Why i chose a back alley abortion


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

I had three children ages 2-6 and was in a physical and emotional abusive marriage and have began a career in nursing and was in the process of leaving my husband. Who had beat me so severely that I had to get medical care. I had to leave in the middle of the night in my night gown and called the police to come and let me get my clothes and car and they refused. I finally got his mother to go and get them for me. Two of my children I picked up from school the next day and he would not give me my two year old for almost a year when I finally served him with divorce papers. To make a long story short, I found I was pregnant with twins and my husband made arrangement for a nurse to perform the abortion for $350. I aborted one the shelter where we were living and it was a well formed fetus at 3 months and was moving and I disposed of it in the toilet. Later I began to hemorrhage and went to emergency and it was evident that I had attempted an abortion and the doctor to punish me literally tore the other fetus from my body without any anesthetic and had to have a hysterectomy as a result. I have no regrets and under the same circumstances I would go it all over again. I had to make a chose of the three children that I had that I loved and wanted and the two I could not have and did not want. No law in the land could have stopped me. Even putting my life in danger, I had a choice between being killed by my husband and losing my life in a back ally abortion. I chose the abortion for the three children I did have.

I moved me and my children to another state and I continued to work and go to school. Law enforcement did not care about me being abused and the legal system that made abortions illegal did not care either.

Do I think about the two I aborted? Yes, but not as much as I thought and think about the three that I did have. I don’t know if the circumstances had been different if I would have made a different choice.

Call me a murderer or a baby killer but I feel I saved three lives and maybe four. I saw the two unborn as a threat to the three I had as if they had guns pointed at them. I am pro-life but I am also pro-choice.

I don't know if I post this in the right area but it has nothing to do with religion even though my religion teaches against abortions. Never said I was a perfect human being.

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