Why haven't feminists, the left wing variety, targeted Hollywood...I know why, but let's discuss....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I go to a photo site where they have videos...one of the videos was about HBO and how it is essentially running porn disguised as regular entertainment....it was pretty funny...

My question is this...why haven't feminists, especially the left wing type, singled out hollywood for a scorched earth policy because of their treatment of women....

For example...imagine you run an accounting firm...and a woman comes in to join your firm....you then ask tell her that to get the job, she will have to undress, partially and at times completely, and she will have to pretend to perform sex acts on the men in the firm...if she wants the job....

How long before that firm is sued out of existence....?

Now take Hollywood...especially the main cable stations....these shows do not need to show the sex and nudity that they do....their stories are strong and interesting without them, and often these shows go on complete tangents unecessary to the development of the plot simply to show some woman having sex or being stripped naked....

And yet nothing is done to change it...these actresses are forced to do these things if they want these jobs...why hasn't the government....you know, the ones looking to make employers pay equal pay for equal work for women....stepped in to stop this abuse?

This is a battle just waiting to be fought....and yet....nothing....
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