a known state sponsor of terrorism, training terrorists and sending them out in the world to blow shit up.

I don't know who these people are today who are calling themselves Republicans. I really don't.

You know what? They sound EXACTLY like the simpering, whining, pants shitting liberals of the 70s and 80s. They even suck off the Russian leadership like the Democrats of that period. It's downright weird how much they sound alike.

You are posting about things that happened in our history.... thats not the world we live in TODAY. The type of people we are surrounded by now its not the same. Hippies also thrived back then and it was about peace and make love not war. The US was naive in so many ways to attacks on US soil. Everything you spoke are good examples except its not ISIS. Thats a whole different type of animal. The techniques they are using to recruit people alone is terrifying. Its no longer the assumption of it being just one type of religion. If they can brainwash someone or hold someone hostage to get what they want from another person they can do it and see results. You go ahead and keep fighting to let everyone else come in and accept everyone. I'm not the same, i dont think the world should. If that makes me racist and discriminate and everything else that comes with it then so be it. It's no longer about being politically correct or having someone like you because you share fair values of equality etc. Its about protecting yourself and being selfish. And as long as myself and my family are protected thats all that matters to me and the only way i can ensure that is to keep questionable people out. So sorry if others get the shit end of the stick, if it doesnt affect me im okay.
To save their lives.

If we worried about saving everyones life then we would live a miserable life. You cant save everyone...
It's one of the things which makes America the exceptional country it is.

So we should have some of ours die to save some of theirs? AND the ones we save of theirs we dont even know if they are good? Whos to say we save some and they arent secretly working for a terrorist unit or a terrorist doesnt get ahold of them once they get over here and convince them/threaten them because they have a family member of theirs back home and say they have to bomb somewhere in the US now that they are over here. Compassion is weakness when it comes to things like this. I wish we lived in a world that you seem to think we do where everything is rainbows and butterflies but its not. Theres horrible people in this world who wouldnt think twice of manipulating their way into the USA just to turn around and kill a bunch of us. And its unfortunate because for that one bad apple theres probably a thousand good muslims/people that are trying to get in because they just want to be safe and live a good life but no one can tell who is who and I dont want to take that chance
I remember when Republicans had balls.

Travel back with me now to the Reagan era. Iranians were wreaking havoc. Hijacking and blowing up airplanes. Blowing up Beirut. Blowing up US Marines in their barracks. There were terrorist training camps in Iran. They were funding Hezbollah and Hamas, leading to regular terrorist attacks in Israel. And of course they had held American hostages for over a year.

In the midst of all this craziness, there were Iranians seeking asylum in the United States.

Do you know what Reagan did about the refugees?

Did he shit his pants in fear? Nope.

Did he stir up the Right with anti-Muslim rhetoric and say we should not allow these refugees in? Nope.

Did he do some kind of fucked up calculus like you just did and say it wasn't worth the risk? Nope.

He let the Iranian refugees in. Because Republicans had real balls of titanium and real compassion back then.

In fact, the Iranian refugees were the largest refugee group allowed in during Reagan's first term.

Remember, this was when Iran was a known state sponsor of terrorism, training terrorists and sending them out in the world to blow shit up.

I don't know who these people are today who are calling themselves Republicans. I really don't.

You know what? They sound EXACTLY like the simpering, whining, pants shitting liberals of the 70s and 80s. They even suck off the Russian leadership like the Democrats of that period. It's downright weird how much they sound alike.
The simplest and clearest response to that bit of inspirational nonsense is that was then and this is now. That was before 9/11/2001 -- and so on.

The bottom line is, at the present time where the matter of Muslim immigrants is concerned -- enough is enough!

My point exactly, it happened before that and the US was naive back then. That guy/girl was giving outdated facts in a world that no longer exists.
Well shit happens . Ain't that what we say whenever there's a mass shooting in the us ? After all we can't talk gun control .

You guys freak out and demand gun control when there is a shooting. You say gun control is necessary because of the tiny percent of legal gun owners who may pose a danger. Where is that attitude when about 13% of the refugees are supportive of ISIS and their killing of infidels?

But I don't call for banning all guns .

These refuges are running from those psychos .
Well shit happens . Ain't that what we say whenever there's a mass shooting in the us ? After all we can't talk gun control .

You guys freak out and demand gun control when there is a shooting. You say gun control is necessary because of the tiny percent of legal gun owners who may pose a danger. Where is that attitude when about 13% of the refugees are supportive of ISIS and their killing of infidels?

But I don't call for banning all guns .

These refuges are running from those psychos .
Then what we should do is arm those refugees and let them deal with their problem in the way we would need to if the situation were reversed.

I approve of that. Give them weapons and some air support. But no more Muslims entering the U.S. until ISIS is wiped out. The risk is real and far too great to be ignored.

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