Why I won't take statins.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
Today I got home from the gym and my body was telling me that a nap would be a good idea. I went and got my bike, pumped up the tires with a hand pump to 100 Psi, and got all my cycling duds laid out to put on for a 50-mile ride. At 77-years-old I do not have time for naps. I need to help the new doctor I got who inherited me after the third health provider I had went to parts unknown in short order. I did have a nurse practioner for a few years and we decided that annual comprehensive blood tests would be proper for a patient over 70 years old. The blood tests were all good for a few years and I even had an excercise stress test. Then she was gone. There is a revolving door at the medical center that is causing me concern and I think I know what may be behind it. I think a lot of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are under a lot of pressure from woke new world order hospital administrations. Let me update with my own experience:

After I left the Steelworker's Union I went to work for a local company that has a long history in my home city. I had to work a lot of hours and was told that if I had an issue with that I knew where the door was. Then the company got sold and suddenly a global mindset descended on the corporate ownership of the company. Any new technology in the plant became a thing of the past. Then the fraud of ISO 9000 and 9001 appeared and the work world for me changed as it did for just about everyone else. The company began promoting idiots and micro managing personell until skill and competence were virtually destroyed. Overnight, one person hired with no skills was doing badly what three skilled people were doing well. It was sold as a genius idea. See? Efficiency has been prescribed by the new world order and one person can now do what it took three to do back when the product was actually what it said it was. Lucky for me I was old enough to retire and I did.

I think that new doctor along with the disappearing health providers I had at the medical center may be in the same boat I was in with bad new world order management. So I am going to help the new doctor out by taking responsibility for my own health. There are some things in my favor:

I gave up weed in 1974 and quit tobacco in 1976 so that is already huge. I haven't had a beer since 2012 and take no Dementia-causing anti-anxiety drugs. That's big. I'm 5'5 and weigh 130 pounds and according to insurance actuarial tables that's a good thing. I have had a few concussions from trading youthful left hooks in bar fights and crashing my bike in races, but my last scan appeared to show no permanent changes in brain structure.

The last blood test showed a marker for a low functioning thyriod and this is causing cholesterol levels to rise. Current medical wisdom says that high cholesterol causes heart disease based on the ambiguous Framingham Study from decades ago. Current medical wisdom once bled George Washington to death so I take that study with a grain of salt. The doctor presribed me statins because that is what doctors are told to do. I did my own research and discovered that there is no evidence that statins prevent heart attacks. They are mostly prescibed for people who have had a heart attack. And by the way, there is no evidence that they extend the lives of heart attack victims. A lot of heart attack victims get religion after the attack and start taking better care of themselves. It's likey this not the statins that keeps them breathing.

As people age metabolic changes occur and that includes rising total cholesterol but any good scientist knows that when it comes to disease correlaton does not always equal causation. So why are statins prescribed to prevent heart attacks? It's because that's the easy way out and it makes a tidy profit for the pharmaceutical industry. People have heart attacks because they eat too much food, smoke too much tobacco, drink too much alcohol, take too many drugs, and don't get any excercise. This lifestyle gives a lot of people Type 2 diabetes which is rampant in today's society. Heart attacks were rare until the 21st century and today thanks to fast food, kids on the playground are so obese that they already have artery narrowing.

I think I'll take a pass on those statins and keep spending time in the gym and on my bike. I have changed my diet to be more vegetable friendly. At nearly 80 what I do every day would kill most people if they tried it once. I know I will not live forever and something will eventually take me out but I doubt it will be a heart attack.

I'll participate in a clinical trial if they want me to.
Today I got home from the gym and my body was telling me that a nap would be a good idea. I went and got my bike, pumped up the tires with a hand pump to 100 Psi, and got all my cycling duds laid out to put on for a 50-mile ride. At 77-years-old I do not have time for naps. I need to help the new doctor I got who inherited me after the third health provider I had went to parts unknown in short order. I did have a nurse practioner for a few years and we decided that annual comprehensive blood tests would be proper for a patient over 70 years old. The blood tests were all good for a few years and I even had an excercise stress test. Then she was gone. There is a revolving door at the medical center that is causing me concern and I think I know what may be behind it. I think a lot of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are under a lot of pressure from woke new world order hospital administrations. Let me update with my own experience:

After I left the Steelworker's Union I went to work for a local company that has a long history in my home city. I had to work a lot of hours and was told that if I had an issue with that I knew where the door was. Then the company got sold and suddenly a global mindset descended on the corporate ownership of the company. Any new technology in the plant became a thing of the past. Then the fraud of ISO 9000 and 9001 appeared and the work world for me changed as it did for just about everyone else. The company began promoting idiots and micro managing personell until skill and competence were virtually destroyed. Overnight, one person hired with no skills was doing badly what three skilled people were doing well. It was sold as a genius idea. See? Efficiency has been prescribed by the new world order and one person can now do what it took three to do back when the product was actually what it said it was. Lucky for me I was old enough to retire and I did.

I think that new doctor along with the disappearing health providers I had at the medical center may be in the same boat I was in with bad new world order management. So I am going to help the new doctor out by taking responsibility for my own health. There are some things in my favor:

I gave up weed in 1974 and quit tobacco in 1976 so that is already huge. I haven't had a beer since 2012 and take no Dementia-causing anti-anxiety drugs. That's big. I'm 5'5 and weigh 130 pounds and according to insurance actuarial tables that's a good thing. I have had a few concussions from trading youthful left hooks in bar fights and crashing my bike in races, but my last scan appeared to show no permanent changes in brain structure.

The last blood test showed a marker for a low functioning thyriod and this is causing cholesterol levels to rise. Current medical wisdom says that high cholesterol causes heart disease based on the ambiguous Framingham Study from decades ago. Current medical wisdom once bled George Washington to death so I take that study with a grain of salt. The doctor presribed me statins because that is what doctors are told to do. I did my own research and discovered that there is no evidence that statins prevent heart attacks. They are mostly prescibed for people who have had a heart attack. And by the way, there is no evidence that they extend the lives of heart attack victims. A lot of heart attack victims get religion after the attack and start taking better care of themselves. It's likey this not the statins that keeps them breathing.

As people age metabolic changes occur and that includes rising total cholesterol but any good scientist knows that when it comes to disease correlaton does not always equal causation. So why are statins prescribed to prevent heart attacks? It's because that's the easy way out and it makes a tidy profit for the pharmaceutical industry. People have heart attacks because they eat too much food, smoke too much tobacco, drink too much alcohol, take too many drugs, and don't get any excercise. This lifestyle gives a lot of people Type 2 diabetes which is rampant in today's society. Heart attacks were rare until the 21st century and today thanks to fast food, kids on the playground are so obese that they already have artery narrowing.

I think I'll take a pass on those statins and keep spending time in the gym and on my bike. I have changed my diet to be more vegetable friendly. At nearly 80 what I do every day would kill most people if they tried it once. I know I will not live forever and something will eventually take me out but I doubt it will be a heart attack.

I'll participate in a clinical trial if they want me to.

Your decision to pass on the statins is a very wise one.

My dear friend trusted their "doctor" and took a statin, which caused a condition called rhabdomyolysis, and the toxicity caused by that condition killed their kidneys. They would die if they couldn't make it to Dialysis sessions three times a week.

Trust your own sense.

And, oh yeah! When a pHARMaceutical ad on TV or in a magazine says "This drug can kill you", BELIEVE THEM!

Rhabdomyolysis is pretty rare.... i have been taking a statin for a bunch of years....no problems,,,,just make sure you take a CQ10 supplement...

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