Why I dont post here

That's just their way of making themselves feel smarter, Ravi. You're every bit as knowledgeable on any subject. And when you aren't, you don't just make things up. Well, not intentionally or maliciously, at any rate......sort of inadvertently and good humoredly........

what a load of SHIT.

JUST as knowledgeable? I can name half a dozen subjects where her mind numbingly ignorance has been proven with links abound.

starting with employment law and ENDING with her support of racist government standards in israel.


oh.. I didn't catch the SARCASM...

I hope.
So then, how would you have it, if say a man who only speaks Dutch is elected to congress, should all the congressmen have to learn Dutch to be able to speak to him, or should he have to learn English? Or are we going to pay for translators?

Besides why should a man who ignored our laws about learning Basic English to become a us citizen, be allowed in congress in the first place?
Who would vote for him? How would he argue on the Senate floor...I honestly don't see this happening, Charles. I can't imagine a populace stupid enough to send someone to Congress that can't communicate (well, maybe Texans)...what you are talking about has nothing to do with equal protection.
Who would vote for him? How would he argue on the Senate floor...I honestly don't see this happening, Charles. I can't imagine a populace stupid enough to send someone to Congress that can't communicate (well, maybe Texans)...what you are talking about has nothing to do with equal protection.

So let me be sure I know where you stand. You think the current laws requiring Immigrants to learn English are unconstitutional? or do you think we should just ignore them? Because if you do not think those things, then I do not see why we are even having the debate. The law is the law and they should learn basic English. Both legal and illegal, when we eventually make them legal.
the population of illegal dutch would vote for him. he would argue in span, er dutch, and let anyone else press 1 for engrish. Use an actual example. It's only a matter of time before span, er dutch breaks up the common language on this nation. THAT is not racism any more than germans wanting their gov to abide by the german language. Don't let that keep you from insisting as much though. You are clearly not one to make unfounded accusations in the face of personal blistering ignorance.
So let me be sure I know where you stand. You think the current laws requiring Immigrants to learn English are unconstitutional? or do you think we should just ignore them? Because if you do not think those things, then I do not see why we are even having the debate. The law is the law and they should learn basic English. Both legal and illegal, when we eventually make them legal.

I think it is much ado about nothing. The children always learn English. And even if we all suddenly woke up speaking fluent spanish, we'd still be Americans.
the population of illegal dutch would vote for him. he would argue in span, er dutch, and let anyone else press 1 for engrish. Use an actual example. It's only a matter of time before span, er dutch breaks up the common language on this nation. THAT is not racism any more than germans wanting their gov to abide by the german language. Don't let that keep you from insisting as much though. You are clearly not one to make unfounded accusations in the face of personal blistering ignorance.

You know what? If some state wanted to elect a person that spoke only pig latin, they'd be within their rights to do so. Stupid, but still within their rights.

It isn't racism. No more than what's between the Israelis and the Pals is racism. But you can't see that because you still think Israelis and Pals are different races. They both want what you want, a continuance of culture.
They do eh, what about all this hub bub about dual language education then?
I don't know. I think public school should be taught in English. I also think it should be mandatory for every child to learn another language, just like it's mandatory for them to learn math.
You know what? If some state wanted to elect a person that spoke only pig latin, they'd be within their rights to do so. Stupid, but still within their rights.

No, they would be electing someone who is in violation of our immigration laws, if he could not speak basic English :)

They would be well within their rights to tell him (in pig Latin of course) that if he wanted to be able to communicate with his fellow congress people, he better learn English :)
No, they would be electing someone who is in violation of our immigration laws, if he could not speak basic English :)

They would be well within their rights to tell him (in pig Latin of course) that if he wanted to be able to communicate with his fellow congress people, he better learn English :)

If he was born here and only spoke pig latin, there would be no violation of immigration laws. And yes, they'd be within their rights to not vote for him.

Bleh, this conversation is going down the toilet.

You know what? If some state wanted to elect a person that spoke only pig latin, they'd be within their rights to do so. Stupid, but still within their rights.

It isn't racism. No more than what's between the Israelis and the Pals is racism. But you can't see that because you still think Israelis and Pals are different races. They both want what you want, a continuance of culture.


yea.. whatever, yo. pals and jews are different ethnicities. Dont believe me? Ask a jew if they are the the same as an arab. And sure, a state could elect a pig latin speaker.. BUT THAT PERSON WOULD AHVE TO CONDUCT STATE BUSINESS IN ENGLISH.

make any excuse you want for your racism, ravi.. i've lost the hope that you'd blossom into an intellectual long ago.
Actually, the ethnic heritage of white Americans is mainly British. And the ethnic heritage of Jews and Arabs is basically the same. They are cousins. Just like we are cousins to the Brits.


hahahaha! You want an ethnic majority, you aren't fooling me.

european americans or heritage here in the usa is now
mainly German, then irish, then english, then french, then italian,,,,i believe....read this a bit back, i will try to get u a link....
Really? There are more descendants of Germans in the US than descendants of Brits? I did not know that.

wiki....i was off on france and italy i think? missed the poles altogether...of course this is just who reprted their ancestry i suppose?

The largest ancestries in 2000, reporting over 5 million members, were in order: German, Irish, English, American, Italian, Polish, and French. They have different distributions within the United States;

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