Why I am a Republican


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2013
the media seems to be pretty quiet about this


good for him

Opelousas Sen. Elbert Guillory has jumped to the Republican Party, becoming Louisiana's only black state senator in the GOP.

Guillory announced Friday that he's leaving the Democratic Party. Meg Casper, spokeswoman for the Secretary of State's Office, said Guillory filed paperwork on Wednesday registering as a Republican.

The state Republican Party said Guillory is Louisiana's first black GOP state senator since Reconstruction. The move brings the number of Republicans to 25 in the 39-member Senate chamber.

The party switch wasn't entirely surprising.

Guillory often votes conservatively on social issues, and he's been a regular ally of Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal. He was registered Republican previously, switching to the Democratic Party in December 2006, before running for a legislative seat.

"Although we have always counted on Sen. Guillory for his conservative votes, we are glad to see that he has made it official," Sen. Danny Martiny, R-Kenner, chairman of the Senate's GOP delegation, said in a statement.

The chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana, Roger Villere, praised Guillory's party switch, while the Louisiana Democratic Party called it a "craven display of political opportunism."

The chair of the Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus said the political party change won't oust Guillory from the caucus, which otherwise includes only Democrats.

"A member's party affiliation is of no moment to his or her membership as a LLBC member. Sen. Guillory remains a full-fledged member of our caucus," Rep. Katrina Jackson, D-Monroe, said in a statement.

An attorney, Guillory is in his second term in the Louisiana Senate and is chairman of the Senate Retirement Committee. He had previously served two years in the House of Representatives. He represents the 24th District, a majority black district covering parts of Lafayette and St. Landry parishes

News from The Associated Press
Those only making an ‘issue’ of this are neither democrats nor ‘the left.’

Otherwise, good luck to him, if he feel more comfortable as a republican, there’s no reason not to become one.
Guillory switched from republican to democrat in 2007 and now he is switching back? Sounds like an oppurtunist to me. And if those are his beliefs as stated in the article why the hell did he run as a Democrat?
I have said this before and I will say this again.

Anyone who has been elected to office and switches party while still in office should be forced to resign and run again for that office under their new party affiliation.

They have accepted donations and party support to get that office. By switching parties after being elected they have, in effect, stolen money from those people and groups as they accepted it under false pretensions.
Guillory switched from republican to democrat in 2007 and now he is switching back? Sounds like an oppurtunist to me. And if those are his beliefs as stated in the article why the hell did he run as a Democrat?

He likely takes the side that has the best answer for whatever issue is important at the time. Most people I know are somewhere down the middle and many of us don't fit neatly into any party.

While he lists many reasons, such as the breakdown of families and more government dependence, I wonder if the recent scandals had a huge effect on him.

“The list of disappointments is long,” Guillory said, noting “the lies and cover-up at Benghazi, the IRS harassing the tea party and wiretapping and spying on reporters.”

Everyone has a limit to what they can take before saying enough is enough.
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There was no need for the "Uncle Tom" label.

Good luck to the guy. And I am glad he is come back to the side of light. :lol:
Guillory switched from republican to democrat in 2007 and now he is switching back? Sounds like an oppurtunist to me. And if those are his beliefs as stated in the article why the hell did he run as a Democrat?

Sounds like he is dealing with conflicts.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_YQ8560E1w&feature=share]Elbert Guillory: "Why I Am a Republican" - YouTube[/ame]​

.....and it's not because he is a black man. He can convey the message better than any of the other republican clowns.

I don't like politicians, but Elbert Guillory is someone to watch. I'm curious to hear what liberals feel about him and his message, but all opinions/comments are welcome
To start with, Elbert starts off being a disingenuous human.

It seems he wants to ignore the fact that the Republican party of 1860, was the home of the LIBERALS, in US society.
and then pretend, that the Republican party is STILL the home of the LIBERALS.

If he starts off with disingenuous vomit, what kind of truth can you expect after that.
He didn't say anything any different than what other, White, Republicans have said in the past and been called Racist for saying.

The difference is that he is Black and you are treating him as a voice of authority that you wouldn't give a White Man.
To start with, Elbert starts off being a disingenuous human.

It seems he wants to ignore the fact that the Republican party of 1860, was the home of the LIBERALS, in US society.
and then pretend, that the Republican party is STILL the home of the LIBERALS.

If he starts off with disingenuous vomit, what kind of truth can you expect after that.

It wasn't a party of "liberals". It was a party with the idea that all men and women are created equal and that slavery is wrong, regardless of skin color.

That isn't a "liberal" idea. It's been around since Biblical days.
It wasn't a party of "liberals". It was a party with the idea that all men and women are created equal and that slavery is wrong, regardless of skin color.

you're trying to convince me that this was a conservative idea?

the "liberals' of the TIME, belonged to the Republican party.

The DEMS was where the wackadoodles hung out.

silly con.

That isn't a "liberal" idea. It's been around since Biblical days.

so have liberals.

pretty sure there was a con and a liberal, not long after there was a society.
rofl...This guy is bringing out all the old bullshit hits.

The Repub ended slavery (don't mention the ideas of that time or ppl will find out Repubs in those days were the liberals)
Dems want to hold you down with Charity (Like all charity, it hurts ppl)

lol...C'mon son!

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