Why has NO ONE refuted $200+ billion in lost Tax Revenue?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
NOT ONE comment refuted the following YET idiots liberals/conservatives alike continue to Blame Bush.. and spout the worn out stupid meme...
"spent like a drunken sailor"..

A) How many of you who continue those stupid cliches KNOW
1) Dot.com bust cost $5 trillion in market loss "The Stock Market Crash
of 2000-2002 caused the loss of $5 trillion in the market value of
companies from March 2000 to October 2002.[13]
Dot-com bubble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2) The 9/11 terrorist destruction of the World Trade Center's Twin Towers,
killing almost 700 employees of Cantor-Fitzgerald, accelerated the
stock market drop; the NYSE suspended trading for four sessions.
The stock market lost 16% of its value on 9/11. The stock markets
themselves estimate the real costs to the market in lost value and
profits at close to $2 trillion over time.
Economic terrorism: Bin Laden was major contributor to budget deficit - National economic policy | Examiner.com

3) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history.. actual costs that were written off
Federal/State/Local income, sales, and property taxes over $1 trillion!

So given nearly $8 trillion in losses the IRS allows tax payers to write off against income nearly $200 billion a year starting in 2002!

Consequently in Bush administration:
Total expenditures $33.618 trillion
Total income $28.298 trillion
Loss of $5.319 trillion i.e. more expenses then income.

But if dot com/9/11/worst hurricanes did NOT occur..
Total Income : $29.898 Trillion and
if expenditures excluded the following:
* HSD $512 billion Iraq War $700 billion...

Total expenditures : $28.686 Trillion

Creating a Surplus of $1.212 TRILLION!

Spending from 2001-2011 on Homeland Security about $649 billion.
Homeland Security Budget | Costs of War

So IF you idiots that blame Bush actually understood these EVENTS
OCCURRED and HAD a negative Affect on the economy, Federal Budget and if they HAD NOT occurred there would have been a $1.2 Trillion Surplus!!!
Come on you "intellectually challenged"!
Point out where the dot.com bust didn't occur!
Please tell me 9/11 never happened!
Or that the worst hurricane SEASONS!!! 2003-2008 DIDn't occur??

Or that because cheerleaders like these cost the USA 3,000 lives and $600 billion more then necessary because these cheerleaders ENCOURAGED terrorism!

Please I want you to tell me these cheerleading statements DIDN't Encourage Terrorism?

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets --action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Ask any soldier if they thought these statements helped or hurt???
All your threads are asking why this and this hasn't been done.

You are the smawtest poster of eva and everyone else is retarded and below your intellectual prowess.

We all bow to you.

caps CAPS caps to emphasize!
All your threads are asking why this and this hasn't been done.

You are the smawtest poster of eva and everyone else is retarded and below your intellectual prowess.

We all bow to you.

caps CAPS caps to emphasize!

I am asking honesty here!
You probably have said it.. "Bush spent like a drunken sailor".
or you blame Bush.. but then you explain what happened with
1) dot.com/2)9/11 and worst hurricanes.. DID THEY NOT have any costs?
Did Homeland Security NOT ADD to the costs?
You actually think now with your benefit of 20/20 hindsight.. Bush was totally wrong AT THE TIME.. with 2 major cities dozens of buildings destroyed,3,000 people died at one time.. YOU don't think YOU would
have done differently?

That's my point of honesty!
YOU would have been hiding in the closet!
You couldn't make a decision to go outside.. much the tremendous costs and lives decisions Bush made and yet you can act like a putz!

Come on be an adult and explain then where did the $8 trillion go?
Did those events NOT happen and therefore NO costs associated?

If you sophomorically think poking fun of the messenger is cute.. that says alot about your intelligence!
So come on be an adult and explain what happened???
All your threads are asking why this and this hasn't been done.

You are the smawtest poster of eva and everyone else is retarded and below your intellectual prowess.

We all bow to you.

caps CAPS caps to emphasize!

I am asking honesty here!
You probably have said it.. "Bush spent like a drunken sailor".
or you blame Bush.. but then you explain what happened with
1) dot.com/2)9/11 and worst hurricanes.. DID THEY NOT have any costs?
Did Homeland Security NOT ADD to the costs?
You actually think now with your benefit of 20/20 hindsight.. Bush was totally wrong AT THE TIME.. with 2 major cities dozens of buildings destroyed,3,000 people died at one time.. YOU don't think YOU would
have done differently?

That's my point of honesty!
YOU would have been hiding in the closet!
You couldn't make a decision to go outside.. much the tremendous costs and lives decisions Bush made and yet you can act like a putz!

Come on be an adult and explain then where did the $8 trillion go?
Did those events NOT happen and therefore NO costs associated?

If you sophomorically think poking fun of the messenger is cute.. that says alot about your intelligence!So come on be an adult and explain what happened???

foot / mouth.

All your threads are asking why this and this hasn't been done.

You are the smawtest poster of eva and everyone else is retarded and below your intellectual prowess.

We all bow to you.

caps CAPS caps to emphasize!

I am asking honesty here!
You probably have said it.. "Bush spent like a drunken sailor".
or you blame Bush.. but then you explain what happened with
1) dot.com/2)9/11 and worst hurricanes.. DID THEY NOT have any costs?
Did Homeland Security NOT ADD to the costs?
You actually think now with your benefit of 20/20 hindsight.. Bush was totally wrong AT THE TIME.. with 2 major cities dozens of buildings destroyed,3,000 people died at one time.. YOU don't think YOU would
have done differently?

That's my point of honesty!
YOU would have been hiding in the closet!
You couldn't make a decision to go outside.. much the tremendous costs and lives decisions Bush made and yet you can act like a putz!

Come on be an adult and explain then where did the $8 trillion go?
Did those events NOT happen and therefore NO costs associated?

If you sophomorically think poking fun of the messenger is cute.. that says alot about your intelligence!So come on be an adult and explain what happened???

foot / mouth.


Whatever.. but it doesn't alter the facts which you still haven't refuted!
Why? Admitting errors are a sign of intelligence i.e. education.. but
attacking the messenger... just further signs of no intelligence life!
I am asking honesty here!
You probably have said it.. "Bush spent like a drunken sailor".
or you blame Bush.. but then you explain what happened with
1) dot.com/2)9/11 and worst hurricanes.. DID THEY NOT have any costs?
Did Homeland Security NOT ADD to the costs?
You actually think now with your benefit of 20/20 hindsight.. Bush was totally wrong AT THE TIME.. with 2 major cities dozens of buildings destroyed,3,000 people died at one time.. YOU don't think YOU would
have done differently?

That's my point of honesty!
YOU would have been hiding in the closet!
You couldn't make a decision to go outside.. much the tremendous costs and lives decisions Bush made and yet you can act like a putz!

Come on be an adult and explain then where did the $8 trillion go?
Did those events NOT happen and therefore NO costs associated?

If you sophomorically think poking fun of the messenger is cute.. that says alot about your intelligence!So come on be an adult and explain what happened???

foot / mouth.


Whatever.. but it doesn't alter the facts which you still haven't refuted!
Why? Admitting errors are a sign of intelligence i.e. education.. but
attacking the messenger... just further signs of no intelligence life!

Facts aren't refutable, why would i Try to refute facts, retard.

Your analysis of the facts, though? Borderline braindead.

News at 6.
So other then the juvenile sophomoric attack on the messenger.. where are the rest of the refutators?

I really want you people that have bought the MSM/Conventional cliches.. to explain..
What happened to the $8 trillion in destroyed market value, 18,000+ businesses, lost jobs, lost physical property??

Would someone finally admit hey... something did happen that reduced Federal revenue and something did happen that ADDED to expenditures..
And maybe a $1.2 trillion surplus could have happened and Bush was not the fault.. after all "Shit happens" and someone has to clean it up though!

You can't do as Obama continue to Blame Bush when the FACTS don't support it!
Dot com/9/11/hurricanes unusual "shit" that DID happen and DID cost revenue coming in and more money going out!
It happened but no one seems to consider that!
I think the non-answer by the brain trust is your answer.

You know I agree!

It appears that NOTHING happened from 2001 to 2008!

No one died.
No "War on Terror".

The ONLY problem is there are 3,000 people dead from 9/11 - 1,000s from the worst hurricanes in history!

There is $ 8 trillion in destroyed assets,market value, businesses destroyed!

YET this entire BOARD is content to let LIES be told!
THIS entire BOARD ignores reality!

So yes.. maybe it is me.
I am the ONLY person who recognizes that those events had financial consequences!

That leaves the rest of the board VERY VERY OUT of touch with reality because everyday at the rate of $730 million a DAY is NOT counted as taxable revenue! Almost a $1 billion a day in REVENUE that would have cut down the national debt!

BUT all of you on the board.. DON"T know enough to admit it!
So NOW all you brain dead!
You see the stupid thread regarding 8 year mess totally and ignorantly about Bush!

AND that Idiot poster NOT ONCE acknowledged $200 billion a year in LOST tax revenue!
$600 billion additional costs due to the cheerleaders that WANTED US troops killed!
The $600 billion cost of Homeland Security ALL because Clinton /Gorelick Memo
prevented connecting the dots and CLINTON having Bin Laden supposedly couldn't find any charges when HE HAD Bin Laden!

But I'm not wasting time on trying to educate brain deads..
I'll leave to historians that in 20 years show that Bush will be considered one of the great Presidents that IN SPITE of Congressional leaders Cheerleading the Terrorists, in spite of the MSM so biased 80% voted Democrat and wrote so biased news stories that the general public NOW is turning on the MSM as their credibility shrinks!

History will with perspective show that there would have been a $1.2 trillion SURPLUS IF that idiot clinton hadn't fostered the Dot com bust, the 9/11 wouldn't happened if he didn't block the CIA from sharing with FBI Chinese donations !
All of that can be laid at Clinton's feet and all the while Clinton smoked stained cigars!
NOT ONE comment refuted the following YET idiots liberals/conservatives alike continue to Blame Bush.. and spout the worn out stupid meme...
"spent like a drunken sailor"..

Could be because you're a fucking retard.

The stock market was up over 200% over the entire course of the Clinton presidency, even with the pullback at the end.
I think the non-answer by the brain trust is your answer.

You know I agree!

It appears that NOTHING happened from 2001 to 2008!

No one died.
No "War on Terror".

The ONLY problem is there are 3,000 people dead from 9/11 - 1,000s from the worst hurricanes in history!

There is $ 8 trillion in destroyed assets,market value, businesses destroyed!

YET this entire BOARD is content to let LIES be told!
THIS entire BOARD ignores reality!

So yes.. maybe it is me.
I am the ONLY person who recognizes that those events had financial consequences!

That leaves the rest of the board VERY VERY OUT of touch with reality because everyday at the rate of $730 million a DAY is NOT counted as taxable revenue! Almost a $1 billion a day in REVENUE that would have cut down the national debt!

BUT all of you on the board.. DON"T know enough to admit it!

Why did Bush cut taxes in 2003, at the very same time he was adding the cost of a second war, and the cost of a massive expansion of Medicare?

What is the rationale for that? Why would you cut back on your source of revenue at the same time you're increasing your need for revenue?
The stock market was up over 200% over the entire course of the Clinton presidency, even with the pullback at the end.

Why are you so f..king DUMB!

WHO disputes THAT.. Dumb sh..!
What HAPPENED though was ..duh...

1) Dot.com bust cost $5 trillion in market loss "The Stock Market Crash
of 2000-2002 caused the loss of $5 trillion in the market value of
companies from March 2000 to October 2002.[13]
Dot-com bubble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

of $5 trillion $5 Trillion WERE DEDUCTED From taxable income after 2002 and forward..
$200 billion a year in Federal tax revenue GONE!!!
IDIOT.. explain that!
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Geez.. I can't believe these idiots on this board!

NO one disputed stock market rise BUT NO ONE seems to UNDERSTAND that
1) dot.com 2) 9/11 3) Most costly hurricanes on record

ALL REDUCED federal tax revenue by $200 billion a year!
AND Federal Govt. spent $600 billion on Homeland Security!
AND $600 billion more in IRAQ because American IDIOT Democrats and MSM
Nearly $2 trillion lack of revenue and $1.2 trillion because Clinton Gorelick Memo
fought CIA sharing with FBI about the 9/11 hijackers!
So ONCE again.. WHERE are the accountants, financiers on this board DISPUTING
this $1 trillion in lost revenue?
LOL The usual crazy accusations and excuses for failure. But yes, the Dot com was a bust, but it was the normal bubble bust in which those who thought the internet was on long working viagra lost their shirts. I remember having these conversations on when this all would crash, 'content' meant more then than real stuff. You also forgot the Millennium spending as it to contributed to a false sense of economic magic and always happy returns.

"[The American economy] demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfactions, our ego satisfactions, in consumption. The measure of social status, of social acceptance, of prestige, is now to be found in our consumptive patterns [...] We need things consumed, burned up, worn out, replaced, and discarded at an ever increasing pace. We need to have people eat, drink, dress, ride, live, with ever more complicated and, therefore, constantly more expensive consumption." Victor Lebow
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LOL The usual crazy accusations and excuses for failure. But yes, the Dot com was a bust, but it was the normal bubble bust in which those who thought the internet was on long working viagra lost their shirts. I remember having these conversations on when this all would crash, 'content' meant more then than real stuff. You also forgot the Millennium spending as it to contributed to a false sense of economic magic and always happy returns.

BUT you didn't say anything about the LOST $200 billion a year in tax revenue because tax payers could write off this $200 billion against their tax bill!

That meant LoWER tax revenue at the time the USA had:
1) recession that officially started 03/2001 ended 11/01!
2) Then 9/11 occurred ... remember that?
3) Anthrax attacks CAUSED fear in millions to go out and spend..
Remember Bush encouraging people to buy???
4) Then when you add the $600+ billions spent on HOmeland Security?
5) Finally you NEVER mentioned the most costly hurricanes in history!

All of that meant 18,000+ lost businesses, meant tax writeoffs..
AND NO one seems to consider that when they accuse Bush of "spending like a Drunken sailor"!

Finally you NEVER commented on these statements that had the direct affect of CHEERLEADING for the Terrorists!
And I bet you agree with these cheerleading statements which NOT only KILLED 87,000 Iraqis BY THE TERRORISTS, but 3,000+ soldiers.. all the while costing $600 billion more and I bet you FEEL these statements
were justified?
THESE WERE CHEERS for Terrorists.. recruiting slogans for bombers!

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets --action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Cheerleading encouraged Terrorism which prolong the Iraq Liberation!

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