Why Exclude Muslims?

I don't really think we should take anyone from that region at this time. They are just too messed up! Your post makes me think of an interesting question though. Why, when all of those women and children were being brutalized, raped, solid into slavery, and their family members were being killed in Iraq, why were we not accepting THOSE people as refugees?
I think the underlying answer to that question is the fact that such brutality is and has been happening in many parts of the world, mainly Africa and Indonesia, and there simply is no way our Country could possibly accommodate them all. So who do we accommodate and why?

If you live in a big City, every time you walk down a main street you pass dozens of people who are destitute, hungry and homeless. And if you decide to help a few of them, what do you do when the line forms? Because there are more than those few dozen. There are thousands.

You do what you can based on your ability and you turn your back on the rest. Unless you don't mind becoming destitute yourself.

That's why I say, before we take on any refugees, we need to take care of our own problems. We don't need to add more problems to the ones we already have.
We are able to limit damage by the far right crazies.

We can easily vet the refugees

Not according to the FBI you can't.

That's the problem. There is no way to vet these people. They don't have papers and Syria is in such a mess its impossible to check people.

You can ask them and hope to hell they aren't lying. But then who wouldn't like to get out of Syria and into the US where our tax dollar will take care of you??

If your a terrorist you lie and hope you lie well enough to make it to the US.

Common Sense says don't let any of them in. Unfortunately Common Sense is in short supply in DC.

So the FBI is saying we should not let Syrian refugees into our country? Of course you have a link to back up that claim, right?

Nope. What they said is that they have no way to vet these people and any checking they do is subject to question.

Really. Your a partisan hack looking for an excuse to be a bigger partisan hack.

Grow the fuck up.

No, that's not "what they are saying". Let's be clear, the FBI is NOT saying that Syrian refugees should not be let into the United States, despite you implying differently.

I love when partisan hacks call me a partisan hack. Yes, I'm partisan. I readily admit it. Pot, meet kettle.

What he is saying is there is no way to properly vet these people.

Common sense says if you can't vet them then they should be allowed into America.

Oh wait. I forgot. You don't have any common sense. Never mine.
We are able to limit damage by the far right crazies.

We can easily vet the refugees

Not according to the FBI you can't.

That's the problem. There is no way to vet these people. They don't have papers and Syria is in such a mess its impossible to check people.

You can ask them and hope to hell they aren't lying. But then who wouldn't like to get out of Syria and into the US where our tax dollar will take care of you??

If your a terrorist you lie and hope you lie well enough to make it to the US.

Common Sense says don't let any of them in. Unfortunately Common Sense is in short supply in DC.

So the FBI is saying we should not let Syrian refugees into our country? Of course you have a link to back up that claim, right?

Nope. What they said is that they have no way to vet these people and any checking they do is subject to question.

Really. Your a partisan hack looking for an excuse to be a bigger partisan hack.

Grow the fuck up.

No, that's not "what they are saying". Let's be clear, the FBI is NOT saying that Syrian refugees should not be let into the United States, despite you implying differently.

I love when partisan hacks call me a partisan hack. Yes, I'm partisan. I readily admit it. Pot, meet kettle.

What he is saying is there is no way to properly vet these people.

Common sense says if you can't vet them then they should be allowed into America.

Oh wait. I forgot. You don't have any common sense. Never mine.

Except that's not what he said and at NO TIME did he recommend we not let in refugees. What he said was;

I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

You're not using common sense, you're using fear and bigotry. And while that may be common where you come from, it makes no sense.
Not according to the FBI you can't.

That's the problem. There is no way to vet these people. They don't have papers and Syria is in such a mess its impossible to check people.

You can ask them and hope to hell they aren't lying. But then who wouldn't like to get out of Syria and into the US where our tax dollar will take care of you??

If your a terrorist you lie and hope you lie well enough to make it to the US.

Common Sense says don't let any of them in. Unfortunately Common Sense is in short supply in DC.

So the FBI is saying we should not let Syrian refugees into our country? Of course you have a link to back up that claim, right?

Nope. What they said is that they have no way to vet these people and any checking they do is subject to question.

Really. Your a partisan hack looking for an excuse to be a bigger partisan hack.

Grow the fuck up.

No, that's not "what they are saying". Let's be clear, the FBI is NOT saying that Syrian refugees should not be let into the United States, despite you implying differently.

I love when partisan hacks call me a partisan hack. Yes, I'm partisan. I readily admit it. Pot, meet kettle.

What he is saying is there is no way to properly vet these people.

Common sense says if you can't vet them then they should be allowed into America.

Oh wait. I forgot. You don't have any common sense. Never mine.

Except that's not what he said and at NO TIME did he recommend we not let in refugees. What he said was;

I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

You're not using common sense, you're using fear and bigotry. And while that may be common where you come from, it makes no sense.

Why is fear not a justifiable reason? Do you wear a seat belt? Have you had an accident where you needed your air bags? Do you walk carefully on ice? Why do you have or do anything that ensures your safety? Do you lock your doors at night?

And framing it into a issue of religious bigotry is really laughable coming from the left. Considering the left will crap their pants of a manger scene is put in the city square.
Not according to the FBI you can't.

That's the problem. There is no way to vet these people. They don't have papers and Syria is in such a mess its impossible to check people.

You can ask them and hope to hell they aren't lying. But then who wouldn't like to get out of Syria and into the US where our tax dollar will take care of you??

If your a terrorist you lie and hope you lie well enough to make it to the US.

Common Sense says don't let any of them in. Unfortunately Common Sense is in short supply in DC.

So the FBI is saying we should not let Syrian refugees into our country? Of course you have a link to back up that claim, right?

Nope. What they said is that they have no way to vet these people and any checking they do is subject to question.

Really. Your a partisan hack looking for an excuse to be a bigger partisan hack.

Grow the fuck up.

No, that's not "what they are saying". Let's be clear, the FBI is NOT saying that Syrian refugees should not be let into the United States, despite you implying differently.

I love when partisan hacks call me a partisan hack. Yes, I'm partisan. I readily admit it. Pot, meet kettle.

What he is saying is there is no way to properly vet these people.

Common sense says if you can't vet them then they should be allowed into America.

Oh wait. I forgot. You don't have any common sense. Never mine.

Except that's not what he said and at NO TIME did he recommend we not let in refugees. What he said was;

I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

You're not using common sense, you're using fear and bigotry. And while that may be common where you come from, it makes no sense.

Nope. I'm a concerned citizen. A wary and prudent concerned citizen.

You accuse anyone who is wary and prudent as being a bigot and a racist and yes it makes a lot of sense to be wary of Muslims. After all the terrorists are hitting around the world. Paris and Mali so far.

You are the one with a problem. You don't seem to realize that among those refugees there will be terrorists.

Common sense has certainly escaped you.
That's stupid . Especially since its Muslims killing Muslims . It's more civil war bullshit than anything .
It's common sense, so to a leftist it seems stewpud.

yes, muslims are so fucking nuts that they kill different muslims.

civil war? you think the bombing in France was part of a civil war?
lining people up to saw off their heads?

wow, you are one truly dumb person
Lighten up.

So what if it's mass genocide.

So what.

So what if several thousands of heads get severed from their bodies over the Summer. More to follow. So what.

So what if it's just 400 French getting murdered in a few hours. So what.

We can still shop....Obama says we can still shop.....go back to talking about racist cops....and climate-change. That's what's important.
So the FBI is saying we should not let Syrian refugees into our country? Of course you have a link to back up that claim, right?

Nope. What they said is that they have no way to vet these people and any checking they do is subject to question.

Really. Your a partisan hack looking for an excuse to be a bigger partisan hack.

Grow the fuck up.

No, that's not "what they are saying". Let's be clear, the FBI is NOT saying that Syrian refugees should not be let into the United States, despite you implying differently.

I love when partisan hacks call me a partisan hack. Yes, I'm partisan. I readily admit it. Pot, meet kettle.

What he is saying is there is no way to properly vet these people.

Common sense says if you can't vet them then they should be allowed into America.

Oh wait. I forgot. You don't have any common sense. Never mine.

Except that's not what he said and at NO TIME did he recommend we not let in refugees. What he said was;

I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

You're not using common sense, you're using fear and bigotry. And while that may be common where you come from, it makes no sense.

Nope. I'm a concerned citizen. A wary and prudent concerned citizen.

You accuse anyone who is wary and prudent as being a bigot and a racist and yes it makes a lot of sense to be wary of Muslims. After all the terrorists are hitting around the world. Paris and Mali so far.

You are the one with a problem. You don't seem to realize that among those refugees there will be terrorists.

Common sense has certainly escaped you.

Prudence is our already exhaustive screening process. The current overreaction is rooted in bigotry.

You don't seem to realize that terrorist do not come in with refugees, they come in on student visas from countries like France and Belgium that they are citizens of.
Nope. What they said is that they have no way to vet these people and any checking they do is subject to question.

Really. Your a partisan hack looking for an excuse to be a bigger partisan hack.

Grow the fuck up.

No, that's not "what they are saying". Let's be clear, the FBI is NOT saying that Syrian refugees should not be let into the United States, despite you implying differently.

I love when partisan hacks call me a partisan hack. Yes, I'm partisan. I readily admit it. Pot, meet kettle.

What he is saying is there is no way to properly vet these people.

Common sense says if you can't vet them then they should be allowed into America.

Oh wait. I forgot. You don't have any common sense. Never mine.

Except that's not what he said and at NO TIME did he recommend we not let in refugees. What he said was;

I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

You're not using common sense, you're using fear and bigotry. And while that may be common where you come from, it makes no sense.

Nope. I'm a concerned citizen. A wary and prudent concerned citizen.

You accuse anyone who is wary and prudent as being a bigot and a racist and yes it makes a lot of sense to be wary of Muslims. After all the terrorists are hitting around the world. Paris and Mali so far.

You are the one with a problem. You don't seem to realize that among those refugees there will be terrorists.

Common sense has certainly escaped you.

Prudence is our already exhaustive screening process. The current overreaction is rooted in bigotry.

You don't seem to realize that terrorist do not come in with refugees, they come in on student visas from countries like France and Belgium that they are citizens of.

You're full of shit.

There is nothing bigoted about being wary of Muslims. Muslims who will kill you.

Oh and if you don't think there will be terrorists among those refugees than an idiot you truly are.
No, that's not "what they are saying". Let's be clear, the FBI is NOT saying that Syrian refugees should not be let into the United States, despite you implying differently.

I love when partisan hacks call me a partisan hack. Yes, I'm partisan. I readily admit it. Pot, meet kettle.

What he is saying is there is no way to properly vet these people.

Common sense says if you can't vet them then they should be allowed into America.

Oh wait. I forgot. You don't have any common sense. Never mine.

Except that's not what he said and at NO TIME did he recommend we not let in refugees. What he said was;

I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

You're not using common sense, you're using fear and bigotry. And while that may be common where you come from, it makes no sense.

Nope. I'm a concerned citizen. A wary and prudent concerned citizen.

You accuse anyone who is wary and prudent as being a bigot and a racist and yes it makes a lot of sense to be wary of Muslims. After all the terrorists are hitting around the world. Paris and Mali so far.

You are the one with a problem. You don't seem to realize that among those refugees there will be terrorists.

Common sense has certainly escaped you.

Prudence is our already exhaustive screening process. The current overreaction is rooted in bigotry.

You don't seem to realize that terrorist do not come in with refugees, they come in on student visas from countries like France and Belgium that they are citizens of.

You're full of shit.

There is nothing bigoted about being wary of Muslims. Muslims who will kill you.

Oh and if you don't think there will be terrorists among those refugees than an idiot you truly are.

Yeah, there is...if you're wary of ALL Muslims and say you'd kick them all out of America (which you in fact said). You are a bigot. You're a xenophobic, bigot. Wear the badge of bigotry, you choose it...unlike the badge you'd attach to Muslims before you started shipping them out.
What he is saying is there is no way to properly vet these people.

Common sense says if you can't vet them then they should be allowed into America.

Oh wait. I forgot. You don't have any common sense. Never mine.

Except that's not what he said and at NO TIME did he recommend we not let in refugees. What he said was;

I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

You're not using common sense, you're using fear and bigotry. And while that may be common where you come from, it makes no sense.

Nope. I'm a concerned citizen. A wary and prudent concerned citizen.

You accuse anyone who is wary and prudent as being a bigot and a racist and yes it makes a lot of sense to be wary of Muslims. After all the terrorists are hitting around the world. Paris and Mali so far.

You are the one with a problem. You don't seem to realize that among those refugees there will be terrorists.

Common sense has certainly escaped you.

Prudence is our already exhaustive screening process. The current overreaction is rooted in bigotry.

You don't seem to realize that terrorist do not come in with refugees, they come in on student visas from countries like France and Belgium that they are citizens of.

You're full of shit.

There is nothing bigoted about being wary of Muslims. Muslims who will kill you.

Oh and if you don't think there will be terrorists among those refugees than an idiot you truly are.

Yeah, there is...if you're wary of ALL Muslims and say you'd kick them all out of America (which you in fact said). You are a bigot. You're a xenophobic, bigot. Wear the badge of bigotry, you choose it...unlike the badge you'd attach to Muslims before you started shipping them out.

You wouldn't know a bigot if one kicked you in the ass.
Except that's not what he said and at NO TIME did he recommend we not let in refugees. What he said was;

I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

You're not using common sense, you're using fear and bigotry. And while that may be common where you come from, it makes no sense.

Nope. I'm a concerned citizen. A wary and prudent concerned citizen.

You accuse anyone who is wary and prudent as being a bigot and a racist and yes it makes a lot of sense to be wary of Muslims. After all the terrorists are hitting around the world. Paris and Mali so far.

You are the one with a problem. You don't seem to realize that among those refugees there will be terrorists.

Common sense has certainly escaped you.

Prudence is our already exhaustive screening process. The current overreaction is rooted in bigotry.

You don't seem to realize that terrorist do not come in with refugees, they come in on student visas from countries like France and Belgium that they are citizens of.

You're full of shit.

There is nothing bigoted about being wary of Muslims. Muslims who will kill you.

Oh and if you don't think there will be terrorists among those refugees than an idiot you truly are.

Yeah, there is...if you're wary of ALL Muslims and say you'd kick them all out of America (which you in fact said). You are a bigot. You're a xenophobic, bigot. Wear the badge of bigotry, you choose it...unlike the badge you'd attach to Muslims before you started shipping them out.

You wouldn't know a bigot if one kicked you in the ass.

Yes, so you keep saying little Nazi. What's the badge you're going to make the Muslims wear going to look like? Will you tattoo them too? When you ship them off, will you put them on trains? Make 'em shower first?
What he is saying is there is no way to properly vet these people.

Common sense says if you can't vet them then they should be allowed into America.

Oh wait. I forgot. You don't have any common sense. Never mine.

Except that's not what he said and at NO TIME did he recommend we not let in refugees. What he said was;

I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

You're not using common sense, you're using fear and bigotry. And while that may be common where you come from, it makes no sense.

Nope. I'm a concerned citizen. A wary and prudent concerned citizen.

You accuse anyone who is wary and prudent as being a bigot and a racist and yes it makes a lot of sense to be wary of Muslims. After all the terrorists are hitting around the world. Paris and Mali so far.

You are the one with a problem. You don't seem to realize that among those refugees there will be terrorists.

Common sense has certainly escaped you.

Prudence is our already exhaustive screening process. The current overreaction is rooted in bigotry.

You don't seem to realize that terrorist do not come in with refugees, they come in on student visas from countries like France and Belgium that they are citizens of.

You're full of shit.

There is nothing bigoted about being wary of Muslims. Muslims who will kill you.

Oh and if you don't think there will be terrorists among those refugees than an idiot you truly are.

Yeah, there is...if you're wary of ALL Muslims and say you'd kick them all out of America (which you in fact said). You are a bigot. You're a xenophobic, bigot. Wear the badge of bigotry, you choose it...unlike the badge you'd attach to Muslims before you started shipping them out.

While I'm not a religious person, I find it ironic that you say these things while sporting such an avatar. :) What up wit dat? I suppose if someone had an avatar saying "Muhammed is a goat fucker" you would consider that person a "rotten bigot" too? Lol.
Except that's not what he said and at NO TIME did he recommend we not let in refugees. What he said was;

I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

You're not using common sense, you're using fear and bigotry. And while that may be common where you come from, it makes no sense.

Nope. I'm a concerned citizen. A wary and prudent concerned citizen.

You accuse anyone who is wary and prudent as being a bigot and a racist and yes it makes a lot of sense to be wary of Muslims. After all the terrorists are hitting around the world. Paris and Mali so far.

You are the one with a problem. You don't seem to realize that among those refugees there will be terrorists.

Common sense has certainly escaped you.

Prudence is our already exhaustive screening process. The current overreaction is rooted in bigotry.

You don't seem to realize that terrorist do not come in with refugees, they come in on student visas from countries like France and Belgium that they are citizens of.

You're full of shit.

There is nothing bigoted about being wary of Muslims. Muslims who will kill you.

Oh and if you don't think there will be terrorists among those refugees than an idiot you truly are.

Yeah, there is...if you're wary of ALL Muslims and say you'd kick them all out of America (which you in fact said). You are a bigot. You're a xenophobic, bigot. Wear the badge of bigotry, you choose it...unlike the badge you'd attach to Muslims before you started shipping them out.

While I'm not a religious person, I find it ironic that you say these things while sporting such an avatar. :) What up wit dat? I suppose if someone had an avatar saying "Muhammed is a goat fucker" you would consider that person a "rotten bigot" too? Lol.

Except it doesn't say anything like that. It isn't accusing anyone of screwing non consenting animals is it?

We are created in god's image so he'd have to have gay sex sometimes. By the way, Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the same god.
Mikey, there are already 2.5 million muslims living in the US and it's bee going pretty well so far ...

I really do not think Islam is any more evil than Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc.

Here is a good take on religious extremism:

WHen was the last time a Christian, Jew, Hindu or Buddhist cut off someone's head?
Mikey, there are already 2.5 million muslims living in the US and it's bee going pretty well so far ...

I really do not think Islam is any more evil than Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc.

Here is a good take on religious extremism:

WHen was the last time a Christian, Jew, Hindu or Buddhist cut off someone's head?

We have decapitation murders in America every month.
Nope. What they said is that they have no way to vet these people and any checking they do is subject to question.

Really. Your a partisan hack looking for an excuse to be a bigger partisan hack.

Grow the fuck up.

No, that's not "what they are saying". Let's be clear, the FBI is NOT saying that Syrian refugees should not be let into the United States, despite you implying differently.

I love when partisan hacks call me a partisan hack. Yes, I'm partisan. I readily admit it. Pot, meet kettle.

What he is saying is there is no way to properly vet these people.

Common sense says if you can't vet them then they should be allowed into America.

Oh wait. I forgot. You don't have any common sense. Never mine.

Except that's not what he said and at NO TIME did he recommend we not let in refugees. What he said was;

I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

You're not using common sense, you're using fear and bigotry. And while that may be common where you come from, it makes no sense.

Nope. I'm a concerned citizen. A wary and prudent concerned citizen.

You accuse anyone who is wary and prudent as being a bigot and a racist and yes it makes a lot of sense to be wary of Muslims. After all the terrorists are hitting around the world. Paris and Mali so far.

You are the one with a problem. You don't seem to realize that among those refugees there will be terrorists.

Common sense has certainly escaped you.

Prudence is our already exhaustive screening process. The current overreaction is rooted in bigotry.

You don't seem to realize that terrorist do not come in with refugees, they come in on student visas from countries like France and Belgium that they are citizens of.

What is so sanctimonious about you people is your self-righteous assurance that you know what everyone else feels or thinks.

Let's really be truthful, the only reason you want to take in SYRIANS is because it is just another derisive in your face issue.
Mikey, there are already 2.5 million muslims living in the US and it's bee going pretty well so far ...

I really do not think Islam is any more evil than Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc.

Here is a good take on religious extremism:

WHen was the last time a Christian, Jew, Hindu or Buddhist cut off someone's head?

We have decapitation murders in America every month.

Really? When was yours, that would explain a lot. :D
"Let's really be truthful, the only reason you want to take in SYRIANS is because it is just another derisive in your face issue." Somebody is accusing somebody doing something that he is doing. :lol:

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