Why Fauci is a failure

Fauci has been putting out misinformation by his own admission

For example, he first said that people should not wear masks when the virus first broke out, then he later said we should wear them. When asked why the change, he said he was trying to conserve medical equipment for those that needed it by telling people not to run out and buy them.

Well guess what, that is what you call a lie. Naturally, he and those who support him supported the lie as necessary, so they don't even blink at how this might undermine his credibilitiy.
Of course, that’s your say so which is wrong. I hear this shit with no quotes, none what so ever. Quite unscientific of you.
Fauci has been putting out misinformation by his own admission

For example, he first said that people should not wear masks when the virus first broke out, then he later said we should wear them. When asked why the change, he said he was trying to conserve medical equipment for those that needed it by telling people not to run out and buy them.

Well guess what, that is what you call a lie. Naturally, he and those who support him supported the lie as necessary, so they don't even blink at how this might undermine his credibilitiy.
So you’re trying to say that every president who appointed him was stupid.
So you approve of Fauci snubbing his nose at a chance to reach a segment of society that would otherwise not hear his voice?

You approve of the cancel culture and/or ignoring half the country?
No, saying that others have FDS is FDS.
He is a failure because.......

He only cares about his job. He doesn't care about what his job means or the welfare of others. All he cares about is his position, money and status. He won't sacrifice any of it to side with reason, science or morals.

He lets his political beliefs dictate his job. He sided with democrats and pushes their agendas over what's right and wrong. He also puts politics before science and medicine.
I was listening to a conservative talk show today and Dr. Fauci was invited on to discuss vaccines. The talk show host was an advocate of getting the vaccine, but has been critical of Fauci for various reasons. Nevertheless, Fauci was invited on to try and raise awareness and answer any questions about the vaccine to try and get more people to comply. Well needless to say, Fauci declined saying that he was not coming on the show because the show had been critical of him in the past.

This is why the current "leadership" is failing America. Their skin is so thin that just to be criticized in any way makes them tune you out. And to think, anyone dare be critical of Dr. Fauci, the source of all truthiness.

How dare they?

Democrats are only capable of leading other democrats. Everyone else is either cancelled or ignored, which ends up being about half the country. It was a rare chance to try and reach a segment of society that never tunes in CNN and the Fauci groupies. This is why the nation has no true leadership.

It is time for someone to put on some big boy pants and lead.
Trump entered the lion's den to take questions almost daily. Did a lot of interviews he knew were going to be hostile. A lot of good it did. Half the country is always going to hate and ignore the other half. Nobody is going to be able to "lead" by bringing the whole country together. So much would have to change for that to even be possible, and I don't see that happening at this point.
Trump entered the lion's den to take questions almost daily. Did a lot of interviews he knew were going to be hostile. A lot of good it did. Half the country is always going to hate and ignore the other half. Nobody is going to be able to "lead" by bringing the whole country together. So much would have to change for that to even be possible, and I don't see that happening at this point.
So the answer is not to even try?

Also, you have to remember, the entire media was attacking anything Trump said.

This simply is not the case for democrats
So the answer is not to even try?

Also, you have to remember, the entire media was attacking anything Trump said.

This simply is not the case for democrats

I don't know what the answer is. I haven't heard anything that gives me hope. Every real political scandal that breaks, results in all of 1-2 weeks media coverage and social media outrage, but no actual consequences. Fake political scandals continue to dominate headlines for months and result in unconstitutional govt actions. Note the common theme, the media. The only way we get to a point of coming together is if honesty returns to media, and there does not appear to be any hope of that happening. Otherwise, it doesn't matter how capable a leader is, the media will convince half the public that the person is the devil incarnate.
I don't know what the answer is. I haven't heard anything that gives me hope. Every real political scandal that breaks, results in all of 1-2 weeks media coverage and social media outrage, but no actual consequences. Fake political scandals continue to dominate headlines for months and result in unconstitutional govt actions. Note the common theme, the media. The only way we get to a point of coming together is if honesty returns to media, and there does not appear to be any hope of that happening. Otherwise, it doesn't matter how capable a leader is, the media will convince half the public that the person is the devil incarnate.
Well those in a leadership position need to either figure out a way, or at least try, or step aside.

Problem is, Fauci is making more money than anyone in the Federal government.

That is why he is there.
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His emails show he is a liar and this is political to him. You are a fucking moron.

There is no reason for him to be political. Stick to science. I cut him and political leaders for that matter with the changing science and unknown when it comes to COVID. But, Fauci hurts himself and gets political.

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