Why hasn’t the CDC warned about all the diseases that could be brought in because of Joe Biden’s open borders?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Why hasn’t the CDC warned about all the diseases that could be brought in because of Joe Biden’s open borders?

30 Jan 2024 ~~ By Jack Hellner

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is supposed to be an independent agency looking out for the health of the American people.
So why hasn’t it protested the endless stream of illegals pouring across the northern and southern borders, all of whom are allowed to enter without being checked for disease or illness? Are these bureaucrats more interested in protecting their jobs and going along with the political agenda of Joe Biden instead of protecting public health?
Eight million people, not counting gotaways, have shown up at the southern border during Biden’s first three years, and the CDC doesn’t require a vaccine passport, or as it appears, check them for anything, despite the fact that these people come from the most unhygienic corners of the world; they’re simply released throughout the U.S.
So why haven’t the concerned scientists at the CDC protested?
Here they warn about measles, saying they have tracked seven cases that have been “brought into the country” yet they don’t tell us from where, or how:
CDC issues alert that measles cases are up, urging health providers to watch for disease
Officials have tracked seven cases of measles being brought into the country and two U.S. outbreaks with more than five cases each, the CDC said.​
Instead of caring about children and science, the CDC catered to big political donors of Democrats to keep the schools closed, which caused massive permanent damage to children—especially children who were already behind. From a congressional investigation:
Investigation Reveals Biden’s CDC Bypassed Scientific Norms to Allow Teachers Union to Re-Write Official Guidance
Today, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis Republicans released an interim report revealing Dr. Rochelle Walensky bypassed customary scientific processes at the U.S. Centers and Disease Control (CDC) to allow the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), a political union and donor to the Biden campaign, to re-write key portions of the Biden Administration’s school reopening guidance. The AFT’s edits ultimately led to thousands of schools across the country to remain shuttered throughout the 2020-2021 school year.​
It is no wonder people don’t trust the CDC. They are as political as the Justice Department, and clearly care more about politics than our health.
Why haven’t people been fired for their absolute malfeasance?
The media is outraged that Trump is claiming immunity. Would the media support the prosecution of Biden for refusing to enforce border laws which have caused so many deaths? What about prosecuting Obama for dictatorially stopping the supposedly independent justice department from prosecuting drug running terrorists to appease Iran? How many deaths from terrorism and drugs did that action cause?

On secveral occassions I've posted on the health issues of the illegal aliens pouring into America from up to 165 countries and the types of diseases they were bringing with them.
There have been stories meant to frighten us, of course, certainly DNCCP Dems have given us many.
Many Americans have questioned why these illegals have been allowed to enter the U.S. without Covid immunization and all the other immunization Americans have required to have virtually from their first year of birth.
The CDC has changed from a safety net for the public and now is a money making scheme for medical royalties.
See what they have done to their VAERS website for adverse conditions, for example,
they totally ignored it regarding the covid vaccine. Fauci's legacy continues... !

See more:

A related question is why are illegals with unknown medical status allowed to fly on planes next to US citizens?
They sure weren't taking in precautions when that coughing and hacking lil old Chinese bitch sitting across the aisle on the Memphis to Dallas leg gave me Covid.

Why hasn’t the CDC warned about all the diseases that could be brought in because of Joe Biden’s open borders?

30 Jan 2024 ~~ By Jack Hellner

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is supposed to be an independent agency looking out for the health of the American people.
So why hasn’t it protested the endless stream of illegals pouring across the northern and southern borders, all of whom are allowed to enter without being checked for disease or illness? Are these bureaucrats more interested in protecting their jobs and going along with the political agenda of Joe Biden instead of protecting public health?
Eight million people, not counting gotaways, have shown up at the southern border during Biden’s first three years, and the CDC doesn’t require a vaccine passport, or as it appears, check them for anything, despite the fact that these people come from the most unhygienic corners of the world; they’re simply released throughout the U.S.
So why haven’t the concerned scientists at the CDC protested?
Here they warn about measles, saying they have tracked seven cases that have been “brought into the country” yet they don’t tell us from where, or how:
CDC issues alert that measles cases are up, urging health providers to watch for disease

Officials have tracked seven cases of measles being brought into the country and two U.S. outbreaks with more than five cases each, the CDC said.​
Instead of caring about children and science, the CDC catered to big political donors of Democrats to keep the schools closed, which caused massive permanent damage to children—especially children who were already behind. From a congressional investigation:
Investigation Reveals Biden’s CDC Bypassed Scientific Norms to Allow Teachers Union to Re-Write Official Guidance

Today, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis Republicans released an interim report revealing Dr. Rochelle Walensky bypassed customary scientific processes at the U.S. Centers and Disease Control (CDC) to allow the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), a political union and donor to the Biden campaign, to re-write key portions of the Biden Administration’s school reopening guidance. The AFT’s edits ultimately led to thousands of schools across the country to remain shuttered throughout the 2020-2021 school year.​
It is no wonder people don’t trust the CDC. They are as political as the Justice Department, and clearly care more about politics than our health.
Why haven’t people been fired for their absolute malfeasance?
The media is outraged that Trump is claiming immunity. Would the media support the prosecution of Biden for refusing to enforce border laws which have caused so many deaths? What about prosecuting Obama for dictatorially stopping the supposedly independent justice department from prosecuting drug running terrorists to appease Iran? How many deaths from terrorism and drugs did that action cause?

On secveral occassions I've posted on the health issues of the illegal aliens pouring into America from up to 165 countries and the types of diseases they were bringing with them.
There have been stories meant to frighten us, of course, certainly DNCCP Dems have given us many.
Many Americans have questioned why these illegals have been allowed to enter the U.S. without Covid immunization and all the other immunization Americans have required to have virtually from their first year of birth.
The CDC has changed from a safety net for the public and now is a money making scheme for medical royalties.
See what they have done to their VAERS website for adverse conditions, for example,
they totally ignored it regarding the covid vaccine. Fauci's legacy continues... !

See more:


Only racists are afraid of getting TB from an illegal alien.

Why hasn’t the CDC warned about all the diseases that could be brought in because of Joe Biden’s open borders?

30 Jan 2024 ~~ By Jack Hellner

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is supposed to be an independent agency looking out for the health of the American people.
So why hasn’t it protested the endless stream of illegals pouring across the northern and southern borders, all of whom are allowed to enter without being checked for disease or illness? Are these bureaucrats more interested in protecting their jobs and going along with the political agenda of Joe Biden instead of protecting public health?
Eight million people, not counting gotaways, have shown up at the southern border during Biden’s first three years, and the CDC doesn’t require a vaccine passport, or as it appears, check them for anything, despite the fact that these people come from the most unhygienic corners of the world; they’re simply released throughout the U.S.
So why haven’t the concerned scientists at the CDC protested?
Here they warn about measles, saying they have tracked seven cases that have been “brought into the country” yet they don’t tell us from where, or how:
CDC issues alert that measles cases are up, urging health providers to watch for disease

Officials have tracked seven cases of measles being brought into the country and two U.S. outbreaks with more than five cases each, the CDC said.​
Instead of caring about children and science, the CDC catered to big political donors of Democrats to keep the schools closed, which caused massive permanent damage to children—especially children who were already behind. From a congressional investigation:
Investigation Reveals Biden’s CDC Bypassed Scientific Norms to Allow Teachers Union to Re-Write Official Guidance

Today, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis Republicans released an interim report revealing Dr. Rochelle Walensky bypassed customary scientific processes at the U.S. Centers and Disease Control (CDC) to allow the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), a political union and donor to the Biden campaign, to re-write key portions of the Biden Administration’s school reopening guidance. The AFT’s edits ultimately led to thousands of schools across the country to remain shuttered throughout the 2020-2021 school year.​
It is no wonder people don’t trust the CDC. They are as political as the Justice Department, and clearly care more about politics than our health.
Why haven’t people been fired for their absolute malfeasance?
The media is outraged that Trump is claiming immunity. Would the media support the prosecution of Biden for refusing to enforce border laws which have caused so many deaths? What about prosecuting Obama for dictatorially stopping the supposedly independent justice department from prosecuting drug running terrorists to appease Iran? How many deaths from terrorism and drugs did that action cause?

On secveral occassions I've posted on the health issues of the illegal aliens pouring into America from up to 165 countries and the types of diseases they were bringing with them.
There have been stories meant to frighten us, of course, certainly DNCCP Dems have given us many.
Many Americans have questioned why these illegals have been allowed to enter the U.S. without Covid immunization and all the other immunization Americans have required to have virtually from their first year of birth.
The CDC has changed from a safety net for the public and now is a money making scheme for medical royalties.
See what they have done to their VAERS website for adverse conditions, for example,
they totally ignored it regarding the covid vaccine. Fauci's legacy continues... !

See more:


Because this is exaggerated fear porn and the CDC isn't part of the Nazi regime.

American anti vaxxers are a far larger threat.
They sure weren't taking in precautions when that coughing and hacking lil old Chinese bitch sitting across the aisle on the Memphis to Dallas leg gave me Covid.
Sorry to hear that. Imagine the new exotic viruses and diseases that might be sitting next to us on future flights thanks to our open boarders immigration "process"?
Sorry to hear that. Imagine the new exotic viruses and diseases that might be sitting next to us on future flights thanks to our open boarders immigration "process"?
Well, to be honest, it was mid-January and before Covid was known to be in the country and being spread across the country in closed tube air travel. There were NO precautions, anywhere in CONUS except at where the passengers from that infected ship were being brought into a base in California. Sitting beside me was an active duty Major, flying on orders to meet that arrival. I assume he got it also, as everybody in my party did, the only difference being one to three day variance in onset of symptoms.
Well, to be honest, it was mid-January and before Covid was known to be in the country and being spread across the country in closed tube air travel. There were NO precautions, anywhere in CONUS except at where the passengers from that infected ship were being brought into a base in California. Sitting beside me was an active duty Major, flying on orders to meet that arrival. I assume he got it also, as everybody in my party did, the only difference being one to three day variance in onset of symptoms.
The point I am making is that US citizens should not be forced to travel with unknown, unvetted people because of failed US border policy. If they are to be transported anywhere, it should be by bus or train where US citizens are not forced to be in a closed cabin with them for hours.
The point I am making is that US citizens should not be forced to travel with unknown, unvetted people because of failed US border policy. If they are to be transported anywhere, it should be by bus or train where US citizens are not forced to be in a closed cabin with them for hours.
I thought they were still sneaking them in around the country, sometimes landing at small airports after hours, or is it all out in the open on commercial non-charter transportation now?
I thought they were still sneaking them in around the country, sometimes landing at small airports after hours, or is it all out in the open on commercial non-charter transportation now?
Yep. They just pull a bus up in the middle of the city in broad daylight, let them out on a corner wuth what they can carry, and drive away.

You probably imagined that not even GOPers can be this cruel and stupid. Well, they are.
The point I am making is that US citizens should not be forced to travel with unknown, unvetted people because of failed US border policy. If they are to be transported anywhere, it should be by bus or train where US citizens are not forced to be in a closed cabin with them for hours.

We're about to require Real ID to fly, except for illegal aliens who don't need any ID.
Yep. They just pull a bus up in the middle of the city in broad daylight, let them out on a corner wuth what they can carry, and drive away.

You probably imagined that not even GOPers can be this cruel and stupid. Well, they are.

It's only a problem if the DemoKKKrat-run "sanctuary" cities are too racist to accept the migrants, which seems to be happening more and more in places run by people like you.
Hey look, it's make stuff up day again.

Sometimes I forget how tiny your bubble is:

Migrants who have entered the country using President Biden’s new CBP (Customs and Border Protection) One app — at least 422,000 — can fly domestically without photo ID.

A sign posted in Miami International Airport tells migrants, “1. Notify the TSA officer that you are a migrant. 2. The TSA officer will take a photo (optional). 3. If requested, provide your alien identification number or biographic information.”

Taking a photo would allow the Transportation Security Administration officer to confirm the person boarding matches the person pictured in the CBP app.

But the airport sign repeats, “Photo capture is voluntary.”

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