why hire the people who couldnt even see this economic nmess coming?

Partisan Attitudes

It should come as no surprise to find that overall measures of satisfaction and ratings of the president and Congress are strongly partisan in nature, i.e., that Republicans at this point are positive while Democrats are negative.

It may be a little more surprising to find that these same partisan orientations underlie views of the economy. Republicans, currently in control of the White House and both houses of Congress, are most positive about the economy. Democrats are most negative. Independents are in the middle:

There has been little major change in Democrats' attitudes across these first three months of 2006. Democrats became slightly more negative about current economic conditions in February and have remained negative in March. There has been virtually no change in Democrats' views of whether or not the economy is getting better or getting worse so far this year.

There has been more change among independents. Their rating of current economic conditions (based on the percent rating the economy as excellent or good) is 13 percentage points lower now than it was in January, and the percent of Independents saying the economy is getting better is now 12 points lower than in January.
March 21, 2006

Republicans All Alone in Viewing the Economy as in Good Shape

Independents and Democrats are quite negative

by Frank Newport

They denied there was a problem right up until there was no way to deny the mess.

I will never forget the deer in the headlights look on Bush's face when he had to announce to the country we were about to go into another great depression.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsDmPEeurfA]President Bush Addresses Nation on Economic Crisis - YouTube[/ame]
Partisan Attitudes

democrats were complaining about unemployment being at 5% telling us how bad things were years before the official recession.

Welcome to the real world................................
March 21, 2006

The dems and independents SAW this mess coming.

They were trying to get the government to take the problem seriously.

The entire government was REPUBLICAN.

They kept the dems from doing anything and Investigated next to nothing.

They pretended the problem was not right in front of them.

Then they had to face the music in september of 2008 when Bush was forced to tell the world they crashed the economy.

The country elected Obama and you guys immediately set about trying to find ways to NOT TAKE RESPONSABILTY for one shred of the mess.

You couldnt see it coming

You crashed it

Then you denied any fault.

The leadership of the right is worse than worthless.

Its harmful and petty
So what have Dems done to make it better? Besides living in tents, not showering and treating Wall Street as their personal toilets?
Why should anyone think they would know enough about economics to fix the problem they caused and couldnt see coming while others warned it was coming?
The issue isn’t so much republicans ‘knowing’ about the economy but the perils of using the economy as a political weapon; a sword that cuts both ways.

Whether republicans were the cause of the December 2007 recession or not is irrelevant; what is relevant is their blind adherence to economic dogma proven to be ineffective – such as tax cuts and deficit reduction.

Only a pragmatic approach will have the possibility of successfully addressing the economic issues facing the Nation, a blend of solutions from both the private and public sectors as well as conservative and liberal remedies. As partisan ideologues, unfortunately, republicans are not fit to lead in this regard.

A rightist will predictably respond that democrats are just as partisan and ideological, but there is no evidence in support of this, as democrats have successfully neutralized the liberal faction of the party, that’s been the case since Clinton.

The evidence is clear that Obama was willing to accommodate conservatives, to the frustration of liberals, yet Obama’s efforts were rejected by the right whose only concern is to ‘get rid of Obama.’

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