Why I do not believe the comfession of the Kidnappings

Werent u just implying that the Knesset was responsible for lowering the hostage value of just kidnapping those
Teens? If not, explain the significance of bringing that legislation into your delusions.....

no unfortunately that was not it. I think what I was saying is that when a high place Jewish person says something, it ends up happening somehow.

Is Pm Netanyahu your prime minister?

Got that message clear as daylight. You lied about your neutrality and your biases didnt you ? I wont waste any time conversing with you...

No , got the message yes, lied about my neutrality and bias, no , just hate lies.

That gem about how the world leaps to action when a powerful Jew speaks --- that my dear decepticon is unrefutable proof of your lies about neutrality. I wasted a bunch of time giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Really since your a moderator and most likely Jewish , I think I'll keep my trap shut, but yes another very highly imp. Jewish man said something in the early 90's that happened, amazing coincidence.
Maybe it's knowledge, analysis, insight, abstraction.
You know, Jewish attributes.

I doubt it.
I don't believe in Prophecy, and there was no reason for Hamas to kidnap and kill 3 teens the same day, for what , the fun of it? They would of wanted something, exchange of prisoners or held them for ransom.
A Prophecy always comes true if you prophesied first. I can prophesize and then commit the act and say , see I told you. There was not a thing in it for Hamas to do this. Does not make sense.

Mossad chief's chillingly prescient kidnap prophecy
Ten days ago, Tamir Pardo outlined a scenario that was spookily similar to the kidnapping of three teens missing in the West Bank since Thursday.
By Barak Ravid | Jun. 15, 2014 | 6:08 AM

The meeting dealt with the report of the Shamgar Committee on prisoner exchanges and on the Habayit Hayehudi bill that prohibits granting pardons to terrorists.

Pardo, along with other defense establishment officials present, tried to convince the ministers not to advance the bill. He was against it because it would limit the government's room for maneuver in future abduction cases, would keep its hands tied, and prevent it from considering other solutions for dealing with a potential crisis

"What will you do if in a week three 14-year-old girls will be kidnapped from one of the settlements?," he asked. "Will you say there is a law, and we don't release terrorists?"

Pardo did not convince the ministers, however. At the cabinet meeting three days later, the appeal of Science and Technology Minister Jacob Perry was rejected and the bill passed to a Knesset vote. By Wednesday, the bill passed its preliminary reading in the Knesset

Mossad chief s chillingly prescient kidnap prophecy - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News Haaretz

You mixed the blue pills with the red ones, again?

Werent u just implying that the Knesset was responsible for lowering the hostage value of just kidnapping those
Teens? If not, explain the significance of bringing that legislation into your delusions.....

no unfortunately that was not it. I think what I was saying is that when a high place Jewish person says something, it ends up happening somehow.

Is Pm Netanyahu your prime minister?

Got that message clear as daylight. You lied about your neutrality and your biases didnt you ? I wont waste any time conversing with you...

No , got the message yes, lied about my neutrality and bias, no , just hate lies.

That gem about how the world leaps to action when a powerful Jew speaks --- that my dear decepticon is unrefutable proof of your lies about neutrality. I wasted a bunch of time giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Really since your a moderator and most likely Jewish , I think I'll keep my trap shut, but yes another very highly imp. Jewish man said something in the early 90's that happened, amazing coincidence.

A couple of people on here have the right idea that you are best ignored. However the rest of us are having too much fun playing with you.
Werent u just implying that the Knesset was responsible for lowering the hostage value of just kidnapping those
Teens? If not, explain the significance of bringing that legislation into your delusions.....

no unfortunately that was not it. I think what I was saying is that when a high place Jewish person says something, it ends up happening somehow.

Is Pm Netanyahu your prime minister?

Got that message clear as daylight. You lied about your neutrality and your biases didnt you ? I wont waste any time conversing with you...

No , got the message yes, lied about my neutrality and bias, no , just hate lies.

That gem about how the world leaps to action when a powerful Jew speaks --- that my dear decepticon is unrefutable proof of your lies about neutrality. I wasted a bunch of time giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Really since your a moderator and most likely Jewish , I think I'll keep my trap shut, but yes another very highly imp. Jewish man said something in the early 90's that happened, amazing coincidence.

Still it leaves this thread with nothing but a conspiracy theory backed by a bigoted stereotypical accusation against the Jews. Since you can't or wont explain your excuses for dismissing that confession by Hamas.

My credentials aren't important at all here. But I haven't been to a Jewish service in 15 years (other than funerals). And my role as Moderator doesn't protect my board behaviour or reputation. Nor should it keep you from LEGALLY playing tough with me.

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