Why I dont post here

Swearing to God is a religious act, in my opinion. I have yet to find out what a judge would say to a potential juror that promises to fulfill all the duties and responsibilities of a juror except for swearing to God that to promise to fulfill them. I was very curious as to what the judge would have responded. I'm sure it has come up before. I wonder if it is an issue or not and if people have been turned down or excused as potential jurors for refusing to swear to God. If that has happened, then I would say it was a violation of the separation of Church and State and evidence that this country has religious requirements.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you don't have to swear on a bible to be a juror. People taking the stand do, maybe you're getting being on a jury confused with all those times you've been arrested.


The judge would probably throw you out of the jury pool for being a crackpot.


I hope Jose doesn't approve of you speaking for him, what an embarrassment.
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I DID just bust your ass trying to deflect with outright lies!


See, THIS is what seperates your pathetic input from my mud hole stomping input. At least I can manage to be both consistent AND honest

Hey, I bet calling me some names will erase you LIE!


you stupid ****.

Answering a question that I asked Jose is you speaking for him, pretty much.

I'm still trying to figure out your savant specialty...could it be you know the taxonomy of all MO weeds?
You are a misinformed cynic if you don't believe I want to serve on a jury. I always have. In the past I've been excused because a jury gets impaneled before my number is called. Oh, once I made it in to the jury box but one of the lawyers chose not to have me. They don't tell you why. This last time was the first time I ever raised my hand when the judge asked if anyone had any religious reasons that would affect their ability to be on a jury. In the past I've just remained silent when asked as part of the jury pool to raise your hand and swear to god, blah blah blah.
The part I don't believe is that you'd be required to swear on a bible to be on a jury. He was probably trying to find out if you objected to the death penalty or something similar.
José;731769 said:
This is the attitude the international community has been adopting since 1948. Let’s watch the sad spectacle of a first world country keeping the natives of the land herded into ethnic enclaves and killing those who try to fight back.

Since the League of Nations created the mandate system, more like. When was that 1919, or so?

The international community caused this mess.

Neither team on either side of the wire is likely to ever really trust the international community again... nor should they.

Basically all that misleading term means (or ever meant) is the most powerful nations at the time, who unite to impose their will on lesser nations.

What was the result of this approach? Hundreds of thousand of jews and arabs dead, two american skyscrappers knocked down with thousands of americans inside them and the deepest international crisis since the Cuban missile crisis.


If you have a purulent infection do you wait sixty years for it to heal itself or do you go to a hospital before it spreads to the rest of your body?

If you get an STD, do you return to the unclean source who gave it to you to get cured?


Well, that's who gave that unhappy land the STD that is killing it.

Thomas Friedman, who have no lost love for the Palestinian people, said in his column:

“A new generation of arabs and muslims growing up seeing the images of palestinian children killed by israeli missiles represent an enormous danger to America.”

But of course. And a new generation of Jewish Israeli and Palestinians children are growing up with the sound of bombs going off in their homeland, and most of them being told that the other team is completely responsible.

Sins of the fathers, and all that, eh?

1) A new generation of arabs/muslims full of anger towards the West attacks America.

2) America reacts by invading yet another arab/muslim country.

3) Arab/Muslim countries do what any other SANE government would: they start building a nuclear deterrence against the US (in fact, Iran, Syria and Egypt are already developing nuclear programs).

4) Nuclear materials and knowledge spread throughout the Middle East and eventually fall into the hands of we know damn well who.

This is a recipe for total disaster. Do nothing and let this conflict perpetuate itself in the future is beyond insane. It could be apropriately called “THE OSTRICH STRATEGY”.

So I guess that whole "they hate us for our freedoms" summation of why 9-11 happened didn't resonate so well with you, eh?

Me neither

As I said, the main obstacle to the end of this conflict is the lack of political will on the part of the world to intervene and create a state that can guarantee the rights of the palestinian people and the safety of the jewish population.

Intervene how? By invading Israel and the PA. Yeah, that'll work.

Wait a minute, all irony aside ...maybe it will.

Maybe the Jews and Arabs will work together to throw the international community interlopers out of their land, just so they can go back to their family squabbling in peace.

But this lack of political will does not change the fact that this ommision is CRIMINAL and will be partly responsible for the nuclearization of the ME and an eventual nuclear attack on América (of course, the entire ME needs reforms not only Israel).

Maybe they just don't want to BE like us. Must we force our way on life on everyone?

I live in this land and I love it, too. Still, I sincerely wish more of us didn't want to be like us, either.

No political scientist with a bare modicum of sanity can find a place in the world where international intervention is more desperately needed than in Palestine.

I'm a political scientist. Perhaps I lack that modicum of sanity.

I think the last thing that place needs is more boots (or sandles) on the ground.

That would be a total diaster, I think.

It's a shame, of course, but no nation is willing to let the bluehelmets run things unless there is no viable government left to object.
Answering a question that I asked Jose is you speaking for him, pretty much.

I'm still trying to figure out your savant specialty...could it be you know the taxonomy of all MO weeds?

no, it's really not Ravikins.

and, if IM a savant then you are the primordial ooze stuck in the ass crack of cthullu.
Edetic, for all your other input on this forum you are on the WRONG side of this one, buddy.

And, regarding your STD allusion, you DO sure as hell take into consideration what activity it was that landed you those spots on your dick and keep from acting in like manner until you get Aids. OR, you marry the bitch that gave you syphillis and don't spread your disease to your net potential GF. Many, MANY examples that illustrate how lacking is your STD analogy.
Edetic, for all your other input on this forum you are on the WRONG side of this one, buddy.

And, regarding your STD allusion, you DO sure as hell take into consideration what activity it was that landed you those spots on your dick and keep from acting in like manner until you get Aids. OR, you marry the bitch that gave you syphillis and don't spread your disease to your net potential GF. Many, MANY examples that illustrate how lacking is your STD analogy.

Just ask Shog and Jose, because the have the best interests of all in their hearts. NOT, lol.
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The part I don't believe is that you'd be required to swear on a bible to be on a jury. He was probably trying to find out if you objected to the death penalty or something similar.

Where in my posts do I say I was asked to swear on a Bible? Please don't confuse the issue. I was asked along with all the other people called to jury duty and to repeat an oath to God. Something about promising to fulfill my duties as a juror if called to perform jury duty.

There is no death penalty in my state. The judge, and it was a she not a he, asked that anyone in the jury pools who had a question about their ability to perform jury duty for whatever reason; family issues, knowing the defendant, work issues, religious or health issues, please raise their hand. Quite a lot of people raised their hands and our names were put on a list. As our numbers were called and we were asked to come forward so that the defense and the prosecution could consider for approval as jurors, if we our name was on that, we then had the opportunity to discuss our particular issue with the judge. Like I said, a jury was chosen before my number ever got called so I have no idea what the judge would have said if I told her it was against my beliefs to swear to God as part of a courtroom procedure and that I believed I was nonetheless in every way capable of being an impartial and competent juror.
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Where in my posts do I say I was asked to swear on a Bible? Please don't confuse the issue. I was asked along with all the other people called to jury duty and to repeat an oath to God. Something about promising to fulfill my duties as a juror if called to perform jury duty.

There is no death penalty in my state. The judge, and it was a she not a he, asked that anyone in the jury pools who had a question about their ability to perform jury duty for whatever reason; family issues, knowing the defendant, work issues, religious or health issues, please raise their hand. Quite a lot of people raised their hands and our names were put on a list. As our numbers were called and we were asked to come forward so that the defense and the prosecution could consider for approval as jurors, if we our name was on that, we then had the opportunity to discuss our particular issue with the judge. Like I said, a jury was chosen before my number ever got called so I have no idea what the judge would have said if I told her it was against my beliefs to swear to God as part of a courtroom procedure and that I believed I was nonetheless in every way capable of being an impartial and competent juror.

Maybe I misunderstood you, but you did say:

We do have some, for example to serve on jury in my state you must "swear to God".
Originally posted by Anguille
Swearing to God is a religious act, in my opinion. I have yet to find out what a judge would say to a potential juror that promises to fulfill all the duties and responsibilities of a juror except for swearing to God that to promise to fulfill them. I was very curious as to what the judge would have responded. I'm sure it has come up before. I wonder if it is an issue or not and if people have been turned down or excused as potential jurors for refusing to swear to God. If that has happened, then I would say it was a violation of the separation of Church and State and evidence that this country has religious requirements.

Shame on America and the rest of the world where this MEDIEVAL VIOLENCE is allowed to happen, Anguille.

Originally posted by Ravi
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you don't have to swear on a bible to be a juror. People taking the stand do, maybe you're getting being on a jury confused with all those times you've been arrested.
Either way this is inconceivable in a secular state, Ravi. These theological leftovers from the time the US was founded must be finally discarded for the sake of the pluralistic society that exists today in America (in fact, just 1 non-religious citizen would be enough).
Originally posted by Rhys
Try BBC Arlein - http://news.bbc.co.uk.welsh.hi.newsid
BBC Catchphrase - a learning programme
or S4C - http.www.s4c.co.uk/c-watch

I am bad at copying , but you should be able to Google these.

The links didn’t work, I googled Catchphrase but I didn’t have the program to play the sound files and BBC Arlein is entirely in Welsh... couldn’t understand a word : )

Then I found this at another site:

Genir pawb yn rhydd ac yn gydradd â'i gilydd mewn urddas a hawliau. Fe'u cynysgaeddir â rheswm a chydwybod, a dylai pawb ymddwyn y naill at y llall mewn ysbryd cymodlon.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

The sound of your language sent me right back to the magical world of J.R.R. Tolkien, Asterix and all the celtic legends, Rhys. Unfortunately, the only word I could pronounce was cymodlon : )

Originally posted by Rhys
Thanks. As far as our language goes, things are looking up. The long civil-disobedience struggle of the Language Society, Cymdeithas yr Iaith, has meant that the language has pretty much equal status, now, a status guaranteed by our Assembly, which we now call the Senedd, Parliament; Welsh-language secondary schools are hugely successful in what were mainly English-speaking areas; we have our own television service, Sianel Pedwar Cymru, and the number speaking the language, which was down to 18%, is nearer 30% amongst the younger people. Our main problem, as with all local communities, is that in the bro Gymraeg, the Welsh-speaking areas, outsiders buy up the houses (we have the misfortune - at least in this sense - to live in a very beautiful country) but for the moment the mortgage crisis is dealing with that. It was fabulous, a few weeks back, to go round what used to be called 'little England' in south Pembrokeshire and see our flag flying everywhere, and bi-lingual notices in the supermarkets. Another interesting thing is that in parts of England you also see bi-lingual notices their authorities having bought roadsigns cheap: they were replaced because the English came first! It is all still quite touchy, but relaxing more and more.

Amazing!! I’m glad to hear the Welsh language is experiencing such a fantastic revival, Rhys. God knows we already have enough english speakers in this world!!

Maybe it’s time to rehabilitate the celtic religion, too. I don’t mean converting to it just restore its reputation. Correct me if I’m wrong but the celtic religion was persecuted, destroyed and unjustly portrayed as devil worship, satanic rituals by the Catholic Church, isn’t it?

Originally posted by Rhys
About the other Celtic countries I can't be as hopeful, but that is another story and I've not much time - I'm off to meet a Patagonian relative who is coming over to Cardiff for the National Eisteddfod. But I am very pleased that you take an interest in this subject, José. Pob llwyddiant. Rhys

I’ve read about the welsh settlement in Argentina, Rhys. Probably the last place in the world anyone would expect to find welsh people. The guys created a “Little Wales” in the middle of the Patagonia desert :ack-1:
Originally posted by Shogun
Edetic, for all your other input on this forum you are on the WRONG side of this one, buddy.

And, regarding your STD allusion, you DO sure as hell take into consideration what activity it was that landed you those spots on your dick and keep from acting in like manner until you get Aids. OR, you marry the bitch that gave you syphillis and don't spread your disease to your net potential GF. Many, MANY examples that illustrate how lacking is your STD analogy.


Let’s give editec some credit.

The way he visualises the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as if it were two super powers in equal conditions, the US and the Soviet Union disputing an uninhabited piece of ice in Antarctica, is wrong indeed. It is a typical invading settlers vs displaced natives conflict, but regardless of how he views it, his posts are incredibly reasonable compared to Foxfyre’s.

Foxfyre shamelessly presents the jewish racial dictatorship as the victim of the palestinian people it keeps herded in arab corrals. I sometimes reread his posts several times to see if they are some kind of satires, bad jokes or black humor but the guy really seems to believe what he posts.

It’s sick, callous, immoral, depraved, pornographic... the english language doesn’t have enough adjectives to describe his posts. They make me puke. And surprisingly he seems to be a good, gentle individual on a personal level.

Because of the tremendous pro-israel social pressure people in the West/US is subjected to, editec is reluctant to accept the fact that the nature, the structure of the israeli state is the same as South Africa under Apartheid and 19th century America but no one can deny he’s a compassionate individual.

I’d take editec’s posts (or even chuck’s) over his any day of the week.
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Originally posted by editec
The international community caused this mess.

True, but don’t you think the world community played a positive role in the process of desegregation in South Africa? To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t like to see Israel under international pressure, sanctions, embargos like SA. I’d like to see the jewish people accepting the desegregation of Palestine as voluntarily as possible. And I’m sure the jewish people would get a much better deal including the presence of international troops for as long as they wish.

Well, EITHER I am the only sane person in a madhouse called Planet Earth OR the rest of the world is sane and I’m the only one fucked up in the head because the mind-boggling inaction of the international community towards a conflict that has the potential to set off a worldwide nuclear conflagration is far beyond my comprehension powers and will remain so forever.
No one is forced to swear on a bible to become a juror. No one is forced to swear on a bible to give evidence in court, either. People are allowed to swear an oath on something that has meaning to them.

Anyone that has a problem with that is :cuckoo:
José;732743 said:
...These theological leftovers from the time the US was founded must be finally discarded for the sake of the pluralistic society that exists today in America (in fact, just 1 non-religious citizen would be enough).

Actually some of these theological leftovers are not actually leftovers. The "In God we Trust" on our currency was added after the Civil War and the "under God" was added to the Pledge of Allegiance during the McCarthy era.
Not the UK though, we are in the UN but you are right, the UN are arseholes.

Had I been Jewish The world would owe me big time.Had I been Black, native American, Aborigine, Tasmanian, South American etc, etc the world would owe me big time.Those taking the high road should just learn to shut the fuck up, the Romans, French, Danes and others fucked Britain for centuries, we got over it by kicking their fucking arses back to shitsville, it's what we do, you small town Americans haven't got a clue.Let the Jews be, they have a country, they defend it, they have allies to help them do this.If you don't like it, lump it.:DYou haven't got a moral leg to stand on, given how you live where you do.

I love this guy! Finally, someone who gets it.
indeed, the world doesn't owe anyone shit.

It's a little ironic that a BRIT, of all people, would have such a pompous attitude. Par for the 19th century course, really.
People are allowed to swear an oath on something that has meaning to them.

Anyone that has a problem with that is :cuckoo:

In my case, everyone in the jury pool was told to swear an oath to God. There is a difference between being allowed to do something and being told to do something.

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