Why Hasn't Trump Paid Rudy's Legal Bills To Own The Libs Yet???


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Rudy Giuliani's allies are reportedly pressing former President Trump’s team to help the embattled lawyer pay for his growing legal bills. Giuliani’s advisers are pleading with Trump’s team to dip into its $250 million campaign bank account and pay the attorney for the work he did to try to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Bernard Kerik, the former New York City police commissioner [AND CONVICTED FELON], wrote on Twitter that “lawyers and law firms that didn’t do shit were paid lots of money and the people that worked their ass off, got nothing. -- “I want to know what the @GOP did with the quarter of $1 billion they collected for the election legal fight,” said Kerik."

Now when I heard Trump turned down Rudy's request for a pardon; I figured there must be a good reason why Trump did it and his supporters should just trust in the plan and trust in Trump's supernatural wisdom. However, now is the time one must ask, why doesn't Trump just pay all of Rudy's legal fees; just to trigger the libs?

But Bernard Kerik shouldn't be going around spouting his mouth on Twitter like that -- making it seem like that quarter of a billion dollars Trump raised to overturn the election was just a grift -- he should have kept those squabbles behind closed doors. I guess for a guy who went from being an overpaid chauffeur to a police commissioner is probably pretty upset and passionate about his former boss not getting any of that grift money.
This explains why the Deep State is going after Rudy. They file a heap of phony charges on Rudy hoping Rudy flips on Trump because of the unpaid bills.

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"Rudy Giuliani's allies are reportedly pressing former President Trump’s team to help the embattled lawyer pay for his growing legal bills. Giuliani’s advisers are pleading with Trump’s team to dip into its $250 million campaign bank account and pay the attorney for the work he did to try to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Bernard Kerik, the former New York City police commissioner [AND CONVICTED FELON], wrote on Twitter that “lawyers and law firms that didn’t do shit were paid lots of money and the people that worked their ass off, got nothing. -- “I want to know what the @GOP did with the quarter of $1 billion they collected for the election legal fight,” said Kerik."

Now when I heard Trump turned down Rudy's request for a pardon; I figured there must be a good reason why Trump did it and his supporters should just trust in the plan and trust in Trump's supernatural wisdom. However, now is the time one must ask, why doesn't Trump just pay all of Rudy's legal fees; just to trigger the libs?

But Bernard Kerik shouldn't be going around spouting his mouth on Twitter like that -- making it seem like that quarter of a billion dollars Trump raised to overturn the election was just a grift -- he should have kept those squabbles behind closed doors. I guess for a guy who went from being an overpaid chauffeur to a police commissioner is probably pretty upset and passionate about his former boss not getting any of that grift money.

Why is it your business?

Maybe you libs have accomplished your goal and impoverished the Trump Family, ensuring that no one will ever think about challenging the supremacy of the Deep State again and disenfranchising America's 75 million deplorables?

"Rudy Giuliani's allies are reportedly pressing former President Trump’s team to help the embattled lawyer pay for his growing legal bills. Giuliani’s advisers are pleading with Trump’s team to dip into its $250 million campaign bank account and pay the attorney for the work he did to try to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Bernard Kerik, the former New York City police commissioner [AND CONVICTED FELON], wrote on Twitter that “lawyers and law firms that didn’t do shit were paid lots of money and the people that worked their ass off, got nothing. -- “I want to know what the @GOP did with the quarter of $1 billion they collected for the election legal fight,” said Kerik."

Now when I heard Trump turned down Rudy's request for a pardon; I figured there must be a good reason why Trump did it and his supporters should just trust in the plan and trust in Trump's supernatural wisdom. However, now is the time one must ask, why doesn't Trump just pay all of Rudy's legal fees; just to trigger the libs?

But Bernard Kerik shouldn't be going around spouting his mouth on Twitter like that -- making it seem like that quarter of a billion dollars Trump raised to overturn the election was just a grift -- he should have kept those squabbles behind closed doors. I guess for a guy who went from being an overpaid chauffeur to a police commissioner is probably pretty upset and passionate about his former boss not getting any of that grift money.

Why is it your business?

Maybe you libs have accomplished your goal and impoverished the Trump Family, ensuring that no one will ever think about challenging the supremacy of the Deep State again and disenfranchising America's 75 million deplorables?

*Don't talk about my daddy!!!*
I wonder if this scumbag OP has considered that Trump has paid them?

"Rudy Giuliani's allies are reportedly pressing former President Trump’s team to help the embattled lawyer pay for his growing legal bills. Giuliani’s advisers are pleading with Trump’s team to dip into its $250 million campaign bank account and pay the attorney for the work he did to try to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Bernard Kerik, the former New York City police commissioner [AND CONVICTED FELON], wrote on Twitter that “lawyers and law firms that didn’t do shit were paid lots of money and the people that worked their ass off, got nothing. -- “I want to know what the @GOP did with the quarter of $1 billion they collected for the election legal fight,” said Kerik."

Now when I heard Trump turned down Rudy's request for a pardon; I figured there must be a good reason why Trump did it and his supporters should just trust in the plan and trust in Trump's supernatural wisdom. However, now is the time one must ask, why doesn't Trump just pay all of Rudy's legal fees; just to trigger the libs?

But Bernard Kerik shouldn't be going around spouting his mouth on Twitter like that -- making it seem like that quarter of a billion dollars Trump raised to overturn the election was just a grift -- he should have kept those squabbles behind closed doors. I guess for a guy who went from being an overpaid chauffeur to a police commissioner is probably pretty upset and passionate about his former boss not getting any of that grift money.
Donald is a deadbeat who ever pays Ask anyone who worked for him as a contractor or vendor.

that said, Rudy didn’t deliver the coup, did he?
Crazy Rudy has tons of money. Fuck him.
And Trump doesn't. His "wealth" is mostly smoke and mirrors. It reminds me of a quote from "Mame". "To make a living you have to do something people need at least once a year. To get rich you need to do something people need every day." When you think about it, Trump doesn't offer anything that the average person needs EVER!
Mike Pence supported Trump and look what happened to him

Trump has no loyalty, Rudy should have known that
Michael Cohen tried to tell him

Mike Cohen was the one with no loyalty. He through the Trumpster under the bus, not vice versa.
Mike broke the law and that crime he committed names his boss as a co-conspirator......

Would you commit a crime for Trump and go down for him??

I think you would....which makes you a cuck

"Rudy Giuliani's allies are reportedly pressing former President Trump’s team to help the embattled lawyer pay for his growing legal bills. Giuliani’s advisers are pleading with Trump’s team to dip into its $250 million campaign bank account and pay the attorney for the work he did to try to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Bernard Kerik, the former New York City police commissioner [AND CONVICTED FELON], wrote on Twitter that “lawyers and law firms that didn’t do shit were paid lots of money and the people that worked their ass off, got nothing. -- “I want to know what the @GOP did with the quarter of $1 billion they collected for the election legal fight,” said Kerik."

Now when I heard Trump turned down Rudy's request for a pardon; I figured there must be a good reason why Trump did it and his supporters should just trust in the plan and trust in Trump's supernatural wisdom. However, now is the time one must ask, why doesn't Trump just pay all of Rudy's legal fees; just to trigger the libs?

But Bernard Kerik shouldn't be going around spouting his mouth on Twitter like that -- making it seem like that quarter of a billion dollars Trump raised to overturn the election was just a grift -- he should have kept those squabbles behind closed doors. I guess for a guy who went from being an overpaid chauffeur to a police commissioner is probably pretty upset and passionate about his former boss not getting any of that grift money.

Why is it your business?

Maybe you libs have accomplished your goal and impoverished the Trump Family, ensuring that no one will ever think about challenging the supremacy of the Deep State again and disenfranchising America's 75 million deplorables?
That wasn't really the goal, but it would be nice if that happened.

"Rudy Giuliani's allies are reportedly pressing former President Trump’s team to help the embattled lawyer pay for his growing legal bills. Giuliani’s advisers are pleading with Trump’s team to dip into its $250 million campaign bank account and pay the attorney for the work he did to try to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Bernard Kerik, the former New York City police commissioner [AND CONVICTED FELON], wrote on Twitter that “lawyers and law firms that didn’t do shit were paid lots of money and the people that worked their ass off, got nothing. -- “I want to know what the @GOP did with the quarter of $1 billion they collected for the election legal fight,” said Kerik."

Now when I heard Trump turned down Rudy's request for a pardon; I figured there must be a good reason why Trump did it and his supporters should just trust in the plan and trust in Trump's supernatural wisdom. However, now is the time one must ask, why doesn't Trump just pay all of Rudy's legal fees; just to trigger the libs?

But Bernard Kerik shouldn't be going around spouting his mouth on Twitter like that -- making it seem like that quarter of a billion dollars Trump raised to overturn the election was just a grift -- he should have kept those squabbles behind closed doors. I guess for a guy who went from being an overpaid chauffeur to a police commissioner is probably pretty upset and passionate about his former boss not getting any of that grift money.

Why is it your business?

Maybe you libs have accomplished your goal and impoverished the Trump Family, ensuring that no one will ever think about challenging the supremacy of the Deep State again and disenfranchising America's 75 million deplorables?
That wasn't really the goal, but it would be nice if that happened.

Sure it is the goal. The ruling class in this country, the Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, Bidens don't want challenged and teaching this lesson to the plebes, the Deplorables is key.

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