Why I'm a Democrat now

I can appreciate changing parties, and even more not being a party partisan.

I’ve never considered myself a partisan Republican ... but always considered myself a “Lincoln Republican,” historically speaking. I respected Republicans who opposed Jim Crow, the MIC, or blatant overseas imperialism. Always appreciated all who honestly tried to adopt “progressive” reforms. Don’t care what party introduces them. Never was a partisan Democrat either. Always in my lifetime was a determined enemy of the DNC Establishment.

When did “progressive” become a curse word for “real” Republicans? Teddy Roosevelt was a “progressive” ... and a Republican. Even old Ike referred to himself as a “progressive” Republican. Hell, even Newt Gingrich called himself a “progressive.” Did this transformation happen when Democrats supposedly become “communists”? When was that? Under FDR? Was it when Republicans became Trump supporters? When they became reactionary populists wanting to return to a past ... that can never be recovered?
Conservatives conserve the status quo. They aren’t progressive
You say “Conservatives conserve the status quo. They aren’t progressive.” You have a point there. But ...

Lincoln Republicans did NOT conserve the status quo but fought for a new and necessary “Rebirth of Freedom.” Teddy Roosevelt was a progressive reformer in city, state and national politics. Policies that “conserve” the revolutionary traditions of our Founding Fathers under radically new conditions must per force transform themselves radically, and progressive reforms are vastly preferable to revolution whenever possible.

I confess I am not a conservative, or a reactionary. I am a progressive. I believe citizens must fight politically to change the status quo, to adapt to new social and economic realities. Without changing status quo institutions, real basic human values inevitably will suffer. They already are.
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Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt,
Come on. You need to get real. That was the Democrats raising taxes to pay down the debt, but then they turn around a pass a gigantic spending bill every time. Republicans are no longer playing along with the liberals' tax-and-spend game.
supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism
That's more than enough boozing and schmoozing at the VFW and American Legion halls, and wining and dining in Europe. Dude, our troops support us, not the other way around. Who's lacing up the boots and bearing arms here, now? Because it sure as hell ain't the Democrats. And we've got more than enough city hall communism to overthrow right here at home in the States before we start worrying ourselves about the Russian krais and oblasts. Oh by the way the Russians are capitalists now, and they are more than fed up with communism and city hall themselves. And all that NATO gun control bullshit just keeps on coming from the European Union, world without end.
I can appreciate changing parties, and even more not being a party partisan.

I’ve never considered myself a partisan Republican ... but always considered myself a “Lincoln Republican,” historically speaking. I respected Republicans who opposed Jim Crow, the MIC, or blatant overseas imperialism. Always appreciated all who honestly tried to adopt “progressive” reforms. Don’t care what party introduces them. Never was a partisan Democrat either. Always in my lifetime was a determined enemy of the DNC Establishment.

When did “progressive” become a curse word for “real” Republicans? Teddy Roosevelt was a “progressive” ... and a Republican. Even old Ike referred to himself as a “progressive” Republican. Hell, even Newt Gingrich called himself a “progressive.” Did this transformation happen when Democrats supposedly become “communists”? When was that? Under FDR? Was it when Republicans became Trump supporters? When they became reactionary populists wanting to return to a past ... that can never be recovered?
Calvin Coolidge a true Conservative Republican, downsized the government so much that the Roaring 20s happened, everyone, even black were prospering. Then came Herbert RINO Hoover, prog Republican who raised taxes and then 1929 happened. Fast forward to 1988 "Read my lips, no new taxes". 1992 Bill the rapist Clinton get in office. Prog Republicans spent like Democrats with Prog Republican George Bush, he created the 4 billion dollars Department of Homeland Security, and shook hands with Ted (the swimmer) Kennedy and made the Every Child Left Behind Act. So there isnt much difference between a prog Republicrat and a Prog Demoplican as they both fuck the nation and you. That is why out of the 16 candidates in 2016 President Trump was elected...Shame you are too stupid to know this, but then if you were smart enough you would leave the Demoncrap party...
Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt,
Come on. You need to get real. That was the Democrats raising taxes to pay down the debt, but then they turn around a pass a gigantic spending bill every time. Republicans are no longer playing along with the liberals' tax-and-spend game.
supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism
That's more than enough boozing and schmoozing at the VFW and American Legion halls, and wining and dining in Europe. Dude, our troops support us, not the other way around. Who's lacing up the boots and bearing arms here, now? Because it sure as hell ain't the Democrats. And we've got more than enough city hall communism to overthrow right here at home in the States before we start worrying ourselves about the Russian krais and oblasts. Oh by the way the Russians are capitalists now, and they are more than fed up with communism and city hall themselves. And all that NATO gun control bullshit just keeps on coming from the European Union, world without end.
Yes the republicans cut taxes and borrow. Huge debt increase with trump.
Yes the republicans cut taxes and borrow. Huge debt increase with trump.
The Democrats won't budge on the social spending bills and the single-payer doctors' salaries, not to mention all the kickbacks from major European druggers.
I can appreciate changing parties, and even more not being a party partisan.

I’ve never considered myself a partisan Republican ... but always considered myself a “Lincoln Republican,” historically speaking. I respected Republicans who opposed Jim Crow, the MIC, or blatant overseas imperialism. Always appreciated all who honestly tried to adopt “progressive” reforms. Don’t care what party introduces them. Never was a partisan Democrat either. Always in my lifetime was a determined enemy of the DNC Establishment.

When did “progressive” become a curse word for “real” Republicans? Teddy Roosevelt was a “progressive” ... and a Republican. Even old Ike referred to himself as a “progressive” Republican. Hell, even Newt Gingrich called himself a “progressive.” Did this transformation happen when Democrats supposedly become “communists”? When was that? Under FDR? Was it when Republicans became Trump supporters? When they became reactionary populists wanting to return to a past ... that can never be recovered?
Calvin Coolidge a true Conservative Republican, downsized the government so much that the Roaring 20s happened, everyone, even black were prospering. Then came Herbert RINO Hoover, prog Republican who raised taxes and then 1929 happened. Fast forward to 1988 "Read my lips, no new taxes". 1992 Bill the rapist Clinton get in office. Prog Republicans spent like Democrats with Prog Republican George Bush, he created the 4 billion dollars Department of Homeland Security, and shook hands with Ted (the swimmer) Kennedy and made the Every Child Left Behind Act. So there isnt much difference between a prog Republicrat and a Prog Demoplican as they both fuck the nation and you. That is why out of the 16 candidates in 2016 President Trump was elected...Shame you are too stupid to know this, but then if you were smart enough you would leave the Demoncrap party...
And trump has increased deficits every single year and is setting a new record this year....
You think drastically increasing debt is the way to go?
Cut the medical spending, the hospital administration, and the doctors' pay. I fucking hate those gigantic medical complexes. How sick can we get as a society? Or are we the people supposed to pay off those enormous student loans from medical and legal school?

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:

Oh well, if Biden wins, and your taxes go way up and your job is shipped over to China you may regret your decision.
You think drastically increasing debt is the way to go?
Cut the medical spending, the hospital administration, and the doctors' pay. I fucking hate those gigantic medical complexes. How sick can we get as a society? Or are we the people supposed to pay off those enormous student loans from medical and legal school?
There are lots of places for cuts, but neither party seem interested. But like you said dems are more tax and spend, but repubs are cut taxes, increase military spending, and borrow. Neither is fiscally responsible, but dems are the more responsible of the two.
If we put Trump in charge and get rid of the progressive communists and neocons, we could be the great country the tea party envisioned. The more Democrats and neocons are involved, the least chance there is of making any kind of improvement.
Neither is fiscally responsible, but dems are the more responsible of the two.
Not really. U.S. government borrowing is largely a matter of accounting, and bonds may always be repurchased at the FOMC, but the Democrats' spending is wasteful and irrevokable.
If we put Trump in charge and get rid of the progressive communists and neocons, we could be the great country the tea party envisioned. The more Democrats and neocons are involved, the least chance there is of making any kind of improvement.
The tea party claimed to be against huge deficits....
Neither is fiscally responsible, but dems are the more responsible of the two.
Not really. U.S. government borrowing is largely a matter of accounting, and bonds may always be repurchased at the FOMC, but the Democrats' spending is wasteful and irrevokable.
All the interest paid on the debt isn't waste? You don't think the military wastes lots of dollars?
All the interest paid on the debt isn't waste? You don't think the military wastes lots of dollars?
Is that why wealthy Democrats buy tax-free municipal bonds instead of U.S. Treasury bonds, bills, and notes? At least the military has guns, and guns aren't a waste of money like all that laser-taser and pepper spray stuff and the spinning disco balls on top of the city police cars.
All the interest paid on the debt isn't waste? You don't think the military wastes lots of dollars?
Is that why wealthy Democrats buy tax-free municipal bonds instead of U.S. Treasury bonds, bills, and notes? At least the military has guns, and guns aren't a waste of money like all that laser-taser and pepper spray stuff and the spinning disco balls on top of the city police cars.
Don't underestimate military waste.


I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
That's not too different from my story. I was once a Republican and now consider myself Independent. The republican's never delivered on their claims of being fiscally responsible. Now they just follow trumps failed policy. I expect many will see the increased debt, failed policy, riots, lack of leadership.... and move on too.
So you believe Democrats are fiscally responsible?

That's how we know you're a fraud.
No, but they are more responsible than trump. Trump has drastically increased deficits.
How can they be responsible when they are deliberately trying to drive up the debt as high as possible?

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
So, the first thing you point to is paying down the natonal debt, the say you are NOW A DEMOCRAT??


I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
That's not too different from my story. I was once a Republican and now consider myself Independent. The republican's never delivered on their claims of being fiscally responsible. Now they just follow trumps failed policy. I expect many will see the increased debt, failed policy, riots, lack of leadership.... and move on too.
So you believe Democrats are fiscally responsible?

That's how we know you're a fraud.
No, but they are more responsible than trump. Trump has drastically increased deficits.
How can they be responsible when they are deliberately trying to drive up the debt as high as possible?
Isn't that what trump is doing? This year is going to be quite the bill.

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
You claim to be worried about debt, so you are leaving the Republican Party for the party of The New Green Deal and their $120 TRILLION in deficit spending for that one program alone.

Sounds believable to me.
Trump has drastically increased deficits. He has made obama look fiscally responsible.
Blaming Trump for the COVID recession is that mark of a moron and a douchebag.

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