
Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
I will never support republicans, not ever.....but so help me, my hatred for democrats grow stronger and stronger every single day and I'm definately voting the Independent ticket from this day forward, because I'm actually ashamed of Democrats.


Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) joined Republicans and 46 other Democrats to vote for a bill aimed at making it harder for Syrians and Iraqis to be approved for refugee status.

Since Obama has taken office, democrats have done nothing but distance themselves and isolate themselves from Obama in order to appease white voters and time after time after time, every single one of these cowardly bastards have lost election and support. They did this same shit with ACA and these fucked up town halls they'd have. Dissin ACA and distorting its intent and facts, now here we go again....ALLOWING CONSERVATIVE COWARDLY WHITE PEOPLE WHO DON'T VOTE FOR THEIR SORRY ASS'S TO BEGAN WITH TO DEFINE THIS IMMIGRANT BILL FOR MUSLIMS.

Yes, we are afraid and yes we have every right to have our fears, our reservations and out opinions on allowing these people to come to this wonderful racist utopia, some call hell, other call the promise land, we have those rights, but for Democrats to pander to the bullshit fears of lies, to throw Obama under the bus while doing so, just too keep thier welfare jobs, I hope and pray just as we kicked the rest of those DINO to the curve each fuckin election year, I hope this shit backfires on their ass's big time.

Every single TERRORIST attack we've had in this country, every single one after 9/11 has been at the hands of educated Americanized muslims, every one em'. They've attended our colleges, our military our schools.....and for some, they're born here and go over there to fight. We have since 9/11 allowed thousands of muslims into this country and to date, we can count on both hands how many have turned on this country, VS THE MULTI-TUDE OF OUR OWN TERRORIST, WHO HAVE GUNNED DOWNED BABIES AND INNOCENT PEOPLE FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE...JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT.

If we do anything going forward in this life, understand, the hatred that we continue to create for muslims, the fears that we continue to allow us to be closed minded and unable to accept...those same people will forever be our enemies. Understand, that most of these young men that are killing today, all were kids when we invaded Iraq....all perhaps are the orphans of mom's and dads that we murdered to get to a pile of WMD's that never existed.....just think about it!! Those seeds of deception that Bush planted yesterday are the crops of terroristic hatred we're seeing today.
I will never support republicans, not ever.....but so help me, my hatred for democrats grow stronger and stronger every single day and I'm definately voting the Independent ticket from this day forward, because I'm actually ashamed of Democrats.


Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) joined Republicans and 46 other Democrats to vote for a bill aimed at making it harder for Syrians and Iraqis to be approved for refugee status.

Since Obama has taken office, democrats have done nothing but distance themselves and isolate themselves from Obama in order to appease white voters and time after time after time, every single one of these cowardly bastards have lost election and support. They did this same shit with ACA and these fucked up town halls they'd have. Dissin ACA and distorting its intent and facts, now here we go again....ALLOWING CONSERVATIVE COWARDLY WHITE PEOPLE WHO DON'T VOTE FOR THEIR SORRY ASS'S TO BEGAN WITH TO DEFINE THIS IMMIGRANT BILL FOR MUSLIMS.

Yes, we are afraid and yes we have every right to have our fears, our reservations and out opinions on allowing these people to come to this wonderful racist utopia, some call hell, other call the promise land, we have those rights, but for Democrats to pander to the bullshit fears of lies, to throw Obama under the bus while doing so, just too keep thier welfare jobs, I hope and pray just as we kicked the rest of those DINO to the curve each fuckin election year, I hope this shit backfires on their ass's big time.

Every single TERRORIST attack we've had in this country, every single one after 9/11 has been at the hands of educated Americanized muslims, every one em'. They've attended our colleges, our military our schools.....and for some, they're born here and go over there to fight. We have since 9/11 allowed thousands of muslims into this country and to date, we can count on both hands how many have turned on this country, VS THE MULTI-TUDE OF OUR OWN TERRORIST, WHO HAVE GUNNED DOWNED BABIES AND INNOCENT PEOPLE FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE...JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT.

If we do anything going forward in this life, understand, the hatred that we continue to create for muslims, the fears that we continue to allow us to be closed minded and unable to accept...those same people will forever be our enemies. Understand, that most of these young men that are killing today, all were kids when we invaded Iraq....all perhaps are the orphans of mom's and dads that we murdered to get to a pile of WMD's that never existed.....just think about it!! Those seeds of deception that Bush planted yesterday are the crops of terroristic hatred we're seeing today.
Any who don't toe the line.........you hate..................

Moderate Republicans are the JFK Democrats of today..........................your side has moved to the Far Left...........You allowed the Blue Dogs to be destroyed as they were slaughtered in states for Obamacare.............................................

Toe the PARTY LINE OR ELSE THREAD.................

I don't want the Refugees here..............Put them in your fucking back yard not mine.....................some may very well be ISIS scum............and under that you can't turn them loose in our country..........................As some may do to us what they have just done in Paris and Mali......................

I like that Dem that you hate.......................Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Welcome to the reality that Independents face every single election. Kind of sucks because when you don't vote party lines you are forced to pick and choose between your beliefs every. single. time. This is the failure of our political polarization as a nation; no middle ground and no compromise. ~shrug~
Welcome to the reality that Independents face every single election. Kind of sucks because when you don't vote party lines you are forced to pick and choose between your beliefs every. single. time. This is the failure of our political polarization as a nation; no middle ground and no compromise. ~shrug~
Yep, bravo.

I will never support republicans, not ever.....but so help me, my hatred for democrats grow stronger and stronger every single day and I'm definately voting the Independent ticket from this day forward, because I'm actually ashamed of Democrats.


Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) joined Republicans and 46 other Democrats to vote for a bill aimed at making it harder for Syrians and Iraqis to be approved for refugee status.

Since Obama has taken office, democrats have done nothing but distance themselves and isolate themselves from Obama in order to appease white voters and time after time after time, every single one of these cowardly bastards have lost election and support. They did this same shit with ACA and these fucked up town halls they'd have. Dissin ACA and distorting its intent and facts, now here we go again....ALLOWING CONSERVATIVE COWARDLY WHITE PEOPLE WHO DON'T VOTE FOR THEIR SORRY ASS'S TO BEGAN WITH TO DEFINE THIS IMMIGRANT BILL FOR MUSLIMS.

Yes, we are afraid and yes we have every right to have our fears, our reservations and out opinions on allowing these people to come to this wonderful racist utopia, some call hell, other call the promise land, we have those rights, but for Democrats to pander to the bullshit fears of lies, to throw Obama under the bus while doing so, just too keep thier welfare jobs, I hope and pray just as we kicked the rest of those DINO to the curve each fuckin election year, I hope this shit backfires on their ass's big time.

Every single TERRORIST attack we've had in this country, every single one after 9/11 has been at the hands of educated Americanized muslims, every one em'. They've attended our colleges, our military our schools.....and for some, they're born here and go over there to fight. We have since 9/11 allowed thousands of muslims into this country and to date, we can count on both hands how many have turned on this country, VS THE MULTI-TUDE OF OUR OWN TERRORIST, WHO HAVE GUNNED DOWNED BABIES AND INNOCENT PEOPLE FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE...JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT.

If we do anything going forward in this life, understand, the hatred that we continue to create for muslims, the fears that we continue to allow us to be closed minded and unable to accept...those same people will forever be our enemies. Understand, that most of these young men that are killing today, all were kids when we invaded Iraq....all perhaps are the orphans of mom's and dads that we murdered to get to a pile of WMD's that never existed.....just think about it!! Those seeds of deception that Bush planted yesterday are the crops of terroristic hatred we're seeing today.
Any who don't toe the line.........you hate..................

Moderate Republicans are the JFK Democrats of today..........................your side has moved to the Far Left...........You allowed the Blue Dogs to be destroyed as they were slaughtered in states for Obamacare.............................................

Toe the PARTY LINE OR ELSE THREAD.................

I don't want the Refugees here..............Put them in your fucking back yard not mine.....................some may very well be ISIS scum............and under that you can't turn them loose in our country..........................As some may do to us what they have just done in Paris and Mali......................

I like that Dem that you hate.......................Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

I am going to take the high road on this debate and not allow you or people like you to piss me off. That's your opinion, I respect it, now have a good day, you bitch faced roach egg!!
I will never support republicans, not ever.....but so help me, my hatred for democrats grow stronger and stronger every single day and I'm definately voting the Independent ticket from this day forward, because I'm actually ashamed of Democrats.


Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) joined Republicans and 46 other Democrats to vote for a bill aimed at making it harder for Syrians and Iraqis to be approved for refugee status.

Since Obama has taken office, democrats have done nothing but distance themselves and isolate themselves from Obama in order to appease white voters and time after time after time, every single one of these cowardly bastards have lost election and support. They did this same shit with ACA and these fucked up town halls they'd have. Dissin ACA and distorting its intent and facts, now here we go again....ALLOWING CONSERVATIVE COWARDLY WHITE PEOPLE WHO DON'T VOTE FOR THEIR SORRY ASS'S TO BEGAN WITH TO DEFINE THIS IMMIGRANT BILL FOR MUSLIMS.

Yes, we are afraid and yes we have every right to have our fears, our reservations and out opinions on allowing these people to come to this wonderful racist utopia, some call hell, other call the promise land, we have those rights, but for Democrats to pander to the bullshit fears of lies, to throw Obama under the bus while doing so, just too keep thier welfare jobs, I hope and pray just as we kicked the rest of those DINO to the curve each fuckin election year, I hope this shit backfires on their ass's big time.

Every single TERRORIST attack we've had in this country, every single one after 9/11 has been at the hands of educated Americanized muslims, every one em'. They've attended our colleges, our military our schools.....and for some, they're born here and go over there to fight. We have since 9/11 allowed thousands of muslims into this country and to date, we can count on both hands how many have turned on this country, VS THE MULTI-TUDE OF OUR OWN TERRORIST, WHO HAVE GUNNED DOWNED BABIES AND INNOCENT PEOPLE FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE...JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT.

If we do anything going forward in this life, understand, the hatred that we continue to create for muslims, the fears that we continue to allow us to be closed minded and unable to accept...those same people will forever be our enemies. Understand, that most of these young men that are killing today, all were kids when we invaded Iraq....all perhaps are the orphans of mom's and dads that we murdered to get to a pile of WMD's that never existed.....just think about it!! Those seeds of deception that Bush planted yesterday are the crops of terroristic hatred we're seeing today.
Any who don't toe the line.........you hate..................

Moderate Republicans are the JFK Democrats of today..........................your side has moved to the Far Left...........You allowed the Blue Dogs to be destroyed as they were slaughtered in states for Obamacare.............................................

Toe the PARTY LINE OR ELSE THREAD.................

I don't want the Refugees here..............Put them in your fucking back yard not mine.....................some may very well be ISIS scum............and under that you can't turn them loose in our country..........................As some may do to us what they have just done in Paris and Mali......................

I like that Dem that you hate.......................Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

I am going to take the high road on this debate and not allow you or people like you to piss me off. That's your opinion, I respect it, now have a good day, you bitch faced roach egg!!
We always knew your posts were high..............................LOL


Welcome to the reality that Independents face every single election. Kind of sucks because when you don't vote party lines you are forced to pick and choose between your beliefs every. single. time. This is the failure of our political polarization as a nation; no middle ground and no compromise. ~shrug~

My whole life, I've been union, blue collar all the way. I have supported both with my time and money, the democratic party. But ever since Obama has gotten elected, I have seen a party that does everything humanly possible to cater to rednecks, hillbillies and conservative fuck heads and not support people like me that actually vote for their damn ass. I sat out this last election in my home state, because I hated our candidate, another pandering bitch. I will never vote for Hillary, yet another election I will miss. I hate democrats!!
Welcome to the reality that Independents face every single election. Kind of sucks because when you don't vote party lines you are forced to pick and choose between your beliefs every. single. time. This is the failure of our political polarization as a nation; no middle ground and no compromise. ~shrug~

My whole life, I've been union, blue collar all the way. I have supported both with my time and money, the democratic party. But ever since Obama has gotten elected, I have seen a party that does everything humanly possible to cater to rednecks, hillbillies and conservative fuck heads and not support people like me that actually vote for their damn ass. I sat out this last election in my home state, because I hated our candidate, another pandering bitch. I will never vote for Hillary, yet another election I will miss. I hate democrats!!
I just want to take you in my arms and give you a big hug.
I will never support republicans, not ever.....but so help me, my hatred for democrats grow stronger and stronger every single day and I'm definately voting the Independent ticket from this day forward, because I'm actually ashamed of Democrats.


Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) joined Republicans and 46 other Democrats to vote for a bill aimed at making it harder for Syrians and Iraqis to be approved for refugee status.

Since Obama has taken office, democrats have done nothing but distance themselves and isolate themselves from Obama in order to appease white voters and time after time after time, every single one of these cowardly bastards have lost election and support. They did this same shit with ACA and these fucked up town halls they'd have. Dissin ACA and distorting its intent and facts, now here we go again....ALLOWING CONSERVATIVE COWARDLY WHITE PEOPLE WHO DON'T VOTE FOR THEIR SORRY ASS'S TO BEGAN WITH TO DEFINE THIS IMMIGRANT BILL FOR MUSLIMS.

Yes, we are afraid and yes we have every right to have our fears, our reservations and out opinions on allowing these people to come to this wonderful racist utopia, some call hell, other call the promise land, we have those rights, but for Democrats to pander to the bullshit fears of lies, to throw Obama under the bus while doing so, just too keep thier welfare jobs, I hope and pray just as we kicked the rest of those DINO to the curve each fuckin election year, I hope this shit backfires on their ass's big time.

Every single TERRORIST attack we've had in this country, every single one after 9/11 has been at the hands of educated Americanized muslims, every one em'. They've attended our colleges, our military our schools.....and for some, they're born here and go over there to fight. We have since 9/11 allowed thousands of muslims into this country and to date, we can count on both hands how many have turned on this country, VS THE MULTI-TUDE OF OUR OWN TERRORIST, WHO HAVE GUNNED DOWNED BABIES AND INNOCENT PEOPLE FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE...JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT.

If we do anything going forward in this life, understand, the hatred that we continue to create for muslims, the fears that we continue to allow us to be closed minded and unable to accept...those same people will forever be our enemies. Understand, that most of these young men that are killing today, all were kids when we invaded Iraq....all perhaps are the orphans of mom's and dads that we murdered to get to a pile of WMD's that never existed.....just think about it!! Those seeds of deception that Bush planted yesterday are the crops of terroristic hatred we're seeing today.
Any who don't toe the line.........you hate..................

Moderate Republicans are the JFK Democrats of today..........................your side has moved to the Far Left...........You allowed the Blue Dogs to be destroyed as they were slaughtered in states for Obamacare.............................................

Toe the PARTY LINE OR ELSE THREAD.................

I don't want the Refugees here..............Put them in your fucking back yard not mine.....................some may very well be ISIS scum............and under that you can't turn them loose in our country..........................As some may do to us what they have just done in Paris and Mali......................

I like that Dem that you hate.......................Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

I am going to take the high road on this debate and not allow you or people like you to piss me off. That's your opinion, I respect it, now have a good day, you bitch faced roach egg!!
We always knew your posts were high..............................LOL








Good. We need more of all political stripes to finally cast off the yoke that the parties have placed on us all to control the political dialogue.

Just wait though - it gets better. The next time a democrat losses the white house they will blame YOU. Not those politicians that failed to represent what you value but you because you didn't hold your nose and vote for something that you do not support. That is the real entitlement on display.
I will never support republicans, not ever.....but so help me, my hatred for democrats grow stronger and stronger every single day and I'm definately voting the Independent ticket from this day forward, because I'm actually ashamed of Democrats.


Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) joined Republicans and 46 other Democrats to vote for a bill aimed at making it harder for Syrians and Iraqis to be approved for refugee status.

Since Obama has taken office, democrats have done nothing but distance themselves and isolate themselves from Obama in order to appease white voters and time after time after time, every single one of these cowardly bastards have lost election and support. They did this same shit with ACA and these fucked up town halls they'd have. Dissin ACA and distorting its intent and facts, now here we go again....ALLOWING CONSERVATIVE COWARDLY WHITE PEOPLE WHO DON'T VOTE FOR THEIR SORRY ASS'S TO BEGAN WITH TO DEFINE THIS IMMIGRANT BILL FOR MUSLIMS.

Yes, we are afraid and yes we have every right to have our fears, our reservations and out opinions on allowing these people to come to this wonderful racist utopia, some call hell, other call the promise land, we have those rights, but for Democrats to pander to the bullshit fears of lies, to throw Obama under the bus while doing so, just too keep thier welfare jobs, I hope and pray just as we kicked the rest of those DINO to the curve each fuckin election year, I hope this shit backfires on their ass's big time.

Every single TERRORIST attack we've had in this country, every single one after 9/11 has been at the hands of educated Americanized muslims, every one em'. They've attended our colleges, our military our schools.....and for some, they're born here and go over there to fight. We have since 9/11 allowed thousands of muslims into this country and to date, we can count on both hands how many have turned on this country, VS THE MULTI-TUDE OF OUR OWN TERRORIST, WHO HAVE GUNNED DOWNED BABIES AND INNOCENT PEOPLE FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE...JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT.

If we do anything going forward in this life, understand, the hatred that we continue to create for muslims, the fears that we continue to allow us to be closed minded and unable to accept...those same people will forever be our enemies. Understand, that most of these young men that are killing today, all were kids when we invaded Iraq....all perhaps are the orphans of mom's and dads that we murdered to get to a pile of WMD's that never existed.....just think about it!! Those seeds of deception that Bush planted yesterday are the crops of terroristic hatred we're seeing today.
Any who don't toe the line.........you hate..................

Moderate Republicans are the JFK Democrats of today..........................your side has moved to the Far Left...........You allowed the Blue Dogs to be destroyed as they were slaughtered in states for Obamacare.............................................

Toe the PARTY LINE OR ELSE THREAD.................

I don't want the Refugees here..............Put them in your fucking back yard not mine.....................some may very well be ISIS scum............and under that you can't turn them loose in our country..........................As some may do to us what they have just done in Paris and Mali......................

I like that Dem that you hate.......................Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

I am going to take the high road on this debate and not allow you or people like you to piss me off. That's your opinion, I respect it, now have a good day, you bitch faced roach egg!!
We always knew your posts were high..............................LOL




LOL..................................You sound like a President from the past.................................hmmm.............Woodrow Wilson.............Is that you...........................

Prohibition anyone......................

I hope there are many more like you..........................
Welcome to the reality that Independents face every single election. Kind of sucks because when you don't vote party lines you are forced to pick and choose between your beliefs every. single. time. This is the failure of our political polarization as a nation; no middle ground and no compromise. ~shrug~

My whole life, I've been union, blue collar all the way. I have supported both with my time and money, the democratic party. But ever since Obama has gotten elected, I have seen a party that does everything humanly possible to cater to rednecks, hillbillies and conservative fuck heads and not support people like me that actually vote for their damn ass. I sat out this last election in my home state, because I hated our candidate, another pandering bitch. I will never vote for Hillary, yet another election I will miss. I hate democrats!!
I just want to take you in my arms and give you a big hug.
Welcome to the reality that Independents face every single election. Kind of sucks because when you don't vote party lines you are forced to pick and choose between your beliefs every. single. time. This is the failure of our political polarization as a nation; no middle ground and no compromise. ~shrug~

My whole life, I've been union, blue collar all the way. I have supported both with my time and money, the democratic party. But ever since Obama has gotten elected, I have seen a party that does everything humanly possible to cater to rednecks, hillbillies and conservative fuck heads and not support people like me that actually vote for their damn ass. I sat out this last election in my home state, because I hated our candidate, another pandering bitch. I will never vote for Hillary, yet another election I will miss. I hate democrats!!
I just want to take you in my arms and give you a big hug.

Welcome to the reality that Independents face every single election. Kind of sucks because when you don't vote party lines you are forced to pick and choose between your beliefs every. single. time. This is the failure of our political polarization as a nation; no middle ground and no compromise. ~shrug~

My whole life, I've been union, blue collar all the way. I have supported both with my time and money, the democratic party. But ever since Obama has gotten elected, I have seen a party that does everything humanly possible to cater to rednecks, hillbillies and conservative fuck heads and not support people like me that actually vote for their damn ass. I sat out this last election in my home state, because I hated our candidate, another pandering bitch. I will never vote for Hillary, yet another election I will miss. I hate democrats!!
I just want to take you in my arms and give you a big hug.

Gee, I could use a hug, because I'm soooo pissed at democrats I could scream.....LOLOLOLO
I will never support republicans, not ever.....but so help me, my hatred for democrats grow stronger and stronger every single day and I'm definately voting the Independent ticket from this day forward, because I'm actually ashamed of Democrats.


Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) joined Republicans and 46 other Democrats to vote for a bill aimed at making it harder for Syrians and Iraqis to be approved for refugee status.

Since Obama has taken office, democrats have done nothing but distance themselves and isolate themselves from Obama in order to appease white voters and time after time after time, every single one of these cowardly bastards have lost election and support. They did this same shit with ACA and these fucked up town halls they'd have. Dissin ACA and distorting its intent and facts, now here we go again....ALLOWING CONSERVATIVE COWARDLY WHITE PEOPLE WHO DON'T VOTE FOR THEIR SORRY ASS'S TO BEGAN WITH TO DEFINE THIS IMMIGRANT BILL FOR MUSLIMS.

Yes, we are afraid and yes we have every right to have our fears, our reservations and out opinions on allowing these people to come to this wonderful racist utopia, some call hell, other call the promise land, we have those rights, but for Democrats to pander to the bullshit fears of lies, to throw Obama under the bus while doing so, just too keep thier welfare jobs, I hope and pray just as we kicked the rest of those DINO to the curve each fuckin election year, I hope this shit backfires on their ass's big time.

Every single TERRORIST attack we've had in this country, every single one after 9/11 has been at the hands of educated Americanized muslims, every one em'. They've attended our colleges, our military our schools.....and for some, they're born here and go over there to fight. We have since 9/11 allowed thousands of muslims into this country and to date, we can count on both hands how many have turned on this country, VS THE MULTI-TUDE OF OUR OWN TERRORIST, WHO HAVE GUNNED DOWNED BABIES AND INNOCENT PEOPLE FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE...JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT.

If we do anything going forward in this life, understand, the hatred that we continue to create for muslims, the fears that we continue to allow us to be closed minded and unable to accept...those same people will forever be our enemies. Understand, that most of these young men that are killing today, all were kids when we invaded Iraq....all perhaps are the orphans of mom's and dads that we murdered to get to a pile of WMD's that never existed.....just think about it!! Those seeds of deception that Bush planted yesterday are the crops of terroristic hatred we're seeing today.
Any who don't toe the line.........you hate..................

Moderate Republicans are the JFK Democrats of today..........................your side has moved to the Far Left...........You allowed the Blue Dogs to be destroyed as they were slaughtered in states for Obamacare.............................................

Toe the PARTY LINE OR ELSE THREAD.................

I don't want the Refugees here..............Put them in your fucking back yard not mine.....................some may very well be ISIS scum............and under that you can't turn them loose in our country..........................As some may do to us what they have just done in Paris and Mali......................

I like that Dem that you hate.......................Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

I am going to take the high road on this debate and not allow you or people like you to piss me off. That's your opinion, I respect it, now have a good day, you bitch faced roach egg!!
We always knew your posts were high..............................LOL




LOL..................................You sound like a President from the past.................................hmmm.............Woodrow Wilson.............Is that you...........................

Prohibition anyone......................

I hope there are many more like you..........................

Now ain't this the pot calling the kettle black? You rednecks have done nothing since Obama got elected but relive the fuckin past!!
Good. We need more of all political stripes to finally cast off the yoke that the parties have placed on us all to control the political dialogue.

Just wait though - it gets better. The next time a democrat losses the white house they will blame YOU. Not those politicians that failed to represent what you value but you because you didn't hold your nose and vote for something that you do not support. That is the real entitlement on display.
Lets get something clear....my people, meaning blacks...did not die during the struggle for me to vote, for me to waste it on motherfuckers that don't give a damn. The most powerful voice this country gives all of us, is through the VOTE. It is earned. You want my fuckin vote than gotdamit you better earn it, otherwise, I keep it. And I could give a damn who gets elected at this point, because you, my fellow democrat, who have shunned Obama and threw him under the bus, who only gives a fuck about my black ass during election season, wasn't any better than the motherfucker that beat you!!!!
Never have voted straight party ticket and I have no plans to start this go around.

The way I'm seeing it leading into the primary's, I won't be voting republican for president. There all a bunch of hardline authoritarians.

Hillarys already banging on her endless bullshit war drum leaving Bernie sanders as my only choice for president at this sage of the game.
Any who don't toe the line.........you hate..................

Moderate Republicans are the JFK Democrats of today..........................your side has moved to the Far Left...........You allowed the Blue Dogs to be destroyed as they were slaughtered in states for Obamacare.............................................

Toe the PARTY LINE OR ELSE THREAD.................

I don't want the Refugees here..............Put them in your fucking back yard not mine.....................some may very well be ISIS scum............and under that you can't turn them loose in our country..........................As some may do to us what they have just done in Paris and Mali......................

I like that Dem that you hate.......................Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

I am going to take the high road on this debate and not allow you or people like you to piss me off. That's your opinion, I respect it, now have a good day, you bitch faced roach egg!!
We always knew your posts were high..............................LOL




LOL..................................You sound like a President from the past.................................hmmm.............Woodrow Wilson.............Is that you...........................

Prohibition anyone......................

I hope there are many more like you..........................

Now ain't this the pot calling the kettle black? You rednecks have done nothing since Obama got elected but relive the fuckin past!!
What happened to that Change We Can Believe In..................................

How do you like that the Noble Peace Prize Winner operates drones from a kill list............

Good. We need more of all political stripes to finally cast off the yoke that the parties have placed on us all to control the political dialogue.

Just wait though - it gets better. The next time a democrat losses the white house they will blame YOU. Not those politicians that failed to represent what you value but you because you didn't hold your nose and vote for something that you do not support. That is the real entitlement on display.
Lets get something clear....my people, meaning blacks...did not die during the struggle for me to vote, for me to waste it on motherfuckers that don't give a damn. The most powerful voice this country gives all of us, is through the VOTE. It is earned. You want my fuckin vote than gotdamit you better earn it, otherwise, I keep it. And I could give a damn who gets elected at this point, because you, my fellow democrat, who have shunned Obama and threw him under the bus, who only gives a fuck about my black ass during election season, wasn't any better than the motherfucker that beat you!!!!
And Carson.................................I support him.......................

I encourage all Democrats to vote independent this time around.

I think everyone should be voting what they believe in at all times, regardless of party.

I think that both parties have swung far to extreme for the true ideals of American's to be properly represented.

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