Why Harris says she is black?

Does it really matter? Harris has us talking about this shit instead of the economy, the border, crime, and world wars. We are stupid to talk about what color she is or is not. As utterly stupid as Harris is, our side is even stupider. That's why she's winning.
Trump is the one who bought this up. There reno wrd war going on, the economy is fine, crime is down from Trump. It's time the lying stopped from yur side.
So you agree with me that he's mixed. Do the math. Her mom is 100% Caucasian and her dad is 25% Caucasian (assuming he's average), which makes Commiela 62.5% Caucasian.
You're an accelerationist, therefore you are a white supremacist. So STHU.
She is the direct descedants of Carribean slaves. Thats a truth you don't want to discuss. She was a blac woman to you when she was in the senate. You bitched about Biden picking her because she was black when he picked her for VP, but now that trump tels yu she wsn't back, your dumb ss repeats it.

You read some story that leaves out 3/4ths of the facts and then claims Harris descends from a slaveowner and you are retarded enough to to try repeating it. Slave women got raped, had chidren by the slavemaster that raped her, and those chidren were slaves. Often they were sold away in order for the male slavemaster to avoid probems with bhs wife. The articles that make claims about Harris being a descendant of slaves don't mention this fact of slavery. Just ike the storie sof how blacks owned slaves reported by the alt right garbage you use, don't tell you that freed slaves would buy their enslaved relatives, spouses and chidren. Your mental disability requires that you lie to yourself about everything. Whites like you are so desperate to try denying your racism that you need to have these lies told to you.

Harris is black and Indian. Trump is a white suptemcist. You support him that is how racist your cretin ass is.
You impossibly stupid cretin, you are so stupid you would accept as fact that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, if only a fascist democrat slaver told you it was so! That women has not drop one of African blood, she is the direct descendant of "Caribbean slavers!" You urbanites not only butcher your own babies at the behest of the slavers, you worship their iron chains upon you as good and true!

You are an utterly destroyed population, this has become indisputable! :wink:
You impossibly stupid cretin, you are so stupid you would accept as fact that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, if only a fascist democrat slaver told you it was so! That women has not drop one of African blood, she is the direct descendant of "Caribbean slavers!" You urbanites not only butcher your own babies at the behest of the slavers, you worship their iron chains upon you as good and true!

You are an utterly destroyed population, this has become indisputable! :wink:
Nice try white boy, but I know the facts. Harris descends from a slaver due to rape.

Your gaslighting won't help you here. I study this stuff. You're just a white racist running your mouth online.

The Psychological Trauma of Slavery: The Jamaican Case Study.​

Plantation life disturbed the African gender roles. Males were emasculated and their sense of self challenged. African men, once seen as protectors and family heads, were made to perform agricultural roles, such as hoeing, which were typically accomplished by the females in their local cultures. This emasculating injury would have been exponentially experienced when they had to work side by side, in the fields with the females (Hallam 2004). Their marriages were disrespected and they had to stand by in silence as their mothers, wives and daughters were abused and sexually violated by the plantation owners. African males lost authority and dominance over their wives and families. They were frequendy sold away from their families and therefore it became the females' responsibility to protect and care for the family. The African father's role in the family was marginalized, and they were made powerless.

Females were objectified and hypersexualized. White females were seen as representing purity and modesty, while black females represented lustful hedonism and therefore often occupied the fantasies of the plantation owners. If female slaves refused the plantation owners' advances they were beaten, and, if they acquiesced, they also ran the risk of being abused by the plantation owner's wife.

With the indoctrination of Christianity, many African females thought they would go to hell because of their forced sexual interactions with their owners. The shame and stigma of their rape, coupled with their public debasement, may have made many African females feel like sluts. Additionally, their fertility was partially responsible for the perpetuation of the slave system. The acceptable role of motherhood was replaced with that of a being a breeder, creating black and brown labour to work the plantations and be abused by slave owners. This knowledge elicited significant anxiety, fear and resistance for some slave mothers, and some chose to kill their offspring rather than to raise them under the slaveholders' hegemony (Allain 2014).

Sexual victimization eroded the enslaved females' self-esteem, selfworth and trust in the black male to be their protector. Rape in itself, has devastating effects as it is a violation of one's personhood and is the most intimate form of torture (McGlynn 2008): "[Rape] is the physical, psychological and moral violation of a person" (Herman 1997, 57).

The psychological sequelae typically associated with rape include post-traumatic stress disorder, personality disorders, depression and anxiety (Spataro et al. 2004; Moscarello 1990). Hatred, anger, shame and dissociative symptoms are also frequently present (Min et al. 2011; Herman 1997). It should be noted that females were not the only ones subjected to forced sexual interactions, as it occurred to males as well (Wallace 2002). The enslaved had no control over their bodies. Rape was used to control, intimidate and eliminate resistance.

THIS, is what Harris descended from.

If any population is destroyed it is the white one. You are part of the group destroying it.
Politicians say what their handlers tell them to say. Especially her.

Yup....particularly her

Nice try white boy, but I know the facts. Harris descends from a slaver due to rape.

Your gaslighting won't help you here. I study this stuff. You're just a white racist running your mouth online.

The Psychological Trauma of Slavery: The Jamaican Case Study.​

Plantation life disturbed the African gender roles. Males were emasculated and their sense of self challenged. African men, once seen as protectors and family heads, were made to perform agricultural roles, such as hoeing, which were typically accomplished by the females in their local cultures. This emasculating injury would have been exponentially experienced when they had to work side by side, in the fields with the females (Hallam 2004). Their marriages were disrespected and they had to stand by in silence as their mothers, wives and daughters were abused and sexually violated by the plantation owners. African males lost authority and dominance over their wives and families. They were frequendy sold away from their families and therefore it became the females' responsibility to protect and care for the family. The African father's role in the family was marginalized, and they were made powerless.

Females were objectified and hypersexualized. White females were seen as representing purity and modesty, while black females represented lustful hedonism and therefore often occupied the fantasies of the plantation owners. If female slaves refused the plantation owners' advances they were beaten, and, if they acquiesced, they also ran the risk of being abused by the plantation owner's wife.

With the indoctrination of Christianity, many African females thought they would go to hell because of their forced sexual interactions with their owners. The shame and stigma of their rape, coupled with their public debasement, may have made many African females feel like sluts. Additionally, their fertility was partially responsible for the perpetuation of the slave system. The acceptable role of motherhood was replaced with that of a being a breeder, creating black and brown labour to work the plantations and be abused by slave owners. This knowledge elicited significant anxiety, fear and resistance for some slave mothers, and some chose to kill their offspring rather than to raise them under the slaveholders' hegemony (Allain 2014).

Sexual victimization eroded the enslaved females' self-esteem, selfworth and trust in the black male to be their protector. Rape in itself, has devastating effects as it is a violation of one's personhood and is the most intimate form of torture (McGlynn 2008): "[Rape] is the physical, psychological and moral violation of a person" (Herman 1997, 57).

The psychological sequelae typically associated with rape include post-traumatic stress disorder, personality disorders, depression and anxiety (Spataro et al. 2004; Moscarello 1990). Hatred, anger, shame and dissociative symptoms are also frequently present (Min et al. 2011; Herman 1997). It should be noted that females were not the only ones subjected to forced sexual interactions, as it occurred to males as well (Wallace 2002). The enslaved had no control over their bodies. Rape was used to control, intimidate and eliminate resistance.

THIS, is what Harris descended from.

If any population is destroyed it is the white one. You are part of the group destroying it.
:auiqs.jpg:You fucking retarded moron.... :auiqs.jpg:

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