Why I, a white senior citizen (with some American Indian blood...) no longer watching


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
NCIS and other TV shows making me a "White" senior citizen, the bad guys in their shows.
I've been a long-term viewer of this use to be politically unbiased show, but last night I turned it off when the
medical examiner showed the body had a "White Supremacist" tattoo. Dastardly "White supremacists" were behind the terrorist attacks on Congress. Yup those evil "white" groups.
This show as several current shows are continuing to make "White" people the bad guys.
How many viewers has NCIS lost as these other shows have lost of "White" viewers? Hard to say but
the more frequent we see shows such as NCIS picking on "Whites" will mean fewer "White" viewers.
Isn't that a racist plot? Attacking "Whites"? Sad because these shows are actually creating "racists"!
NCIS and other TV shows making me a "White" senior citizen, the bad guys in their shows.
I've been a long-term viewer of this use to be politically unbiased show, but last night I turned it off when the
medical examiner showed the body had a "White Supremacist" tattoo. Dastardly "White supremacists" were behind the terrorist attacks on Congress. Yup those evil "white" groups.
This show as several current shows are continuing to make "White" people the bad guys.
How many viewers has NCIS lost as these other shows have lost of "White" viewers? Hard to say but
the more frequent we see shows such as NCIS picking on "Whites" will mean fewer "White" viewers.
Isn't that a racist plot? Attacking "Whites"? Sad because these shows are actually creating "racists"!

Holy fucking snowflake.
I don't watch "NCIS" specifically but I think I can pretty safely say that the problem is the "supremacist" part. I would hope that everyone, regardless of skin tone, can agree that white supremacists are bad, right?
"Waaaah, TV doesn't show the villains as having brown skin like they should."
Newsflash. TV is a reflection of what is relevant in our society. And like it or not, White Supremacy is relevant to our world right now.

And I hate to break this to you, but White Supremacists are.........wait for it.......White.
Newsflash. TV is a reflection of what is relevant in our society. And like it or not, White Supremacy is relevant to our world right now.

And I hate to break this to you, but White Supremacists are.........wait for it.......White.

"White Supremacy is relevant to our world right now."

No, it's not. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Democrats NEED White Supremacy to be relevant in their desperate attempt to win back power.
NCIS and other TV shows making me a "White" senior citizen, the bad guys in their shows.
I've been a long-term viewer of this use to be politically unbiased show, but last night I turned it off when the
medical examiner showed the body had a "White Supremacist" tattoo. Dastardly "White supremacists" were behind the terrorist attacks on Congress. Yup those evil "white" groups.
This show as several current shows are continuing to make "White" people the bad guys.
How many viewers has NCIS lost as these other shows have lost of "White" viewers? Hard to say but
the more frequent we see shows such as NCIS picking on "Whites" will mean fewer "White" viewers.
Isn't that a racist plot? Attacking "Whites"? Sad because these shows are actually creating "racists"!
Why I, a honky with probably much more Injun blood than you don't give a shit about a TV show and their take on "racism". Hell, we've even had a black sheriff, just ask Mel Brooks. :thup:
NCIS and other TV shows making me a "White" senior citizen, the bad guys in their shows.
I've been a long-term viewer of this use to be politically unbiased show, but last night I turned it off when the
medical examiner showed the body had a "White Supremacist" tattoo. Dastardly "White supremacists" were behind the terrorist attacks on Congress. Yup those evil "white" groups.
This show as several current shows are continuing to make "White" people the bad guys.
How many viewers has NCIS lost as these other shows have lost of "White" viewers? Hard to say but
the more frequent we see shows such as NCIS picking on "Whites" will mean fewer "White" viewers.
Isn't that a racist plot? Attacking "Whites"? Sad because these shows are actually creating "racists"!
I no longer subscribe to television programming. The news is never good, and the everyday language on the programs is nothing short of what was disallowed when I was growing up. Constant bad stuff on tv is bad for you.
Newsflash. TV is a reflection of what is relevant in our society. And like it or not, White Supremacy is relevant to our world right now.

And I hate to break this to you, but White Supremacists are.........wait for it.......White.

"White Supremacy is relevant to our world right now."

No, it's not. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Democrats NEED White Supremacy to be relevant in their desperate attempt to win back power.

OK I must have imagined that march in Charlottesville.
Newsflash. TV is a reflection of what is relevant in our society. And like it or not, White Supremacy is relevant to our world right now.

And I hate to break this to you, but White Supremacists are.........wait for it.......White.

"White Supremacy is relevant to our world right now."

No, it's not. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Democrats NEED White Supremacy to be relevant in their desperate attempt to win back power.

If that was meant as a joke, then I don't get it, but if you are serious, you're nuts.
NCIS and other TV shows making me a "White" senior citizen, the bad guys in their shows.
I've been a long-term viewer of this use to be politically unbiased show, but last night I turned it off when the
medical examiner showed the body had a "White Supremacist" tattoo. Dastardly "White supremacists" were behind the terrorist attacks on Congress. Yup those evil "white" groups.
This show as several current shows are continuing to make "White" people the bad guys.
How many viewers has NCIS lost as these other shows have lost of "White" viewers? Hard to say but
the more frequent we see shows such as NCIS picking on "Whites" will mean fewer "White" viewers.
Isn't that a racist plot? Attacking "Whites"? Sad because these shows are actually creating "racists"!

Stupid Hollywood Limousine Liberals pushing the filthy Left narrative? Say it ain't so!
"Waaaah, TV doesn't show the villains as having brown skin like they should."

Obviously the producers weren’t attempting to depict reality...I have no problem with fiction.
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department

Ten Most Wanted — FBI

Looks like criminals can be any color. Sorry to burst your hate bubble.

Haha...look up national incarceration statistics by ethnicity...think per capita. Then extract head from ass.
"Waaaah, TV doesn't show the villains as having brown skin like they should."

Obviously the producers weren’t attempting to depict reality...I have no problem with fiction.
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department

Ten Most Wanted — FBI

Looks like criminals can be any color. Sorry to burst your hate bubble.

Haha...look up national incarceration statistics by ethnicity...think per capita. Then extract head from ass.

NCIS and other TV shows making me a "White" senior citizen, the bad guys in their shows.
I've been a long-term viewer of this use to be politically unbiased show, but last night I turned it off when the
medical examiner showed the body had a "White Supremacist" tattoo. Dastardly "White supremacists" were behind the terrorist attacks on Congress. Yup those evil "white" groups.
This show as several current shows are continuing to make "White" people the bad guys.
How many viewers has NCIS lost as these other shows have lost of "White" viewers? Hard to say but
the more frequent we see shows such as NCIS picking on "Whites" will mean fewer "White" viewers.
Isn't that a racist plot? Attacking "Whites"? Sad because these shows are actually creating "racists"!
I no longer subscribe to television programming. The news is never good, and the everyday language on the programs is nothing short of what was disallowed when I was growing up. Constant bad stuff on tv is bad for you.

Network TV is simply mimicking the what the MSM wants the narrative to be. What part of Smarter than youwood and the MSM have the tech to change the Narrative and spread the Propaganda they choose from white hate to instilling the Cultural norms they wish to portray to the brain dead sheeple who watch the shows. Portraying fantasy as reality is their goal.
I don't watch "NCIS" specifically but I think I can pretty safely say that the problem is the "supremacist" part. I would hope that everyone, regardless of skin tone, can agree that white supremacists are bad, right?


Of the 917 hate groups, 450 (roughly 50 percent) are white supremacist organizations.
That number includes 100 white nationalist groups, 78 racist skinhead, 99 neo-Nazi, 43 neo-confederate and 130 Ku Klux Klan chapters.
The amount of press these groups have gotten since the Charlottesville incident, however, is arguably in steep disproportion to their sway and numbers. White power groups are still decidedly on the fringes of society, especially compared to the prevalence of religious groups that preach positivity and acceptance.
But How Many White Supremacists Are There, Really? See on This Hate Map

So what about the other 50% like Antifa,etc.
It's this way throughout the entertainment industry. It's safe to attack white males.

Notice also, how white males are generally portrayed in TV commercials.
They are the bumbling idiots, the butt of jokes, all the while white women and minorities are always the cool and smart people.

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