Why Hillary Is Running Quiet


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Of course the first reason is all her scandals. She could spend DAYS just covering those and the second is her health. She is simply not able to "Lie on the fly" like the old days before her stroke. This is why she has avoided the press and has refused to give interviews.

The DNC is TRYING to sell you the "Hillary" of the Bill and Hillary days but she no longer exists. The ANTI military PRO big government foul mouth is simply NOT able anymore.

They have to sell her at a distance otherwise YOU would see the fallen cheek on the right side and the fallen lip or the extra large bag under the eye. If she was a car they would call that 15 foot paint because ANY closer and you would see the runs the drips and the sags.

Her "meetings" are scripted for a reason as well. She no longer has the ability to field the question from center field let alone the line drive. In the world of politics she is the aging player who NEVER had that great season or in truth never even a good one.

She will go down in history as one of the dirtiest players in the game but never one of the best. She is riding the pine while others sing her glory. To tired and to old and to worn to do anything more then step out of the dug out and give a hat tip.

You cut a player to advance a team.
You cut Hillary to advance a nation.
Brutal maybe, but that IS what you are seeing.
I haven't heard from Rafael, Walker, Jeb, and Rubio in a while. Why are they also "running quiet?"
You idiot. They're ALL scripted at this point, unless they're clown car candidates like Cruz. Jeb hasn't uttered an unscripted word since his Iraq guffaw.
Of course the first reason is all her scandals. She could spend DAYS just covering those and the second is her health. She is simply not able to "Lie on the fly" like the old days before her stroke. This is why she has avoided the press and has refused to give interviews.

The DNC is TRYING to sell you the "Hillary" of the Bill and Hillary days but she no longer exists. The ANTI military PRO big government foul mouth is simply NOT able anymore.

They have to sell her at a distance otherwise YOU would see the fallen cheek on the right side and the fallen lip or the extra large bag under the eye. If she was a car they would call that 15 foot paint because ANY closer and you would see the runs the drips and the sags.

Her "meetings" are scripted for a reason as well. She no longer has the ability to field the question from center field let alone the line drive. In the world of politics she is the aging player who NEVER had that great season or in truth never even a good one.

She will go down in history as one of the dirtiest players in the game but never one of the best. She is riding the pine while others sing her glory. To tired and to old and to worn to do anything more then step out of the dug out and give a hat tip.

You cut a player to advance a team.
You cut Hillary to advance a nation.
Brutal maybe, but that IS what you are seeing.
No, it's because the cons got nothing on her, and it drive them crazy....like you have just showed.
You idiot. They're ALL scripted at this point, unless they're clown car candidates like Cruz. Jeb hasn't uttered an unscripted word since his Iraq guffaw.
If it's democrat it's SCRIPTED.
If it's Republican it's LIVE.
Thank you for CONFIRMING that FACT.

--- depending on what the definition of "live" is....

Now if we could just get her to run invisible too, we'd be better off.

Of course the first reason is all her scandals. She could spend DAYS just covering those and the second is her health. She is simply not able to "Lie on the fly" like the old days before her stroke. This is why she has avoided the press and has refused to give interviews.

The DNC is TRYING to sell you the "Hillary" of the Bill and Hillary days but she no longer exists. The ANTI military PRO big government foul mouth is simply NOT able anymore.

They have to sell her at a distance otherwise YOU would see the fallen cheek on the right side and the fallen lip or the extra large bag under the eye. If she was a car they would call that 15 foot paint because ANY closer and you would see the runs the drips and the sags.

Her "meetings" are scripted for a reason as well. She no longer has the ability to field the question from center field let alone the line drive. In the world of politics she is the aging player who NEVER had that great season or in truth never even a good one.

She will go down in history as one of the dirtiest players in the game but never one of the best. She is riding the pine while others sing her glory. To tired and to old and to worn to do anything more then step out of the dug out and give a hat tip.

You cut a player to advance a team.
You cut Hillary to advance a nation.
Brutal maybe, but that IS what you are seeing.
I propose that every red/purple state require Hillary to speak to their local press/reporters monthly, right thru 2016, or she doesnt go on the ballot.
The biggest reason that Hillary is staying quiet is two-fold: She is an inept politician, and, like Obama, she really cannot stand Everyday Americans.
The right's obsession with HRC is both amusing and telling.

Pity conservatives aren't obsessed with promoting the GOP's policy positions as opposed to engaging in personal attacks; of course, personal attacks is all republicans have when they have no constructive, viable ideas of their own.
i keep thinking of her butt when i hear the phrase "Running Quiet" as if she is holding back 30,000 farts.
Hillary is at a combination fat farm/drug & alcohol rehab.

Every day, she gets up before dawn, milks some cows, brands some colts, and wrestles a bear before breakfast. Then, over turkey bacon and powdered eggs, she fires up a satellite phone and gets a progress update on Jade Helm's takeover plans for the American Southwest to ensure they will meet the October Surprise 2016 deadline. Then she spends the next four hours being coached on how to make friends with ISIS.

After a light lunch of lettuce and fetuses, Hillary has a roundtable strategy session with representatives of the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, and MSNBC.

Then it is out to the skeet range to shoot some Christians.
Of course the first reason is all her scandals. She could spend DAYS just covering those and the second is her health. She is simply not able to "Lie on the fly" like the old days before her stroke. This is why she has avoided the press and has refused to give interviews.

The DNC is TRYING to sell you the "Hillary" of the Bill and Hillary days but she no longer exists. The ANTI military PRO big government foul mouth is simply NOT able anymore.

They have to sell her at a distance otherwise YOU would see the fallen cheek on the right side and the fallen lip or the extra large bag under the eye. If she was a car they would call that 15 foot paint because ANY closer and you would see the runs the drips and the sags.

Her "meetings" are scripted for a reason as well. She no longer has the ability to field the question from center field let alone the line drive. In the world of politics she is the aging player who NEVER had that great season or in truth never even a good one.

She will go down in history as one of the dirtiest players in the game but never one of the best. She is riding the pine while others sing her glory. To tired and to old and to worn to do anything more then step out of the dug out and give a hat tip.

You cut a player to advance a team.
You cut Hillary to advance a nation.
Brutal maybe, but that IS what you are seeing.
they need to add her as "The Fourth Monkey" See No Evil, Hear No Evil,Speak No Evil" Delete All Emails.

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